
Chapter 1

Groans and moans sounded in the hotel room.

The woman under him moaned with pleasure as she continued to beckon onto him to continue. Every once in a while she'd let out an almost pig like grunt and nibble at his neck.

His focus wasn't on her though. His mind couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten into this situation. Who exactly was this woman and how had they gotten here.

Then it suddenly hit him like a hurricane. He was down in the hotel lobby with his father. Who had been celebrating some important deal with an investor. He had been chatting with a few friends of his when this woman had approached him.

A little bit under the influence they talked. One thing led to another and now they were both here naked on the bed together.

A wave of disgust hit him almost immediately. She was like all the other women that had ever approached him before. Once they found out that his was the son of Xavier Sharp. They all tried to suck it up to him. They'd all do their best to act sweet and nice to him. Playing the part of the ideal girlfriend in hopes of getting his attention.

These attempts never ended well. Full blown cat fights had broken out because of him.

In the past he wouldn't have minded the extra attention. Infact he would often brag about how all the girls around him would fight for his attention. But he couldn't do that anymore.

A part of him had grown to loathe the attention these materialistic women paid him.

Like a bad memory resurfacing her words echoed through his head.

"You're nothing but a living credit card. The only thing you're good for is wasting money"

The pain, angry and shame caused by those words caused him to involuntarily squeeze the arm of his companion a little to tightly.

Thinking about her drove him insane.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't forget her. Every word she had said to him be it kind and sweet or laced with venom and hatred. It stuck with him.

There were times he'd just be sitting in his office and out of nowhere he'd remember her.

He could be at home watching a sports game and he'd suddenly remember her.

Thoughts of her lived rent free in his head.


He didn't regret a lot in the short life he had lived.

But if there's one thing he did regret it was meeting her.

Now he couldn't do the things that were once natural for him. He could hear her voice at the back of his mind taunting him.

Pushing all thoughts of her aside he continued on with his business.

He Elliott Sharp could as he pleased. Enjoy life to the fullest and have some good food along the way. And what the heck?! Enjoy what life had to offer.

Wrapping up his business he and his partner were safely tucked under the blankets enjoying each other's body heat.

He would decide his next move in the morning.

Let tomorrow's him deal with the problems of tomorrow.


He was woken up by the sound of a door opening and closing.

He wasn't sure whether he was dreaming it or not.

The time was half past one.

Dragging himself out of the bed he threw on a robe and left the comfort of his bed to freshen up in the bathroom.

Sprinkling the cold water on his face to try and wake himself up fully.

A pair of slender feminine hands hugged him from behind.

"You're incredible"

He turned to get a good look at the woman. In the dark he couldn't really make out her face but seeing her now. He'd give her a six out of ten.

"I could say the same for you"

He leaned down and kissed her and she kissed him back.

"You know if you're up for it I could use a round two" her hot breath on his face.

He began to kiss her passionately and she kissed in turn pulled the robe off of him. Both of them were too engrossed in their activity to hear the sound of the bedroom door opening.

At the corner of his eye Elliott caught a movement in the room.

And he had seventeen heart attacks within the span of one second.

He instantly pulled away from the woman and looked at the person in the room.

Beautiful long brown hair that had grown even longer than he'd remembered. Lovely brown eyes that he once had gazed into. Soft pink lips that he had been too much of a coward to kiss. The dark smooth skin that felt warm when pressed against his.

It was almost as if life was playing a cruel joke on him.

Of all the people he could run into why did it have to be her?

Hannah Evelyn Joy.

Their eyes met and for a brief moment they were both visibly confused. Until Hannah gave a small smile and scoffed.

Elliott was the one who spoke up first.


"Elliott" She responded in a monotone voice.

"It's good to see that some of us never change"

Next chapter