
If I'm Excessive, Who Isn't?

How to put this... My life is never drama free, most of it they say it's child's play but what do they know? Are they me? I'm taking this time to declare, I want to pursue myself. I'm going to pursue myself and that too successfully because; this time is different, I met someone. Someone I think is the love of my life and looks at me like I'm the love of his. I, Trent Dion, won't be alone anymore... And yes, I'm a girl...Trent. Welcome to the story of my life, I hope I'm not too sarcastic for you. F.Y.I - Just a period of me life and what I deem interesting. I won't be an open book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The cover isn't mine. I repeat, the cover isn't mine. Found on Pinterest.

mrs_lie · Urban
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34 Chs

The Showdown II.



Fin takes me into his arms then, his aura is - don't-come-near-us, I'm grateful for it. In his arms, the world can't touch me, actually the world doesn't bother me much, I should say my parents are muted.

"Mr and Mrs Dion, you should leave." And he gets to say what I can't. That's what's too good to be true, I wish I can stay in his arms forever.

"Who are you, my husband bought this house and you're telling us to leave." Yes mother, bring out the money card, why don't you...

"I'm her husband and can pay you back the money for the house, I'd actually pay you every penny you've ever spent on her if it gets you to leave."

I married well, didn't I? This feeling is dangerous.

SOS - my husband is trying to buy me from my parents and I'm not repulsed by it, is something wrong with me?

As long as I don't have to deal with them, I don't care what's being said.

"Young man, this is our family matter." My father comes forward,

"TT, your mother and I wants what's best for you. Look at how he speaks to your parents, how can you trust this kind of person?"

Not only my mother, but my father's world is messed up too. It's no wonder they're together, they're not together at all. Live in separate worlds, with separate partners, separate houses, what connects them? Can't be me, I'm never with them. I've only entered the entity of marriage and I'm subjected to this bad example - with my husband as witness, he won't think I'm like them, right?

"Dad, I'm not taking your lover in. It has nothing to do with Fin."

"Trent, I'm sorry for inconveniencing you and your husband, the thing is...my house is getting repaired and you won't know I'm here... you and you husband will have your time."

Seriously - this chick not that older than me, probably the same age as Fin is sitting in my living room trying to slowly but surely poison the nonexistence relationship between my parents and I. I'm not stunned... I'm, she's brave. In my own home? And even call me Trent, like my mother does...Eek, it's given me goosebumps.

"Look, I don't know how you got in a relationship with my parents and I could care less, what I've been asking, actually what they've practiced my whole is to never bring their lovers around me..." Playing damsel in distress... Ha,

"And, baby or not, you fall under that category. Lover. I'm asking you, mom - dad, don't break your promise."



"And with all the money you have, are you telling me you can't find your lover and child a place to stay?" Do they think I'm stupid? They want to drop their mess on my lap to go live their lives per usual? I didn't get anyone pregnant. Hell no. Not happening. Not in this life.

She's a novice really, I mean it's another level that she managed to get pregnant but it comes down to one thing - like it always does - money! This Lydia thinks she's hit the jackpot. I kind of want to throw bucket of ice water on her. She's not aware the only person my father spends on without question is my mother and it doesn't matter what she does, she'll never reach that level.

"Trent, why are you so disrespectful today? You aren't talking to us properly and you won't listen. What's wrong with you?"

Disrespectful? Then if I really became disrespectful what would she call it? Impudence? No...that's the same thing. I'm not going along with them and I'm disrespectful, why not leave then? Aren't they tired? This isn't going anywhere and it never will, why not leave peacefully - before we all say things we'll regret?

"TT, a new place isn't the best for someone pregnant."

"Why is it my problem?" My mouth...I didn't mean to say it out loud.

"She's your stepmother!" For goodness sake, my real mother is barely present and my "stepmother" will fill those shoes?

"I still don't see what it has to do with me."

"Mr and Mrs Dion, please leave. It's getting late."

Might as well, we're not getting anywhere. They're impossible to deal with. My father stands up abruptly, toppling a vase over,

"This is a family matter." He can shout, like it would make what he says makes sense...

"And Fin is family. Just leave, I'm not taking her in. Take her to her family, doesn't she have any?"

"If we leave here today, don't expect anything from us ever again."

Was there ever a time I did? He should threaten me with something tangible. Does he think I'm twelve?

When they don't get any reaction from me, my father signals my mother that they're leaving but that Lydia, she sits there dumbly, like she doesn't get what my father is saying. This woman...

My father turns to her and the woman, she starts convulsing, panting heavily and holding her stomach.

Ha. She's not a novice after all, how are they going to leave now?

"Call the doctor." Is my house worth all this effort - what does she want?

We wait for the doctor.

"Your stepmother is... resourceful." Fin says into my ear. Isn't she?

"Not you too." What stepmother...

"They're hogging our wedding night."


Then they can stay, I'll accompany them all night. How did I forget something like that? But technically, we didn't have a wedding so it can't be a wedding night.

"I'm going to collect, Mrs Merwe. The debt will be settled...with interest."

SOS: I married a hooligan, can I be a runaway?

The doctor comes, my parents and Lydia continue their act. Fin and I just watch, we're spectators in our own home.

"She needs rest, make sure she's not exposed to too much stress." Oh, in a situation she's found herself in?

"But she can leave right, I mean going to her place or a hotel isn't stressful right?" This needs to be emphasized, her little trick isn't free pass to stay here. No thank you, she's this dramatic in the first trimester, what about when she's far long?

I have work and Fin isn't free too, my parents clearly aren't looking to care for her, she needs to leave. ASAP

"Traveling isn't a problem."

"Thank you."

There's only silence left after the doctor's departure. We're looking at them and they're looking at us,

"You weren't really expecting to drop her on me and leave her here, were you?"

I don't know this person, what if she gets me in trouble? I've learnt that lesson recently, no way... Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice and well, I'm the fool. God wouldn't be so kind to save me multiple times. Second chances aren't free...

"Why are you like this!" Why, does she really want to know, then...

"Because my parents gave me to a nanny to raise and now expect me to take care of their surrogate, that's why. Honestly, our relationship has been fine, why are you trying to ruin it now?" There... that's why I'm like this, if this doesn't arouse any sense of shame in them then nothing will, I'll give up then.

They have the decency to get ashen, at least they're not a lost cause. Who would've thought? But, it seems Lydia is the one adamant in staying with me. Why? What new drama am I getting into now?

"Lydia, my father has many places he can place you in. Don't you think it'll be too uncomfortable, after all Fin and I are newlyweds. We need our space, and don't say we have the room, you can image, newlyweds...get excited."

And I'll be busy in the upcoming weeks, I don't have the time to keep an eye on you. I've said it so clearly, this chick can't be that shameless, right? All that's left is, I don't know what - throw her out by force but she's pregnant and with her tricks, I wouldn't put it past her to fall and blame it on me. Sheesh, too dangerous. Definitely cannot keep her close. Stepmother... she's taking the role a little too seriously.

"Then, we'll live together, as a family. Didn't you always want that?" Ha.



Fin and I look at each other after those outbursts. Yeah, it's his first time meeting them but he can also see what a bad idea that would be. Always want? How old does she think I am?

I'm feeling fear, real heart numbing fear. Live together, as a family? Outrageous, utterly outrageous. Has the world decided, let's torment Trent as much as we can? Insanity!

I'm still getting used to living with Fin! {God, I'm a sinner. I make mistakes and will probably continue making them but please, don't punish me like this. I'll do better... I'll try to be better!}

"Yes, you're right. We can't drop Lydia on you. Let's live together. Your brother will come into a lovely home like that." Nope, my little prayer didn't do the trick.

I turn to Find and he's looking at me but what can I do? These people don't listen, they never have especially when they feel it's the right thing to do. They're hippies like that, what can I do?

"See Trent, your father has agreed. You don't have to worry about taking of me then." The. Hell!

Is it okay to fantasize about strangling a pregnant woman?

Twentysix years later, married and about to participate in a fashion show, I'm going to live in the same house...everyday, like a family - with my parents and a stepmother? Did I get that right?

Someone wake me up from a bad dream.