
the end.

I looked to the endless void , bright and warm but unsettling ı never had this comfort , ı never had expected to.

Even in my mothers arms ı have never.

Perhaps ı have. How could ı know?

Its been a long time.

World is nothing but an illusion after all those dreams ı had I cannot split life and dreams apart.

I belive they were real, ı don't want to accept. How could ı even dream something ı have never experienced?

How could ı dream something ı have never known?

And how could ı forget those dreams after all that?

I don't know.

I looked up

Afterall ı was already dead.

It was nothing exciting , ı just shot myself on the head. It may seem to be quick but its not

It felt like hours that one moment felt like more than an second

Firstly ı felt nothing, everything was going slowly and more slowly

I felt like the time has stopped but didn't at the same time

It felt warm, maybe because of the heat from the gun or the hugging with the death for the last time

After a while my ears started ringing

It didn't annoy me

And then things started to fade from outside to middle

That's how ı ended up here

Ah ı remember why ı shot myself.

Maybe not.

Who was ı?

That doesn't matter anymore.

My body feelt unusual, its understandable

I was dead afterall

I looked at my hands just to see ordinary hands, they were too ordinary. But not mine ,it was like they were formless.

I see this must be my soul

My hands were at the same color with the void. But somehow ı could differentiate them. Understandable ı guess, afterall this is my soul right?

So what? Is this the end? Will ı sit here doing nothing?

I guess so.


I woke up.

I see , another dream…

Everything was still white. My death wasn't an dream afterall, nice.

There must be something ı can do right?

I don't mind being lonely forever, ı cannot get tired. Im a soul afterall ı don't remember anything.

This is wrong.

Maybe ı can create something from this void

I touch the ground beneath just to find out its just like sand, maybe ı can create something with this. I start to play with the "sand" surprisingly ıt can tale any form ı want,

I know what ı am doing, their color might be absolutely same but ı can tell what ı am doing, afterall ı am dead, what can't ı do?

I start to make an body, starting from the bottom, ı inspired it from my body the feet, legs, torso, arms, and then an head

I couldn't make it completely like myself, but it looked good. I am proud of myself.

I flinched as it opened its eyes. It looked at me as ı looked at it. I could say that it was suprised just like me when ı died, it looked at its hands just like I did and looked up to see that the void was endless

"Where am I?"

His voice startled me.

"I don't know."

We didn't talk after that . He knew o knew nothing

"What is my purpose?"

I got surprised by his question, ı made him but didn't think of an purpose while making him. I didn't know what to say and then replied

"I don't know"

He was sad, anxious and horrified. I could feel his emotions really well,

I don't know why but ı could.

"Lets just say that ı wanted someone to talk to"

He got releifed , ı don't know why but he felt better after that.

"What should we talk about?"

I smiled

"What about life?"

He smiled also



We talked alot.

He was just like me, maybe a little different, but we were really compatible

He understood what ı said , he understood my emotions, he understood my anger and frustrations

But none mattered anymore, afterall ı was dead.

Years were not enough for us, we talked a lot.

But everything has an end. After we talked a lot there was nothing to talk about. We were bored. But ı got an idea.

"What if ı make another person?"

He got excited after hearing this, a new person that we could talk to would be great.

This time ı wanted to make an female, just like the last time ı made it looking at my own body, it looked similar but little different. I cannot copy anything fully, afterall ım dead.

"What is my purpose?"

We smiled and talked at the same time

"We wanted someone to talk to."

She smiled.

We talked a lot.

Years could not hold us, we laughed.

Just as the last time, there was nothing to talk about. But this time it was longer and more enjoyable. I got an idea.

"What if o create an pet? Like an dog that we can play with?"

We all liked the idea.

I created a dog. It was simply a dog. Nothing more nothing less. But it was really lovable. We talked about it and played with it, we loved it and cared it.

Years could not hold us.

Now we wanted someplace to play and talk. I thinked about trees. I thinked about soil. I thinked about grass.

I wanted to crate open field with an tree at the middle. We played we ran we laughed we slept , the happiness was endless. But we got bored of sameness. They all looked same, white. Although we could tell , we got bored. I made colors. I didn't to be exact, ı only awakened them, the greens of the grass field and difference of the tree was like an massage to our eyes, it was calming.

Next chapter