1 Icy's Family

"look at how the egg has grown up," said Icy's mother

"It will hatch soon,"

"or it will die," says Icy's father, Henry

"There's a good chance," Icy's mom looks at Henry with a mean look on her face. Henry shrugged and looked at the kingdom's doctor, who had walked in the room with a sad face.

"If you don't get the child to hatch soon it will die," said the doctor. Henry looked at him "The child won't die I'll make sure of it," Icy's mom looked at Henry and spoke out.

"And how are you going to do that?" Henry glared at Icy's mom and announced.

"I'll hatch it myself," Henry's hands began to glow red and so did the blue egg it had black spots on it too.

"Henry no!" Shouted Icy's mom but it was too late the egg in pieces on the ground and nothing there.

"Idiot!" Icy's mom exlaimed and she smacked Henry in the back of the head

"Ow! The child is around here somewhere...I know it," said Henry rubbing his head

"Daddy!" Shouted a little girl. She ran towards Henry with her arms open she was blue with two pairs of wings, horns and two tails. Henry picked up the child and looked at her.

"A nephelim!" He yelled with excitement.

"Haven't seen one of them born in years," Icy's brother Grey said with a smile. A few minutes later there was screaming and bombs being dropped.

"We're under attack," said Henry.


Hello I am Icycatgirl I bet you're wondering why I published this trash...

Well honestly I don't know...

But please give me feedback on what you think and if you want more to come...

Thx and goodbye...
