

"Just little further," groaned Adonia as he dragged his feet on the ground. He who already passed the Greatwoods could breathed out of relief as he now were in an open land which were filled with nothing but grassy plain and paved road as far his golden eyes could see.

"I already passed the Greatwoods so Thaslaine should to be near enough for me to reach it within a day," he muttered again to himself while gritting his teeth as he was tried his best to keep his consciousness intact. Truth to be told, his legs actually already giving out, and his sight of visions keeps moving around so much that he have great trouble to keep moving forward.

Instead of stepping, or at even least walking, all he did for moving was only drags both of his legs. This was understandable, the young man of golden gaze hasn't even restrf for few days and didn't even ate anything other than edible grassy plant which he found around the surface of earth.

He was in the midst of malnutrition, another day passed he could go died and his corpse would be either founded by passerby who will bury him or just left him be, there is another possibility that wild animals who only came out at nighttime will used his corpse to sated their hunger.

His mind didn't worked as how it supposed to be, anything related to himself was thrown away. What drives him to keep moving on was his desire to get to Thaslaine and fulfill the visions he got when he was still a child, he definitely knew and sure that by reaching Thaslaine something going to happen. And that something is going to made him closer to his goal, which is trying to find his sister.

Even though he didn't know for sure whether his visions were right, as it was something that he seen for so many years ago, he feels that at least something as close as some kind of goal for him.

He needs those goals, no, what he wants is something to be fulfilled, something to keep him busy from time being. Adonia needs something he could focus on, if he just let himself drowned to the feeling of despair that gripped on his back then he would definitely loses his insanity and decided to kill himself by biting his tongue at the place where he standing.

"I need to go to Thaslaine, even if it costs my legs. I need to, that's my only hope!"

Adonia trying to motivated himself by saying it all out loud, and it's actually has some effects on him. His pace of moving becoming more faster, but his eyes are wide open and nobody would think he was someone with sane mind when seeing all of that.

But he didn't care enough for that, he felt something as sanity could be sacrificed if its means he could reach Thaslaine.

He kept moving forward, while slumping and all in the ground, still he get backs up and continue his journey. Few carts, either trader or just a normal carts passes him by but no one would stop and checks on him, they are all too afraid to do so after seeing the eyes of Adonia.

Nobody would have the courage to talk to someone in rags and skinny body, to be added with eyes that seems devoid of any personal emotions or feelings. No matter who is the person is, nobody would be able to sympathize and helps the young man, he was already far from what you called 'normal.'

No one would consider him to be normal person, that's why they wouldn't help him. It just the same logic on how people tend to avoid homeless and instead of helping them, they have these tendencies to be harsh, or straight away cruel, with them.

Adonia is different with those homeless, they wanted to survive for the sake of their life, and this young man didn't even care whether he survived or not through all of this. All he wanted was meeting his sister and those who got in his way could go to hell.

That's why, those feeling from the wants of meeting his sister evolved, now they changed into seeking revenge to all of those bandits who had raided their hometown. Those feeling then change once again when the next sunrise came.

"I'll kill them all…"

With his hoarse voices which hasn't be hydrated well in these past few days, Adonia make his declaration, it was more like his promise on conviction he just made rather that declaration. So he decided to call it as proclamations to make everything seems meaningful to him.

"I'll kill every last one of them… those bandits….,"

His breath was ragged, yet he still keeps raged on then screams using all of his might.

"No! I'll slaughter every last of them!"

His anger reaches to the maximum point, he then yells on,

"Not only bandit! All of those I deemed to be wrong-doers… I'll make it rain blood for their corpses! Cough, I—,"

The anger still lives, but the throats getting raspy, he knew that he would risked it if he screams some more. His voice cord would be risked to be damaged, but he doesn't leave any specks of care on himself left.

That's why, he continue, and made the last word that will seal his fate,

"I shall be the hammer of Justice, I shall be the judge and executioner, I shall smite those essence of Evil!"

Then he passed out, he lets all of his emotions blew out of his mouth, he already made the oath that seems to be nothing but a mere nonsense.

But when he gained his consciousness return, a high-pitch screams that came off few steps away from him could be heard.

Those screams were undeniably a screams of woman.

Bad memories starts to creeps out into the heads of Adonia, he felt something like a bucket of cold water thrown unto his very souls.


He screamed out, but there are no one besides him.

Anger wells up within him, but he tries to remain calm and decided to looks at his surrounding area.

He looks around using his golden eyes, and then he catch the sight of a young woman being pulled on her hair and treated roughly by some mans who was clearly not her company.

But what made Adonia open his eyes wide was the fact that it was a woman being harassed in his watch, the shadows of his sister distort his visions. He feels great amount of pain on his head, but something also sparked within him.

He, Adonia, driven by instinct and oath he just made earlier when he was still awaken, decided to get closer to the commotion of the woman and bunch of man.

"The way they dressed… bandit, definitely bandit. Then, I must do it… kill, kill, kill. I must kill them, no pain was enough to punish them, that's why as form of mercy and salvation I must kill them."

The young man didn't know why, but he feels fresh. It's like he just getting hydrated properly, but he didn't know the reasons way, at least from what he know is his throat feeling much more better.

That's why he could speak properly now.

And the words he keeps repeating were a simple one, just like a suggestion, he keeps repeat the same words.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill…"

His mind also said the same—he must kill them!

When he get closer he saw a young man dressed in armor slumped on the ground, lifeless as he breathes no more. He was slightly bit older than Adonia, but he seems to be the bodyguard of the woman.

There lays a sword.

A swords with fine blade and well-made engraving, which made it more suitable to be a decoration rather to be used on a swordfight. But, everything about how beautiful the sword is or how well-made is it doesn't even pierce Adonia minds.

What he know now that he had a weapon, so he picked it up.

It was much heavier than his expectation. It was no matter at all, his minds told him.

Hoes also as heavy as this, I should be able to lift it and used it to my heart content—Adonia thoughts.

Giving it a few light swing, Adonia then decided that the times to fulfill his oath has come.

Screaming loudly, he then charges forward while gritting his whole teeth, some of his gums on the mouth leaks out blood, that's just how strong the force he made while gritting his teeth.

"Kill—kill you all!"

The bunch of rogues were surprised by the sudden appearance of Adonia, when he was close enough the swords on his hand were swung lightly, yet gusts of winds could be heard from those light swung.

"One head!"

And one of the bandit heads were falling off from its places, blood then burst out from the neck and raining down the face of Adonia.

His gaze which devoid of any fear, courage, or any emotions at all were much more surprising to them rather than the fact on how one of their comrade were just butchered on head.

"Give me all of your heads!"

Kill—those were the only thing that crossed Adonia minds.

Hello, RaiMather here.

Man, now the actions gets kicked in. I wanted you all to enjoy this chapter too, so I hope I already did it after you all read this.

See ya in a bit!

MochizukiTsukinokicreators' thoughts
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