
Chapter 1 May her soul rest in peace not in pieces.

There were many hidden truths about their birth, identities and upbringing, which lead some of them to do the most dangerous things while trying to find the hidden truth about themselves from their parents. For some reason it is to protect them yet for some it is to destroy them but for these few it was only to destroy.

It was to turn ourselves into the deadliest versions of ourselves like me, I let it destroy me and I am fine with it.

Who knew that the hidden truth only set some free but not all who seek for it. It turned us into vangers with deserted empathy. I don't know about the others but I know for me, it turned into an intoxicated creature which I admire and adore.

It's a tragedy what most of the students of this boarding have been through.

Are we all here for the same reasons?

It's my first day at school, I'd rather be here than with my parents… I don't like them but that won't make me any different from them if I seek revenge so Romina is welcome to chrome high Academy.

The atmosphere changed as we drove through the yard of the school, everyone was somehow unhappy, they were all angry and I refused to be like that. I just hope my roommate is nice.

I don't feel like saying bye to my parents but I was not raised like that by my grandmother. "Bye". I said with a smile. They rolled up the window of the car and drove away.

I never felt this stupid.

I hate that I want their affection, I don't like that about myself and I hate that they can see that I need their affection and they won't just give it to me, guess I am stupid after all.

It is the middle of a term and I am definitely behind with everything, on my way to the secretary to find out which class I am in and get my schedule for the term.

Quick question: why am I not bumping into anyone like the mean girls or a cute bad boy?

Something to get me excited for this journey I am about to embark on alone.

So I can have a friend… I guess it only happens in movies.

"Hi, you must be Romina Grammar."

A voice said behind me, I slowly turned to the voice's attention. And reply.

"Yes, that's me ma'am".

"I am Mrs Proofing your register teacher. Come with me, let me show you the dorms, we are going to give you a day off so you can unpack your stuff and settle in, tour around the building so you know where your classes are. This is a map in case you get lost this is where you are in floor 1 and the rooms are in floor 5, 6, & 7 okay the classes are this side of the building which is floor 1, 2, 3 & 4 and your room is in floor five in room 214 here's the key okay now go get some rest".

"Is that on the other side?" I ask as I point to the opposite building.

"Yes it is, will you have a problem with that darling?"

"No ma'am thank you I just needed to make sure so I don't get lost". I said and walked away.

…Oh shoot! She did not tell me what time I should be in class, perhaps this envelope with the maps has all the information I need.

It took me fifteen minutes to get to my room, which is fine. I walk pretty fast.

Uh... there is no one in this room, maybe my roommate is in class and the room is pretty nice.

I am here alone ... if I don't get any friends I am not going to be totally fine with it immediately but over time I will.

It's not like I had friends at my previous school, I was always with my grandmother who recently died and still hurts but I am going to be okay. May her soul rest in peace not in pieces.

Before I walk out of the room I put a lock in all my bags because I don't feel like unpacking right now nor safe, I need all the time I can get to memorize the directions before anything, I don't want it to be obvious that I am the know kid by not knowing the directions.

After the whole tour by myself I still cannot believe that I did not meet a single person who tried to talk to me.

Do I look too serious? Do I not have a friendly face? Do I not have a nice smile? Am I ugly?

I cried until I fell asleep. And got woken up by someone tapping my arm gently.

"Hi I am Alexa". She said with a beautiful smile, which was warm and inviting.

"I am sorry to wake you up but you were crying in your sleep and I could see your tears rolling down your cute face. Is everything okay?"

Alexa asked, looking concerned.

"No! It's not okay, healing takes time right? I am Romina, your roommate".

"Whatever you're healing from just remember who you are and you are going through this for a reason and sometimes it's like WTF.

"Just remember that you are beautiful and only the real one's will see your genuine heart just by looking at you".

"Just like you did"? I ask as I wipe the tears off my face.

"Yes, just like I did, don't let this school change you like it did to the rest of us. And good night sweet dreams we have to be up early tomorrow and I will be your princess charming".

"Meaning?" I am confused.

"Meaning, I will watch out for you till you don't need me anymore". She said walking to her bed.

"And what do I have to do in return?"

"You will always have my back like I will always have yours, that's only if you want to".

"Yes, I want to". I said, trying not to smile.

"Then get ready for your worst first day of school". She said and chuckled.

"What did I get myself into?" I said looking into her marble eyes.

"Good night Alexa". I said and went back to sleep.

"Wake up sleepy, we have to get up early if we want a hot shower".

"Uha….is tomorrow today?"

"Yeah… I guess".

"I am still sleepy."

"Okay fine get on my back let's go". I got on her back as sleepy as I was and still fell asleep.

"Hey, wake up you're being too cute".

I opened my eyes and she is standing in front of the mirror in the girl's bathroom, looking at me through the mirror, I think I should trust her that she is not being plastic.

"Stop being in your head too much". She snapped me out of my thoughts.

On our way back, it was my turn to carry her on my back which was quite fun.

"Let's go over some Rules always wear your full uniform hot or cold, be clean and neat, hair in a bun or braided and lucky for you I can braid".

She said with a wide smile on her face.

"Are we not late, do I look good?" "Nope, we are not late and you look beautiful but we should get going".

"Hey! Let me look at you". She turns and we face each other. "You look charming". "Come I will drop you in front of your class, Reo is your new nickname do you like it?"

"I do thank you Alexa, can I give you one?" "Yes". She said in excitement.

"Lexa, do you like it?"

"No, I think you should leave the naming to me, you're the worst. I don't like it".

We both giggle.

"Fine!" I said.

"I think that's your class, Mrs Proofing right"? She asked.

"I think so… bye thank you". I said

"I did not say next to your class I said in front of your class".

I smiled and said. "No, it's fine it's just a few steps away so I'm good you should go to yours".

"No I am not going so... when it's lunch wait for me in whatever class you're in I have a copy of your time table so I know where you are at all times, I hope that's not creepy".

"Okay... let's go Uhm... by the way it's cute and creepy and I like cute creepy".

Alexa blushes.

"Now what are you trying to do to flirt? Because if you are working". "Okay whatever princess charming". I say shyly. I hugged Alexa.

"See you after the third period". She said and hugged me back.

"Good morning class, we have a new student that will be joining us this year her name is Romina Grammar, be nice, come Romina stand so they can see you". Mrs Proofing is being nice and all but I didn't need this attention.

Just like she said I stood up awkwardly, they did not even care which is good, I did not need the attention but the ma'am made it seem like I needed it.

"Okay guys who are not here I am about to do the register". She asked.

The class started to shout the names of their classmates who were not in class or at school, so… first session I have arts, bio and math then lunch that's when Alexa will come and get me she is so sweet, what did I do to deserve someone like her, I swear I will never let something happen to her on my watch.

"Hey Romina right"?

"Yeah, call me Reo".

"Sure I'm Leon what do you have now".

"I have art, and you?"

"The same, which side of art are you on?"

"Uh... I did not choose yet but it would be drama, poetry and dance and you?"

"I am in visual arts and dance so I will mostly see you in dance. I hope we become partners but as you can see on our time table we don't have dance class today".

"Oh I didn't even know, thank you... that would be nice". I said forcing a fake smile to appear on my face.

"Yeah, what would be nice?"

"Us becoming dance partners".

"Oh...kay bye that's me visual arts". He said and heaved at me as he went into his class. "Hopefully you will draw me one day". I said hoping he didn't hear me but he did.

"That's if you want me too because I am that good".

"Surprise me". I said and walked in the drama theater.

"You must be the new student".

"Oh shoot I hate being the new kid, I haven't closed the door yet I am being called the "new kid" WTF is it written on my forehead, yeah I am". I said carelessly not paying much attention to the environment.

"Excuse me young lady".

"You're excused ma'am".

"You're being disrespectful".

"No ma'am I simply have a personality you cannot handle". I suddenly felt guilty for going off on her like it is not her fault.

"Well class welcomes Romina grammar". I should apologize. "Ma'am".

"Yes, Romina".

"I would like to apologize for my behavior. This new kid thing is overwhelming. I am sorry ma'am".

"I understand and I accept your apology. It takes maturity to look back at your misfortunes and apologize and meaning that apology is the most important part Romina".

"Thank you ma'am".

I actually enjoyed my class let's see what the next one will bring, bio has always been my favourite subject.

"Did I not tell you to dye your hair back to black last Monday?"

I thought the sir was referring to me. I stood there and froze but he went past me and I swiftly turned to see a girl with red hair coming out of my drama class. I didn't notice her.

"You did sir".

"Now why is hair and your lips still red Miss Heavens".

"I still need to leave it for 3 weeks before I dye my hair or my hair will fall off plus I still need to go to town to get a new dye".

"Excuse me young lady". "Me"? I asked anxiously.

"Yes you, come what's your name?"

"Romina sir".

"Romina who?" "Romina Grammar sir". "Oh you're the new girl in my bio class, okay do me a favor take Miss Heavens here to the nurses room she will show you the nurses room tell the nurse I want that thing on her lips off".

Miss Heavens interrupts sir.

"By the way sir it's not that thing that is called lip-gloss". "I don't care, just go".

"You looked so terrified when the sir called you it looked like you wanted to run". She said and giggled.

"Yeah, at first I thought he was talking to me. The last thing I want to be in is in trouble on my first day of school".

"But you don't have red hair or any red lip-gloss".

"But it felt like I had them".

"Hey I need to go to the bathroom real quick". "Okay" I simply said and walked behind her. She did her business there and we went out to the nurse's room.

"Just enjoy the school, it's nice here".

We got to the nurse and told her what the sir said. She laughed and said,

"Your Sir is being dramatic, I have better things to worry about then red lips and red hair". By the time we got to class the period ended so I went to my next class. It was exciting because Alexa will come and get me.

The period was shorter than I expected. A few seconds later, Alexa was already at the door. I wasn't done packing up my belongings so she came in, gave me a kiss on my cheek and hugged me and I hugged her back.

"I didn't know you were this slow".

"Ha-ha, very funny Alexa".

"I was not trying to be funny you know what let's just go I am not going to argue with you". She said while taking my stuff and walking out of the class and packing them in my bag.

"You're not yourself". I said following her in the corridor.

"I'm glad you noticed".

"Okay what's bothering you? My princess charming".

"I am hungry, I am grumpy and you're taking forever". "Okay let's run".

"Run? She asked with a confused face. To the cafeteria, while it is written on the walls, no running in the corridor we will both get detention".

"Scared of a few minutes of silence and Isolation".

"Uha… pish … no". "Now let's run".

We started running in the corridor. She is faster than me so I shouted. "Wait up you're horribly fast for someone who is hungry".

One teacher yelled. "No running and yelling in the corridor!!"

Like we were going to listen we continued running.

While Alexa was running fast she bumped into my bio teacher who had a cup of hot coffee in his hand and it spilled and burnt both of them everyone in the passage went "whoa!!!"

I felt sorry and it became an immediate detention after school for the both of us. But we didn't mind. We walked to the cafeteria and got our food set down, looked at each other and started laughing.

"You're crazy". She said.

"We're both crazy, and you make me feel crazy Alexa."

"I'm sorry". Said and looked down on her food

"No in a good way I like it, I like this kind of crazy".

"Is there a moment where you're not flirting with me".

"Sorry". I said blushing. "It's okay".

While we were both blushing, looking at each other and enjoying our food two guys disturbed us.

"Alexa, we've been waiting for you at our spot, why did you not come?". They both asked. She said "I didn't come because I am enjoying my lunch with Reo here, Reo this is Xavier and Justin my two gay friends and guys this is my roommate Reo.

"Hi boys." I Said then minded my own business."

"Can we speak with you Alexa?"

"Yes!" "Privately please". They say. "Reo I will see you on our date after school okay".

I nodded as she kissed me on my cheek, leaving me looking lonely in the cafeteria.

What a boring day, Alexa went MIA and didn't pitch for detention, where she could be at 4pm detention ended.

I quickly walked to the dorms where the lights were still switched on. As I walk in the corridor I see Alexa sitting on the stairs looking sad I walked over to her.

"Hey what's wrong"? I asked as I sat next to her.

"A person who was like a father to me was murder today, we don't know who did it is, they will start investigating tomorrow".

"I am sorry to hear that, come let's go, you're freezing."

I still gave her my blazer though, I mean I like her.

"You know a few days ago my grandmother was murdered that's how I ended up here I know how it feels, come I will carry you on my back you don't have to walk I promise I will take care of you."

"You promise?" She asked, my eyes locking with hers

"Yes I promise".

I carried her to our room.

"We have arrived my princess charming"

I opened the door, told her to get off and take sit yet when I turned to her direction after I locked the door she was still standing and staring at me with her marble eyes full of tears. I have never seen her like this, he must have meant more than a lot to her.

"Let me take off your shoes, do you sleep with or without socks?"

"With socks".

"I also sleep with socks too you know".

I turned around, my front faced my bed and my back faced her front I started to undress my uniform to my night wear, she is awfully quiet.

We went to bed and faced each other. I couldn't stop but admire her, she had been so kind to me. '

I don't know if she wants to be friends with me or she just wants to make whatever she's feeling go away either way I am here her at the end.

Next chapter