
if i smile it does not mean i am happy

sometimes your just lost in you thoughts, which causes anxiety ,depression, sadness....

laptop_user · Urban
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Hi! My name is CARLA. I am 17 years old. Well! I am grown up but still I behave like a child sometimes. There is a small VENOM in my heart which urges me to to do childish things but I deceased them, Because nobody likes it. I was born in small house which rarely met their expenditures. My father left his parents house and moved away with us. Because he and his wife means my mom are tired of fighting. So as we left the city we have nothing saved. As there is no that much money so the fight did not end. Sometimes my mother did not ate but fed us. At that time I have my one elder brother but we were not friends and also I did not remember that much things. The children really enjoys their childhood but for me it was just like a night mare. USUALLY daughters found to be attached with their fathers BUT in my case I was so scared of my DAD. FROM the starting to now its been 17 years nut still nothing changed between him and me....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

laptop_usercreators' thoughts