
chapter 21: Nathan vs Manticore. (Explication!)

He walked for awhile and saw a lot of very beautiful natural scrillstrosse following him. He saw other flying craft and after mutants see a combat arena, where there are people fighting and training each other who are the soldiers and test their weapon.

Outside the realm the scaly looks at realm of Constella with hatred ... The Scaly is surrounded by a giant tree on a large tree branch. It's hiding there in the world and it's very hard to found. Nathan is in desert place, the land is arid and very hot. Nathan is accompanied by new crew, a tiger man who is very tall and sturdy and look different from the Northians, a Nisvesians woman who is the same height as Nathan, two large miniatex a man and a woman. ( Miniatex is a creature that look a like the centaur, but the miniatex has leg similar then the tiger, he don't have a tail and has 4 arms. He have long and pointy teeth. In the beginning of the story the 5th group have to face a miniatex and a contellians larger than usually..

Nathan: - My reason for being now is them, they saved me from death, before meeting them, I didn't really have a reason to exist. Even with my peer , the mutants, I had the impression that they were true friends, I would even risk my life for them. What I am saying I already did it..And what does it did? Nothing , absolutely nothing. But with them it's different, they accepted me and took care of me while I was in agony...

Woman : -It's very hot!!! It's okay? You hold on.. (The woman is a Nisvesians , her name is Eliana, she has a big breast and an armor made of crystal , more precisely a blue scrillscrosse. She has green eyes and her back she has handle with a sword, she is slim and cute, she has small ears and a small nose, her element is water.)

Nathan: - That's okay..(Nathan smile) ( reflection) they saved me from drowning, they taught me how to use a strosse, they taught me that I had eaten a mytic animal .(Scaly) and that I had new capacity and these people want me to participate in their excursion because they are adventurers. Maybe my place is with them in their new world.

Miniatex Man: -Make an effort, we're almost there...(His name is Tevra, she looks like a centaur.)

Miniatex woman: -His right, I can sense the presence of a beast... (His name is Malia, Tevra draw all these scrillscrosse.)

Nathan : - It's strange my harm had grown back and I feel that it is more resistant than before is this normal?

Big man: -Yes it's normal is a part of your scaly ability ..( a man who come from Constella , his name is Kultor, he is very tall and robust..)

After he has said these words something crashed to the ground, everyone took a gigantic step back except Nathan turned into half-man ,half scaly.

Tevras: - Step Back, save yourself ..( the beast kicks its paw on the ground which came out of the smoke and hit Nathan Quickly..

Nathan will cross these two arm and put his tail in front of him taking the full blow and flies very far..)

The beast: - Grouargh! ( Once the dust is gone we see the beast which seems to be a giant Manticore, the manticore has a large black wings on it back, a large shell covering is body , are very resistant scale, large and pointed tooth and tales of scorpions.)

Eliana: - It's serious...( he leaps up at Malia with a paw of a paw but she dodges by moving to the right side of the manticore , the blow cause a crater.The manticore then beat the its wings, Malia dodge again by jumping in the areas , the tail of the manticore will send shark peak toward Tevras who was behind the manticore, Tevras will cut the peak which look like an arrowhead..)

Tevra : Be careful these darts are poisons that are thrown by his scorpion tail.

Malia : - Jump in the air take out a big scrillstrosse sword and she is holding her sword with those four hands about to slice the animal when suddenly it flap his wings very hard and dodge Malia's hard hitting blow while flying when suddenly kultor again jump very quickly in front of the manticore to give a hard punch really hard in the jawbone.The manticore fall to the ground and show Kultor with the fierly scrillstrosse boxing gloves..

Eliana: -This mytical animal is not yet dead , stay on your guard. ( the beast jumps up attacking Eliana and will rush by giving her a kick that she will dodge. It's rushes at the manticore when sudendly it sends again a dart to poison .Tevra dodge all the arrow while advancing straight in front of the beast, then the beast will move his wings very quickly this will cause a big jolt of wind which will make Eliana fly away very far,Tevra will see the arrow witch melts the eath.)


Tevra: -Be careful these dart are poisonous ! The beast can send as many poison dart that it want.

Malia who is in the air pull out a big scrillstrosse sword she is holding her sword with those four hands about to slice the mytical animal when suddendly it flap very hard and dodges Malia's hard hitting blow by flying when suddendly again kultor jumps very quickly toward the manticore which fall to the ground and he show kultor with orange boxing gloves scrillstrosse and has a hard time surrounding is gloves because of his laziness.

Eliana: - This mythical animal is not dead yet , stay on your guard...( she rushes at the manticore when suddenly, it sends more arrow to poison, she dodge all the arrow will move wings very quickly , this will cause a big jolt of wind that will make Eliana Fly.)


Then the manticore turn his head to the right and was surprised, he wave his hand goodbye and look at the tiger-man in the distance... Then he blink a few seconds and he reopen his eyes. He saw the tiger man holding a manticore in his hand and he turn to see his tail but is no longer there.

Manticore: -Gra....( he turn around quickly and see Nathan in front of him making a ripple in the areas giving him a tail on the forehead of the beast .. a small scratch appears in the forehead of the beast.)

Nathan: - Outch his skin is very resistant ... ( the Manticore open his eyes and give a very powerful wink kick that throw Nathan against dry land. Nathan spit blood when he lands on the ground. The manticore turn his head in front of him (the tiger man), the manticore look at tiger man with a hateful gaze. The tiger man has a blue electric scrilltrosse sword. He appear to the manticore by positioning his sword behind him while preparing to give his attack vertically and hits the manticore this attack slice the manticore in two...An energy discharge pierces the manticore.

The tiger-man called Metarvusse . He is three times mores robust than the usual Northians, he is extemely muscular, he comes from the kingdom of Botania, he has yellow eyes, Metarvusse has white and grey fur with a small black stripes.he has an alpha wolf tale that is straight and huge almost twice it's size.. Metarvusse wears browns and red gladiator grab, has a white crystal sword (scrillstrosse.) In it's scabbard behind his back.. Metarvusse has a tiger feline pawn while having a humanoid form.

Nathan who was on the ground quickly gets up and say: I can't believe it !!! How strong is he???

Tevras:- As usually it's a monster...( Tevra looks at Metarvusse and the body cut in two of the manticore. )

Metarvusse : - Be careful you two.. next time , I will intervene but i wanted to see you in action!! ( Nathan and Eliana look Metarvusse)

Eliana and Nathan: -Sorry next time we'll be more careful.

Metarvusse: -Okay keep it simple, there are many of element scrillstrosse each has an element. For example, if you have a fire scrillstrosse and you concentrate your strosse in your scrillstrosse you will be able to make fire appear. Also if there is fire and you are lacking strosse, you can use your scrillstrosse to absorb the flame and it will recharge the energy, in your strosse, however if you face someone who as the same type of scrillstrosse, it will be impossible to absorb their fire (strosse) and it will led to your death if you do it.

The other pick up pieces of the Manticore.

Nathan: -What are you doing? Are you stupid or what?

Kultor: -We are collecting the pieces of the Manticore..

Nathan: -Hmmm?

Malia: - It's worth a fortune if we sale them...

Metarvusse: - I haven't finish Nathan...

Nathan: - Oh sorry , you can continue...

Metarvusse: - Very well, my scrillstrosse is capable of absorbing any element whether is fire , water, earth, wind or anything else .However if you have nothing to absorb and you are not a master strosse user, you will not be able to use an element with that sort of scrillstrosse.

Nathan: -Hmmm....What is a master strosse user?

Metarvusse: - A master strosse user is somoene who can make an element or several element appear with is strosse without using is scrillstrosse.

Nathan: -We can do that with the scrillstrosse?

Metarvusse: Of course... It's very easy for me... But for you... It will take time to reach the level..

Nathan: - Great!! It's very interesting..

Metarvusse smile and says: And yet there is a lot you can do once you have mastered this power..

Tevras: -You will help us or you're gonna talk all the day?

Nathan: - Oh okay I'll come and give you a hand..Sorry!

Metarvusse: - Wait, I forgot to tell you... A Master strosse user when he concentrate is strosse in is scrillstrosse like mine it absorbs the element that give this result ...( the fire strosse appear around his scrillstrosse crystal sword, the blade change color to orange.)

Nathan: - Wow!!! After some time the sword change color to turn blue, an aura of water covers his sword and finally changes color again, turning grey from the wind swirling around Metarvusse scrillstrosse..

Metarvusse: -No I said that a master user of the strosse could use one element or several elements..

Nathan: -So you can you use 1 or more elements that's awesome!

Metarvusse: -Yep, but not all people decide to specialise to several element..most people decide to specialise in a specific element. And some can't they are not type 1.

Nathan: -Type 1 what is it? Otherwise I see what you mean... ( start to pick up ends and cut the manticore and put them in a big backpack.)

Metarvusse: -I will repeat the different type next time... Mythical animal can only use one element use a specific element. They are unable to use any other element.

Nathan: -There are animal which are not able to use other elements. Like what?

Metarvusse : - For example, fire dragon and phoenix , their specific element is fire and they cannot change that.. In fact all mythical animal have an element on the contrary of other species like us..

Nathan: -The dragon and the phoenix exist????

Metarvusse: -Nathan, haven't been long since we know each other and I accept you as one of us but if one day you would happen to see a dragon or phoenix. Save yourself as far as possible because these beast are not like the Manticore or the scaly... The dragon and phoenix are the most powerful mythical animals that are classified in a category above, I already faced with my king and my brother in a fight and believe me they are very powerful..

Nathan: - I wasn't afraid against this scaly and yet he defeated a troops soldiers easy which exceed 1 000 soldiers.

Metarvusse: - Hmm!! The scaly that you faced had to be really scary to defeat an army by himself, he had to be a monster even among the scaly..

Nathan: -But the worst part is that he didn't use any element to defeat us. His strosse was black and I felt it was darkness when his terrifying aura fell on us. But what was defying was the power of these blow which made a deafening noise.

Metarvusse: -HOW????So....It had to be him...( look at the others).

Nathan: - Who??

Metarvusse: -The flaw that you describe to me , look like it's Melior, he's a monster.. You and your old teammate should have fled away. Even fleeing would have been useless against him... You're lucky you survive too..

Nathan : - From where I come no mutant flees, we face the adversary no matter how strong he is because these law of the strongest rule our world which is different from yours...

Metarvusse: -This world is also ruled by the strong and Melior is a part of it ..Just like the dragon and phoenix that I mentioned...( Thoughts: what a mentality despite it's mediocre level.)

Everyonne took their backpack with the pieces of manticore..

(Thoughts: He will surely become a super powerful adventurer if he continue to have this spirit and to think this way)

End of the chapter!!

Next chapter