
If I'm Excessive, Who Isn't?

How to put this... My life is never drama free, most of it they say it's child's play but what do they know? Are they me? I'm taking this time to declare, I want to pursue myself. I'm going to pursue myself and that too successfully because; this time is different, I met someone. Someone I think is the love of my life and looks at me like I'm the love of his. I, Trent Dion, won't be alone anymore... And yes, I'm a girl...Trent. Welcome to the story of my life, I hope I'm not too sarcastic for you. F.Y.I - Just a period of me life and what I deem interesting. I won't be an open book. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: The cover isn't mine. I repeat, the cover isn't mine. Found on Pinterest.

mrs_lie · Urban
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34 Chs

My Turn.


The lighting is so intimate inside the hall, how is she attracting all of it - her dress is so shiny and along with her animated look, Mrs Tilli is a simple lady led by the nose by Mrs Druid?

"Sara Tilli, you're not going to always greet Trent that way everytime you see her, right?" Margaret's not wrong to ask, this way of speaking to people is unbecoming.

I should've slept with her husband when I had the chance.

This type of person, holding a grudge when you haven't offended them, it's best to offend them so they know and have reason to act presumptuously. And she's married...what a pitiful man!

"Is there a reason you had to stop by our table?" The sooner they leave the better...

"We changed seats, look Trent, I think you and I started off the wrong foot." Mikayla takes the lead sitting,

Ha. Have I been the one chasing after her all this while for her to say - we started off the wrong foot? Did I ever say I want to be friends or something...Argh, leave me me alone.

"Mikayla, you've been the one chasing after her."

Margaret's really the best, just slap her straight in the face with the truth - why not? Is she thinking I'm playing with her? In truth, if I didn't see her for long, I'd forget she exists. Taking herself too seriously...

When will they serve food or drinks or anything around here? I'd rather stuff myself than entertain these people.

"I guess you're right, I'm the one who's been causing her trouble, I'm sorry for that...

"I let my love for my husband cloud my judgement."

Yeah, sure - poor her. Her love for her husband has filled her with so much jealousy, she can't stand other women close to him or in his past. It's gotten so out of control, she just can't help herself. Poor thing, it's all for love...

boo hoo! Who doesn't have a husband? But I'm not going around harassing his exes or any woman laying eyes on him. Well - I can't really - you know, my husband has been in prison for the past eight years so I can't really relate...but I'm sure I wouldn't be a nuisance if it were different. (⁠ꏿ⁠﹏⁠ꏿ⁠;⁠)

My husband looks better than hers.

The point being, she's unreasonable. Unreasonable to someone who couldn't care less.

"I want to say, the fashion show was my fault and we'd like to have you participate." Right, because she won't do any tricks and all is forgiven. She seems to have too much time on her hands - no?

"Mrs Druid, it's clear we're not meant to be friends, things like this, it's better not to force them and for the fashion show, I wasn't going to do it anyway, no worries."

Don't you just love me? I mean, the eloquence of that remark, you can't find a better leave me alone anywhere. And I said it without vomiting...tell me, you're impressed - right? I'm impressed.


"I'm going to the restroom, Mar...can you get us drinks?"

Just who does that woman think she is? Married to Sebastian and thinks I owe her something? What's that logic? It's disgusting... it's so disgusting you wonder if the world has gone mad or people have gone mad.

I'm making my way through the throng of people when my elbow is held from behind, pulled into a quiet area and pushed against the wall. Dammit...what the hell?

"Trent..." Are you kidding me, his wife was just yapping about and now him?

"What do you think you're doing Sebastian?" Are they so bored by their live, they're using me to spice it up?

"I'm sorry about Mikayla. My mother talks about you a lot so..." Blur, blur, blur...I don't care.

"Then tell your mother to stop, why are you harassing me?"

"Don't you miss me TT, even a little?" Miss him? Is he maybe confused about the nature of our relationship?

Mr Merwe, where in the world are you? Someone's trying to entice your wife!

"Why would I? What did you do for me that would make me miss you? Sebastian, you can lie to your wife but don't start lying to yourself."

I try to move but his hand tightens. Argh!

"Let go!"

"TT, what we had going on was good, wasn't it? It doesn't have to end..." Yeah, he's delusional.

From what he says, you're probably thinking we were madly in love and he betrayed me by getting married, right? But that's not the case, we were friends at most and got along well but romantically? Hell, we haven't even kissed! Did I miss something?

"Let go Sebastian."

"I miss you." The world has gone mad.


"I want you back TT, give me a chance, will you? I promise it'll be different this time."

Are you as tired as I am?

"Sebastian..." He inches his head closer to mine and my heart pounds. No no no no. Don't kiss me, I'm a married woman...I put my free hand on his chest and push but he doesn't batch... he's lips are a breath from mine when he's pulled away forcefully.

So close, too close. I breathe out a long breath of relief. Too close.

I come out of my mini panic and meet lots - lots of eyes on me. Great!

"You!" Sara Tilli's the first one to speak, fabulous! I was wondering if Sebastian has lost his mind, apparently not. How well coordinated...

"And Mikayla was just apologizing to you, have you no shame?" a headache, terrible numbing headache. Only her husband can tolerate her really, she's...funny, a mascot. Her brain doesn't seem to work.

That Mikayla, she's crying silently, leaning onto the girl they were with at the table. An image of a pitiful woman who just found out her husband is unfaithful.

I prettied myself for this?

"What can you expect from someone like her?"

Margaret comes to my side, checks me from head to toe and stands in front of me after making sure I'm all in one piece.

"You weren't messaging a married man, instead you're sneaking around with him. Disgusting!"

"Sebastian, how could you!" Mikayla goes to stand in front of Sebastian, her tears falling seamlessly.

"I... I'm sorry." Ha. I'm blown away, looking at him, why does it look like I'm the harasser? He can look so wronged...I'm discovering Sebastian is really shameless... I don't think he can get more disgusting than he already is. Shameless...

This can't continue, right? I have to end this chapter with Sebastian once and for all. Good thing Fin isn't here to see this, I don't want to subject my husband to this circus. I don't know, I don't want my husband to be involved in this ridiculousness.

"Yes, yes. I seduced him, I even went around looking for him just to pull him here and force myself on him. It's all my fault. Now what?"

It wouldn't be the first time anyone has had an affair, I mean...my parents work just fine. So, what's next? What do they want?

I take things to heart and they store, mess with my head at terrible times. I've just been man handled and almost kissed forcefully, forgive me if I'm a little shaken up. I can't play with them... There's a fingerprint on my elbow indicating the force he used to handle me and they're acting in front me. My heart is still pounding.

"Let's go TT." I couldn't agree more. What's more funny, besides Mikayla and her company of two, all these people grew up with me. We went to the same school, birthdays and stuff yet...they look at me like I'm vermin. The same people who chose Sebastian when they split.

Disgusting. To them, it's not a question of right or wrong but who they're close to.

Margaret holds my hand and we go to move, we take only a couple of steps before my other hand is pulled... we're stopped;

"Where do you think you're going?" Oh, not a pitiful woman anymore...

"Let go." I'm fed up. Where's Chris to witness all this, so he'll see why I vehemently want to stay away from this people.

"You won't say anything?" She's funny, isn't she aware what's happened?

"What? It's your personal issue, I don't see why I have to say anything. He's your husband, I'm not. Do I owe you loyalty?"

If she wants to play a victim, I'll give her the platform to do her best. Pathetic... I tuck my hand from hers by too much force and she falls back, Sebastian catches her.



"What? She can hold me like she wants and I can't do what I want? What is she? Sebastian, you're disgusting me too much."

Mr Merwe, people are bullying your wife, what kind of husband are you not protecting her?

"Trent, Sebastian is married, aren't you going to apologize?" This Sara Tilli is too simple - no? I see why Mikayla wants her at her corner. She's really... gullible.


"I know he's married but does he?" They didn't think it would be so easy, did they?

I take my phone out and play the recording. So pathetic...

"Mrs Druid, I'll tell you this, your husband if I wanted him from the beginning, I'd be Mrs Druid. I don't know what he's telling but please stop making a fool of yourself in front of me. It's disgusting...

"This is the last time I'm warning you, stay away from me. Next time, I'll just file a complaint. You value him, don't think I do."

So exhausting. I miss my husband...

Margaret and I turn to leave in their stunned silence, only to see a blurry figure move past us and throw a punch at Sebastian. Sebastian falls down and the back view we have goes with him, continue to rain punches at him. It's only then I see who it is...

Infinity Merwe.

Damn. Wait... why's he back? How did he get here? He's going to kill him!

I'm moving before my brain can catch up. I hold the raised hand with all my might, he turns his head towards me so fast I get startled a little, if eyes could kill...I'd be dead meat already.

How long has it been since I laid eyes on him? As handsome as ever. I really missed him. We're looking at each other, the days we were apart flash by, how long has it been? Mr Merwe, I thought I married a ghost.

Margaret clears her throat, breaking the spell we're under. I blush. Honestly...

"What were you saying before Sara, about Trent with married man? Because this is Trent's husband, Infinity Merwe... would you like to repeat everything you said?"