1 Chapter 1

Ever wished you could go back to a specific time in the past? Ever thought of how exciting it would be to relive it? How about a traumatic past? How would it feel to relive a past you wish you never had?

"Imani, I've told you a hundred times now, you're not going out tonight. It's too late, we don't know what's out there. Go and do your assignment," Adah, Imani's nanny, chides, irritation clear on her face,

Imani proceeds to plead, "Adah, please. I'm not doing my assignment on a Friday night. Plus, my friends are all going out, I'll be safe"

"I said no,"

Imani groans, stomping into her room, slamming her door. Usually, Adah would scold her for slamming the door but this time, she's too tired to make any comments.

"Mom would've let me go," Imani mumbles, holding back tears at the memory of her mother.

Imani's mother passed away about 5 years ago when Imani was just a 12-year-old. Imani and her mother got into a car accident, Imani being the only survivor. She's done everything to forget about that moment, the image of her mother drenched in blood. In that car, Imani's eyes struggled to close, to block the image of her mother's figure in front of her but her whole body was frozen. Her head was pounding and her body was in all pain, but she felt paralyzed. She was immune to the pain. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that just a second ago, she had been laughing with her mother that now laid dead beside her.

Soon after the accident, she heard ambulance sirens and lights flashing in her eyes. Right at that moment, everything connected. The pain became too unbearable. Not the physical pain, but the pain of seeing her mother being carried out of the car, unconscious.

Imani shakes her head in an attempt to block out the image, which went unsuccessfully. The memories of the happy moments with her mother comes into her mind, making her miss her mom a lot more. She wishes she could go back to those times when all this never happened. If she could get one chance to go back and change everything, she would. She would do everything to prevent her mother from dying. Even if she has to die in exchange for her mother's life, she would gladly do it.

Imani sighs in sadness, shaking her head at the ridiculous wish she just made, knowing there's no chance in reality that would happen. She goes to sleep, wondering what she could've done to prevent her mother's death that day. Although, never expecting the possibility of what happens when she wakes up the next morning.
