

It didn't take long for Gong Fu to come back with fifteen spirit stones.

Yang Ze took out a Jade token with the word 'Vault' etched on it. After handing him the token and the runes, he took out a register from the back, and on it wrote Gong Fu in big letters.

"Here. Dip your thumb here and then press it in front of your name." Taking out a bowl of red dye, Yang Ze presented it in front of Gong Fu.

"Huh?" This was the first time Gong Fu was met with this situation. However, he didn't think too much about it, but dipped his thumb in the red dye and then pressed in front of his name. Soon, his thumbprints were plastered on the paper.

"Every time, you bring someone new, you need to present your name. Only then, those people will be registered under you." Speaking slowly, Yang Ze made sure he understood everything about it.

"So... Do I get the profits immediately?" Rubbing his hands, Gong Fu asked in an excited tone. He was already getting impatient. If not for Yang Ze, he would have rushed back to bring more of his friends back here.

As soon as he asked the question, Yang Ze's lips curled up in a smile.

"Well, once the number of people that you introduce becomes five or more, you will receive the profits. And after that, you will receive profits monthly."

"Okay..." Even though he had a feeling that something was not quite right, the immediate benefits in front of him made him oblivious to it all. Once all the procedures were completed, Gong Fu waved to Yang Ze goodbye before rushing out of the shop as fast as he can.

"Yes... Yes... go on my little slave... I will be waiting..." Rubbing his hands with a smile, Yang Ze looked at the departing figure with an excited expression. No all he had to do is wait, and spirit stones will roll in automatically.





"Qiao... You bastard... Qiao.. come out... I have something urgent."

Standing in front of a small manor, Gong Fu was constantly pacing around with nervousness.

"Creek....." With the sound of the door opening, a man stepped out with an annoyed face.

"Gong Fu...You Bastard... Have you gone mad?"

"Qiao, grab fifteen spirit stones and come with me." Gong Fu didn't reply to him but grabbed his shoulders before shouting in a loud voice.

"Huh? Gong Fu, are you facing any problems? Tell me, who is it? Is it those bastards from the Beggar Sect again?" The first thought that came to his mind was that there were people demanding money from Gong Fu, however, contrary to his expectations, Gong Fu simply shook his head before urging him again.

"Brother Qiao, we can not waste any more time. Just trust me on this one. Please...."

"Oh!?" This was the first time Hao Qiao saw Gong Fu in this state. From his tone, the situation seemed to be critical. Without wasting another second, Hao Qiao grabbed more than twenty spirit stones from his savings before rushing out.

"Let's go." With a dignified expression, he nodded to Gong Fu before following him.

Throughout the journey, both of them didn't speak a word. Hao Qiao didn't speak because he was afraid that the situation might be something grave, while Gong Fu didn't speak because his heart was racing in excitement. Now he just needs four more people. The more he thought about it, the more pleased he became. He could already see himself swimming in a room full of spirit stones.

It didn't take long before both of them stood in front of the dilapidated shop. Hao Qiao who was standing beside Gong Fu narrowed his eyes. Carefully reading the words 'Vault Of Heaven' he began to think about any faction or organization by this name. However, to his avail, there were none.

"Come inside." Grabbing his hand, Gong Fu pulled him inside this shabby-looking shop.

"Oh... You are back." Yang Ze who was sitting on the chair with a book in his hand looked up in surprise. Although he was sure that this guy will definitely return, he didn't think he would be back this fast. It wasn't even an hour till he left this place.

"I brought someone." With a smile, Gong Fu patted Hao Qiao's back.

"Welcome." Walking toward the newcomer, Yang Ze greeted him with a smile. But Hao Qiao didn't reply, at this moment his eyes were looking at the shelves that were packed with runes in disbelief. His situation was exactly the same as Gong Fu when he first arrived.

"Sigh..." Taking a deep breath, Yang Ze offered him a seat before explaining the same thing he explained to Gong Fu.

And just like Gong Fu, the more Hao Qiao listened, the more rapid his breathing became. By the time Yang Ze was finished explaining, he was already lost in a daze.

"What are you sitting in a daze for? Hurry up and register." Looking at his reaction Gong Fu was filled with pleasure. At first, it was him who was in that state, and now it was someone else.

It didn't take long before a new name was added to the register. With a smile, Yang Ze handed him a gold token with the words 'Vault' carved in it.

"Wait.." Looking at the golden token with a frown, Hao Qiao looked at Yang Ze with a questioning gaze.

"Why is mine gold but his jade?" Tossing the token in his hand, he waited for Yang Ze to answer.

"Well..." After a brief pause, Yang Ze spoke "All the first-generation people will get a green jade token. All the second-generation people who are introduced by the first-generation will get a gold token. And the third generation people who are introduced by the second generation will receive a silver token."

"OH? Any difference amongst them?"

"There is." Nodding his head, Yang Ze continued "Those with a green jade token will receive their profits weekly, those with a gold token will receive monthly and those with a silver token will receive in every two months. Other than these, there will be more benefits."

"Huh??? So, how do I change the token?" Hao Qiao snorted in displeasure. However, this anger of his wasn't directed towards Yang Ze but his friend Gong Fu. If not for that guy, he would have been a first-generation member.

"Well, you will get that in the future." With a smile, Yang Ze dodged the topic. He himself didn't know how he was going to balance the things in the future, he just wanted to earn enough spirit stones for upgrades and ditch the entire business.

"Well, you should talk to your superiors." Shaking his head, Hao Qiao left the store with Gong Fu.

Even though he left the shop with a belly full of anger, Yang Ze was sure that he will return soon.





Inside the Xia Mansion, Xia Wen was looking at the report in his hand.

"So, people have started noticing that shop." Everything was going according to his plan. He deliberately grounded Xiao Pang and didn't send anyone to assist in the business. He just wanted to make sure that the people trying to run this business can support it. Now that some people were slowly beginning to join the Vault Of Heaven, it was time for him to make a move.

"Sheng'er, can you go and assist in that business?" Looking at Xia Sheng who was standing in front of him quietly, Xia Wen asked in a gentle tone. This nephew of his was one of the only people he actually trusted. It was his righteousness, as well as stubbornness that made him one of the few people that were actually dedicated to their duty.

"I can not uncle. I am already acting as the thirteenth squad leader of the city guards." Outright refusal. Xia Sheng didn't even want to see that criminal much less spend time with him. If possible he would have loved to throw him in a dark prison where even birds won't shit. But unfortunately, there was only so he could do.

"I see." This answer wasn't out of his expectations. He would be more surprised if Xia Sheng decided to work with that boy who not only stole spirit stones from them but also various other resources.

"You can take your leave now. I will look for someone else." Signaling him to leave, Xia Wen looked at the report for a long time. It wasn't until he was out of sight that he slowly raised his head before looking in another direction.

"How are the preparations going?" As soon as his voice fell, a figure slowly emerged from the darkness. Clad in black, the figure didn't speak a word but nodded his head.

"Great... I have also called back all the members of the Xia Family that are attending the Xuanwu Academy. If everything went right, then in a few days, the younger generation of the Xia family will be back to celebrate the two hundredth birthday of their ancestor.

The dark figure slowly nodded before disappearing into the shadows again.

"Now... We just wait for the fish to take the bait." Closing his eyes with a smile, Xia Wen slowly drifted into his train of thoughts.

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