
A Criminal

What do you think of your life living in this world? Will miracle always plays its magic? Will coincidence has a nice role in your life like in the fairy tail? Of course, some of you really hope that all of this happen in your life, no? In you Dream.

Sitting under the big trees on the wheelchair Dave gaze fell on to far away, nobody knows what he was thinking right now. There's no greed, no happiness, no anger, no sadness, no grief. There's no light at all in his eyes.

'He was once a cruel man, so cruel that even hearing his name people will start cursing and swearing at him. For no particular reasons, nobody know; nobody understand at all to why he did all the deed.'

Dave thought till here and he gave a light sigh, there's a subtle smile on his face. He is tired, yes, he does. He didn't even know that he is still alive though.

Suddenly there's a shout behind him. He turned his face to the back there he saw Chilvron gave him a greeting gesture.

"Hey Dave!" Chilvron called.

"Hello Chief Chil!"

This Chilvron is a chief detective. He's a young man with a bright eyes and a good build body. He is tall like a pine tree once glance you will feel like you are very small in front of him.

"How are you doing these months Dave?" Chilvron asked.

Chilvron knew that the criminal in front of him is in other word mystery, well, this is because all of his bad record places so many loophole. It's just that the police couldn't find the evidense enough to caught the real criminal that pulled the string behind this one in front of him. In the end, the police only does the work according to the evidense first and about the real criminal that's only for later.

"Oh? so what does you think Chil?" Dave asked Chilvron with a playful smile on his face.

"I believe the life here is pretty bad." Chilvron answered with a frown as he couldn't understand this Damn Dave at all.

"It's good here Chil! You'll like it if you have the chance to come here for one or two month." Dave said while the smile on his face doesn't fade one bit.

"Now stop this! let's getting on business on hand." Chilvron turned serious.

"What's it that you want?" Dave's smile still on his face.

"I know all a long that someone put a trap for you to jumped back then. I know you are not really a criminal at all, and more than that...." Chilvron paused and look at the face of Dave's.

Seeing that Chilvron paused Dave raised his eyesbrows seemingly curious.

"You want to take revenge too, don't you?" Chilvron finished his word.

Dave suddenly laughed while he's trying to stand up with his broken legs.

"And what made you think like that Chil? I don't remember having thought of this ridiculous ideas." Dave said like that but his tone mean it otherwise. His eyes serene as he finally can stood up from his wheelchair. He gave himself a big sigh and turned to face the bright scenary in front of him.

"With my condition like this how can i be of help to the police and the bigger problems is that i'm a criminal." He at last he gave his answer which made Chilvron face's turn bright.

"what do you think Mr. Rafael?" Chilvron replied and called him by his surename.

This is only Chilvron called him like that , Dave is his Criminal name while Rafael David is his name.

"I'm no longer Rafael David or Dave. Called me Reo." Dave finally gave his real answer this time, thus Chilvron no longer dally dillay and got Dave or Reo on his wheelchair again and push him away from the place to the jail office. Chilvron discussed with a jail head and fill a file that Reo finally can going out from the jail.

When Reo got out from the jail there's a car waiting for them in the front. Chilvron pushed his wheelchair toward the car and they got to the passenger seats. The car pulled forward under the hot gaze of the sun they put off to an apartment.

Hello Reader! how does the first chapter sounds like?

I'm eager to know what do you think. And I will release next chapter soon.

Si_Gongzicreators' thoughts