
IDK, she's the protege.

Ah? who summoned the Master dragon of Legends? I don't know, but I think I saw my sister in that area sneaking around with the forbidden book. Ah? it takes 20 mages to ever even use that summoning technique? even then theres only a 20% chance of success?eh! I haven't had even taken the test so why look at me that way? Wow~ but if ya thing about it, my sisters only 7 years old and I heard the orb leveled her quite high in mana right and the strongest mage of the kingdom did say that the elements fairies like to be around her when he first saw her, right~? Ah!? The amount of fairies surrounding our estate are more that what the strongest mage saw around my sister? well, maybe they decided to stay home so they don't cause a commotion whenever sister leaves, after all, the mage did say they love the ones with strong mana, so they may have know they'll cause trouble if they follow her around. Oh~ The Emperor is looking for the girl who saved his heir from getting kidnapped the other day while the boy when incognito to our small kingdom? yeah, me and my sister went out too, we both met some kid who was being followed and decided to help him. Darn it! Stop asking me about such things all the time, go bother my sister, after all time and time again she raised her head and said it was her, so no different than the last, it was her! Lilith: Lily, why do people keep praising me while it was you wh- Lily: ahh! Your tired sis? why didn't you say it sooner, here let's go back home and relax, Kay? A women who just recently became an adult, died from an accident, next thing she knows, she is in the hold of some lady and learns shes the 4th princess of the Emerald Kingdom, she doesn't like to stick out so decided to push all responsibilities on her third oldest sis, who all called the reincarnation of the saintess for her beauty and the amount of fairies that surround her. so when Lily did anything she wanted because of curiosity of magic and boredom and it happens to create a stirring to the Kingdom or the Empire they live in, let Lilith get the limelight and allow me to watch the blooming life of a novel protagonist be created. Hah? do I not want to be praised and loved by everyone, ha! no thanks I read enough novels to see how annoying and dramatic that is, I'm good with being the forgotten princess who is in my sister's shadow... well if only my other family members would allow it.

Goku1234 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Fairies are real!?

Lily looked around, it was a huge open space with gold and jewels designed surrounding her, there were four columns in each side of the hall, each one made from marble, detailed designs were sculptured in each colum, some of unworldly men and women, a women is surrounded by vines with different flowers blooming in them, while another was a man who gave a feeling of loneliness and ending, he holds a scyth in his left hand.

' That must be a God of death or something, surprise that they give him a pillar at all, most novels and stories that I read, gods of death are always seen as evil, even if they might not have been. Seems like the people here are more open minded, they care for all their gods, almost like ancient Egyptian, who worshiped Anubis, the God of embalming and the dead.' While thinking that, Lily stared deeper at the God and felt a peculiar feeling, as if... as if this wasn't the first time she has seen him '... Strange, why do I feel like I've met him from somewhere...' while thinking that she already arrived in the middle of the hall, passing the statue.

Lily was momentarily distracted away from her thoughts, noticing the throne feets away from her, there are stairs covered in a scarlet red carpet around three feet width, and around twenty or so feet long, from the entrance to the last step toward the throne. The floor made from marble, a white like pearl color to it.

Looking up at the throne she noticed a well dressed man, tailored clothes to fit him to a T, each embroiled design carefully and meticulous with gold, silver, and blue. The fiery red hair combed to perfection, each time the light hits it, it seems like fire dancing from the change of colors. His emerald eyes look deep into you, daring you to go against him, a sharp gleam to them, and his aura truly that of a king. 'Well ya look at that... I forgot he is a king..'.

Most times when Lily interacts with her father, he has an easygoing appearance, never once acting or giving off the "feel" of a monarch in her presence. She quite finds this image of her dad heroic and dashing.

Romeo bends to do a deep bow, but then realizes that he was still holding the princess. He had a moment of great difficulty if what to do, those around him noticed his troubles, especially the king.

"Romeo, no need to be courteous, only those who grew with me surround us, and you are such one, I remember each one of us followed you around since we admired you" the King chuckled at the memories of their child hood, Romeo was ten years older than him and remembers how he first met Romeo. At that time. Romeo was eighteen then and was following around his father as an apprentice just like his son was following him now.

Remembering those days, he too smiled at those fond moments and did a double check around him and had glimpsed of past memories with each one.

Sighing he speaks toward the King "I won't make a habit of this, only for today since I'm carrying the princess".

A man with a light silver hair takes notice of those words and looks at the child while speaking, "speaking of that, why do you have the princess in your arm's, this is the first I've seen you ever holding a child, and I must say, it actually matches you" the man smirks at the last of his words.

Lily looks at the man and notices his hair wasn't just any type of silver, but was a silvery blond like her mother, yet his eyes gave a deeper blue, just like the sea reflecting the sky, almost like her sister Rose's eyes. His face caucasian, reminding her of those princes in story books, his smile a mischievous one, like her brother Astor. He wears attire a dark blue that has metals of some sort on it, like those in military with metals of honors. And a silky blue cape, a sword hanging from his side with a light blue crystal in the tip of the handle.

"sigh, the princess had a crying fit when I was about to leave, for some reason she wanted me to hold her, so I did, I was about to give her to her maids again but she seemed ready to let loose again if I did, so I had no choice but to carry her around". Lily giggled away and felt a bit sorry but didn't regret it.

"I see she has a bit of a mischievous side to her like her uncle Rox". The king cast a glance at the man who was teasing Romeo. Rox notice that glance and raised both his hands, "Hey now, I was a playful kid back then, but I've changed, I'm a serious and competent General". Even Lily can see that his words hold only a bit of the truth, 'But he is my uncle huh? Now I see why he has quite the similarity to mom and the two brats'. She nods her head as if she discovered something important, without noticing the looks that she receive in her surrounding.

"well back to the princess.. I can see what you mean Michael, she hasn't shown a big reaction of being surrounded by strangers, taking you and Romeo out, since she just met him much earlier than us, she must have got accustomed to him". Rox looks deeply at his niece and had an uncharacteristic frown to his face, he normally does wear a serious expression, but it was never a frown of worry or stress liked he had on now. He remembers how his sister cried in worry when she tells him how strange Lily would react, most times she would show expressions normal children her age would do, yet there are many more times were she doesn't react at all, and her eyes seem to look into a person or just daze to the wall, he felt it when she stared at him for quite some time when she entered the hall.

Michael was Lily's father's name, and he nodded gravely "Yes, me and Lenna have spend more time in her presence than we did for our other children, at first when we heard it from her maids, we believed they were exaggerating, not until even Claire, her aunt came to us days later with a bit of worry and panic, and normally she would never jump to any conclusions" The stress and shock he felt that day, he remembered watching as his ever so steady sister in law walk with hesitant steps toward the two, her eyes showing her worries even when she tried to seem calm, him and Lenna knew something was not right when something actually worries claire, she never showed her worries and gave the image of a big sis, she was 3 years older than them, "Lenna quickly asked what was wrong, only to hear Claire say the same as the other maids, that's when we started to visit our daughter more, and noticed what they have meant, we have gone again and again, and are frightened at how many times we have to call our daughter's name so she would look at us".

Seeing their strong king, who was as well their childhood friend slump in his throne with a hand pressed to his forehead, they feel his worry as well.

"It may be just her getting easily distracted from objects around her, so maybe that's why she did not pay attention to how she was being called?" This was what a man in the second general getup said, his hair was an intresting brown, a mix of coffee and mocha, he had more of an Asian descent look, that of a Chinese man, rather than Korean or Japanese, his frame was as tall as Rox, but he had more lean body type, more for speed than strength, his eyes for the first time Lily has seen was a onyx type black to his eyes '... Just like home' she couldn't look away from him and kept staring.

She was listening in on their conversations and found what they are saying strange 'wait, they think theres something wrong with me?' she tried remember those time of interaction with her parents and did notice they once both entered the room in a hurry, aunt Claire right behind them and taking them to a corner to reprimand them for it, she couldn't hear what she said, but both of them calmed down and approached her crib 'And I do remember that hint of panic they would have when they had to call me more than one time, I would be distracted by my thoughts then so that's why it would take so long, I didn't think it caused such a strong effect' she starts to have cold sweats from her small actions that lead to such a big deal. However when she had thought that, she ended up in deeper thought when she looked at that general that spoke.

"We all thought the same, but she was just staring on, she didn't move and just stared at nothing, it was like... like a doll" he almost said "Lifeless doll" yet he didn't want that word to ever have an association with his children, especially his daughter Lily.

"We didn't want to think the worse Quinnel, yet we even hoped that she was hard of hearing, that would be better that the thought of our child having a curse or anything placed on her" He stressed his words in frustration and exhaustion and wanted to say more, but he took a glance to his daughter and caught his words. Everyone there notice and quickly looked to Lily.

She had a distant, hazy look, as if she was not there, but somewhere far. "Lily?" the king called her name, and no response. All the others around him had creeping warnings when they witnessed this "Lily.. Lily! Lily!!...LILY!!!" The king stood from his throne at the second call and started to grow even more tense by each call he made, he quickly walked down the steps to his daughter until he ended up screaming her name a few inches away.

As if waking from a spell, she let out a startled cry, her father reached out and steadily held her in his arms. Romeo felt his hands shakingly hand the girl over 'This... if I hadn't held her and felt her breathing and warmth, I would have thought I was holding an motionless doll...' With that thought his shaking hasn't decreased, but in increased, even if no one notices a change in his demeanor.

"This... experiencing the princess in that moment left me to worry as well now" General Quinnel said while pondering who would be able to curse the royal child with so many guards and hidden ones as well. " I keep getting this fear of one day calling her again and again, yet rather than answering, even late, she hasn't responded to the call, she just laid in her crib, her eyes looking on with no movement... Quinnel, Rox, Luka, and Raphael, I trust you all the most and of course the loyal knights that serve the royal family, that is why I can show this weakness of mind, now tell me, what should be done other than to ask the fairies for guides, I know it would be presumptuous of me to, but I'm desperate" The king held her tight to his chest, afraid that if he doesn't have him in his arms, he'll lose her.

Sensing her father's distress, Lily sighs in guilt 'dad really seems affected by this, I didn't know all my actions were being watched' while thinking that, she noticed something peculiar about her father's words.

The men in the room stood quite, they cast each other a look, and each one understood what to do and nodded to each other "We understand your highness, after witnessing it firsthand, we won't argue against it, just be sure not to demand out of worry for the princess, but ask with respect so no consequences follow after" Luka, the minister of Michael advised him, he had a dark brown colored hair, his eyes a sea green, a scholar type look, yet he held a staff that had a pulsing light emitting from the emerald jewel on it, he was darker skin, a mocha type that looked unique with his eyes.

'So I ended up worrying them even more by my actions' Lily sighs in her father's arms 'but I wasn't hearing things, they did say fairies... but from what I understand, they hold fairies in high esteem, no rather than that, fairies exist!? like not stories and stuff?' Lily looked around and started to squirm around in her father's arms.

"Lily, please hold still, I may accidentally drop you" Her father tries steadying her in his arms and he started to sweat a bit from the thought of dropping her. "Your highness, let me try carrying her" Rox held his arms out, he wanted to hold his cute niece. However Lily dodged him and looked toward Quinnel, "Gah, Que Que" she reached an arm toward him, as if to ask him to carry her. Everyone there looked in surprise and looked to him. He stood there wide eyed and glanced beside him to see if theres anyone else, only to see none.

'I want him, he looked cute and I like his eyes' she kept stretching toward him. "It seems that Lily wants to be held by you, I see even with a froze up face like yours, you can still seduce my precious daughter" the king grumbles with annoyance. "your majesty, I have done no such thing!" Quinnel turned a bit panic from the accusation and tried to defend himself, causing everyone there to laugh, even the king.

"Well let's go back to topic, Romeo have you already increased the offering for the fairies?".

"Yes, your highness, all has been prepared, I am heading to do a recheck to it to see if all is well".

"Good, I'll have someone take the princess back then. I do hope this goes well".

"We all do hope so too your majesty, let us head to the preparation".

ah... I ain't gonna lie, I BS some stuff, didn't know what to write and I just didn't think much for the plot, hope ya like it, bye bye.

Goku1234creators' thoughts