
New Beginning

A lady was wearing a yellow shirt and brown skirt that covers her skin except for her tanned feet. She's about a meter and half high, her black hair was neatly tied up. Her back looked still and calm, you can figure out that her built is somehow resembles a lady in her 30s or 40s. The sound of chopping can be heard, groups of leafy vegetables are being sliced. The kitchen was filled with sounds of cooking, boiling water from the stove, chopping board, and flush of water from the sink. The kitchen isn't that wide, but you can see the oldness from the kitchen utensils like pots being used, glass and plates are displayed from the right side of the lady, while on her left was the sink next to the stove. At the top, cardboard or small cabinets were hanged where seasonings are arranged. At the back of the lady is a squared wood table with 4 chairs on every side. There's a kid humming, singing, and sitting on one of those chairs. The kid is about 3 or four years old boy, hair same as the lady, they both looked like a mother and child pair, wearing a white shirt with some spilled chocolate drink in his clothes. In front of the boy was a plate and glass, he's holding a pair of spoon and fork. While tapping the edge of the spoon on the table a sound of "clank, clank" can be heard. He's singing with his baby voice and tumbled tounge, " Mommy! Mommy! I'm hungwe! (hungry) I'm hungwe!. The lady turned around and told his son," Ow Jimmy I'm still cooking can you wait for a few minutes and it will be done, Mommy will do her best to make it delicious." The lady smiled and continued cooking, this lady embodied a peaceful and caring mother and her name was Amelia.

I can hear the sound of laughter, I can hear the sound of an electric fan rotating near me, I slowly open my eyes and I can see a blinding light in front of me. This unfamiliar ceiling was the first thing I notice, I check where I am, a small white room. I'm laying on a soft bed, which sized almost fits me but a little shorter, I move my sight from my left to right and all around the room, the room is somewhat small there's a painting of ocean at the wall down on my feet, on my right side are small cabinets, at the top of it displayed a picture of a boy and a vase of sunflowers, you can smell the ocean from the open window. At my right side is a door where voices of people talking, a kid and a lady. I tried to feel my body, but pain what kept me from moving, after checking my surrounding, I tried my very best to sit up, I breath hard, inhaled and exhaled continuously. My heart is beating so fast. Thump. Thump. Thump. I can hear my heart beating loud. I move my body even its aching, I walk slowly, and notice I'm wearing a white dress, my curly tangerine hair was braided into two, there's a bandage around my head. I check my arms and hands, bruises can be seen, my feet and legs were battered violet, pain are oozing from these bruises. It occured to me that It seemed something horrible happened to me and dragged into very messed situation. After looking around my body, I pushed my injured self to the sound of people until I reach the kitchen. A lady and a boy were showed to me. I silently looked at them and trying to gather my thoughts and guts to speak but came out nothing. The lady noticed me and looked at me. She walked to me, her eyes shows caring and kindness, she gently help me to walk and sit on a chair. She walked to the utensil organizers and get a glass of water and pass onto me. The child smiled at me and his look shows curiosities. The lady tap the head of the child while looking at me. I hold the glass of water and drink. And after emptying the glass I look at her and ask where I am. She spoke calmly and told, "Little lady, are you okay?" I kept my silence and just nod to her. She continue to speak, "What is your name? And what happened to you?". All I can say is I can't remember anything about me, and asked her with a soft and stuttering voice, "Miss, thank you... for saving me..., I don't who I am... Nor Where I came from... I... I... I can't remember anything... And madam may I.. Ask? Where is this place?. The lady looked shocked, on her face shows concern but again smiled at me and said," This is my home with my son, we live this place near the ocean since long ago, me, my son and my beloved husband but he's no longer here in this world. These small seashore village is called Paraiso. And it's still tiny part of the country Prasha, the Empire of East Prasha." After hearing those words, I am stupefied about the name of the country, but the thing is I can't remember anything from my past until recently I recalled some memories after waking up that I live in a planet called Earth and living in country which located in Asia, the Philippines but kept it secret to them. But I never heard a country name Prasha from the different continents of the world. I was dumbstruck by the information I received from the lady. I tried to recollect what I regain from my memories but only earth was reminded to me nothing else about my identity. I was shocked and hold my breath, I tried to stand up but I staggered. I walk outside, speed fast walking to the outside. What I saw from getting outside was a vast blue ocean, I turned around and saw that there are birds flying, birds with a giant body bigger than ostrich or any other birds with different colors,it's stunning. It sounded fictionated but indeed it is, a sound rang out, a loud screech of a large creature.. And I asked myself while my jaw dropped, "Am I dreaming, I'm in a fantasy world!!". Then a giant bird shadow covered the place but soon as I looked up it was a dragon. A dragon! I was crazed by things I saw, I was nervous and heavily shocked from the things around me, the sorrow and pain disappeared and only curiosity picked my interest and my whole body shivered. Everything is amazing like watching a fantasy movie, reading a fictional book, like everything is a magic. I don't know what to say and what to think any more but I know from the bottom of my heart that this place is different from the place I came from, from my world, from my home, but even I am feeling nervous and also scarred there's this tiny hope inside of me that this place will be my new beginning to find myself.