
He or she?

"After five whole hours, We managed to diminish the number to the last ten racers, the winner will win half of the profit we will earn on this race...."

"Half? that's freaking huge, the last time they only gave away 25% but I heard it's still more than a few thousand golds and... will they be able to profit from doing this?"

"Who cares about that, you should just bet to Fu jianhong and earn a little fortune, his land drake was the strongest and fastest demonic beast here"

"You're right, while the payout was 1-1.05 if I used all my savings that will still be plenty enough"

"Don't you think that the town chief would lose money if everyone voted to Fu Jianhong beast?"

"We're just background characters, how would we know?"

"Background characters? what are you talking about?"

"No nothing"


The final race hadn't started yet, they were still waiting until almost everyone had made a bet and to also let the demonic beast rest.

"Gu chen, who do you think will win?"

Li xun asked, which is a surprise for gu chen.


"Yes, would there be any other Gu chen here?"

"....I guess that"

Gu chen randomly pointed at a man with a demonic beast.

"Him? Hahaha, are you serious? That demonic beast of him was only as strong as a body tempering expert, I don't even know how could he somehow reach the finals"

Li xun laugh really loudly that people started staring at them.


Qiqi also laughed because her master did so.


And Luoyang elegantly laughs as she hides her mouth with her hand, she just joins the fun.

Anyways, Having three beautiful girls on your side was tiring, many people came, especially men who tried to hit with the three.

And almost every one of them glared at him with killing intent and if staring could kill he would die a lot of times today (His Imagination).

Luckily, when Qiqi reveals her cultivation stage, the number of people who tried to get close to them dwindled.

Most people who tried to get close were either overconfident to their face, or they had a cultivation stage higher than the average man.

Those who come because they were confident of their face had lost their composure when they saw gu chen.

While Gu chen's looks were only above average, he had this strange vibe with him that makes them think that they were looking at a very beautiful woman.

In fact, the strange vibe, make him stand out more than the three women but none of the four managed to realize this.

Half of the people looking at them had their eyes fixated on gu chen, They were wondering if he was a he or a she.

But none of them dare ask, because their subconsciousness doesn't allow them to do so, it was like a peasant looking at the queen, they can only look from afar.

That's why some of them tried to get close to him by using the three women as an excuse but then Qiqi showed her cultivation realm and the rest was history.

"Hey~ isn't it weird that most of them were looking at gu chen? Looks like you're pretty popular to people"

"Popular? They were staring at me full of jealousy and envy in their eyes!"

Gu chen carefully explained.

"Really? How about I'll ask them if that was true?"

Li xun also knows that those guys were envious of gu chen but she pretends that she didn't just to annoy him.

"The Racers had finished resting, the race will be starting in a minute"

A minute later...





The race had an unexpected winner.

It wasn't, Fu Jianhong Demonic beast that 90% of people think will win, there was a dark horse in this event.

It was an unusual demonic beast, every time it won on the early race, it only won by being an inch faster than the rest.

But at the finals, it was a meter ahead than everyone else and Fu Jianhong drake had only managed to secure second place.

What demonic beast was it? didn't I tell you? It was a DARK HORSE, Literally.

A dark horse or should I say black horse with strength that only equals body tempering experts had managed to win against a foundation establishment land drake.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't make any sense.

but the truth was slapped to everyone's face, Many had gloomy faces as they bet their entire saving to Fu jianhong, some were despairing, some were really mad, and a very very very few of them had a smile on their face.

Those with smiles were 'idiots' who bet that the black horse will win, and as the payout was 1:3, they and the host of the event swim in large amounts of money.

Of course one of those idiots was Li xun, she bet to that black horse just to make fun of gu chen but she didn't think it would win.

And when people asked why would those 'idiots' would bet to the black horse, a few of them says "For fun" "I got lucky" "I had a dream last night about it", and the majority had a similar answer.

They pointed to a man and says "She..... he looks really serious when she.... he says that the man with the dark horse will win and I was fascinated by her.... his looks... that I... ended up... betting to it"

The peoples who asked were confused, why would they say 'she.... he' when the man's gender was obvious.

And why would they, a man, would be fascinated by another man's looks? Are all of them bisexuals?

"Run!! A Gorilla was rampaging"


"Hey... ummm, it's dangerous here so..."

A man...

"...Follow me I lead you to safety"

A lot of men...

were reaching for his hands as they stretch theirs, yes.... to him, only a few had their hand stretching to the three women with him.

'Since when did I become this attractive?'

I made an auxiliary chapter full of info dump, there, Gu Chen's item, system function, relationship to non-mob character, was explained.

So if you're wondering about something, go to the auxiliary chapter!

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