
My Dark Academia test chapter

This is a test chapter for a novel idea I'm currently developing please comment on paragraphs and leave an honest review in the chapter comments thank you for you help

I woke up this morning and immediately thought what would this world be like if dick was that all the girls in school find to be the hottest was to disappear, yes all of the girls in school find someone that is not me to be the most attractive boy in school while I waste away ranked 2nd in terms of physical attractiveness.

After getting out of bed did a Patric Baitman from American Psycho and a Shinji from the first 5 minutes of the end of Evangelion

"Yo it's the author here to say I'm gonna get a taken to court for even mentioning the name of an anime Japanese animation studios sure love copyright striking people left and right that's right I'm looking at you Toei"

"God is that you? I'm sorry for even thinking about killing someone," I say groveling in front of the disembodied voice that must belong to the One True God Haruhi Suzumiya.

"I'm not Haruhi you fool, she is greater than anything else in existence, now forget everything that has to do with me."

What was I doing, again, oh right let's get back to being the dollar store Emo character archetype.

Some time later…

"Damn that guy was so fucking heavy, at least now I'm even more jacked," What were you expecting to actually witness the murder well you're in the wrong place for that this story is about me your average closeted Emo kid at a British Prep school and my big booby demon familiar that you will meet shortly.

"Now roll the generic edgy teen supernatural drama anime opening."