
Chapter 2

Going through the portal was different then I thought it would be. I feel like it should have been longer than it was. It was more like jumping through a window no time had passed it was fairly quick no pain except for the landing. I ended up landing on my face which hurt like hell since I jumped through the porthole head first. I realize in that moment that if it was a widow I could see my mom before it closes completely. I rush to my feet and look up at the porthole seeing my mother. She looks down at me crying softly as she knows she can't go where I am I reach out to her feeling the pain of knowing I may not see her ever again. When a teardrop lands on my face from her soft sobs above me, two men appear grabbing her and taking her away. She at the last second before they came in throw down her Grimoire at me. She tried to talk but before she could even make a sound they got to her. The window had closed after that and I was just there in a new place without my mother and also not knowing what became of her.

When i look around me i get a good view of the place. It was very barren so lifeless just like how I felt in that moment. I was sure nothing could ever grow here, yet I see trees and some plants every now and then. I turn around and see the biggest castle I have ever seen. I've watched a few things on tv before on big castles but this one takes all of the cakes. I slowly walk up to the huge gate that leads to the giant castle. I place my hand on the gate feeling uneasy wanting nothing more than to just go back to my life but I know I need to face this place. They could lead me to my father who knows I only hope they aren't a jerk in all ways possible.

To my surprise the gate opens upon touching it. When it did it forced me out of my train of thought so I decided to take the opportunity to say "well one window closes a huge castle gate opens."

There are maids and butlers everywhere fixing the grounds or tending to the plants. None of them take notice to me. I slowly walk down the path to the front doors. I see gargoyles on the ledges of the castle. There are tall towers so high to the sky it looked like it was piercing the heavens. There was also broken away spots. It was like it was in a Great War. It was dark and there was a hollow feeling to it even though there were people walking around the grounds. I think to myself I wish my mom could have seen such a interesting place.i wonder if she might have already. I get to the gigantic doors. They have silver knobs on them, wood that was like a death brown with a lot of cuts inserted into it. I don't want to ever go in I just want to make up like it any other nightmare I've had but, I know that my Mom sent me here for a reason. Whatever that reason maybe and I need to know how to read the grimoire she gave me, I have a bad feeling I'll find out here. I take a deep breath before opening the door.

As I walk through the huge doors. I feel a slow dark chill go down my spine. I think to myself what does this place have in store for me as well as what my power really holds. There's a huge open space. I'm guessing that it is a room for ballroom dancing. The floor is a dark gray garnet, the walls are black with paintings of people on the walls, there are staircases curving up the walls, the railings have silver vines running up them softly as if they were real vines. There's a red carpet flowing down the staircase. A man that looks like one of the butlers but a bit more sophisticated starts to walk down the stairs. He notices me at the front doors. He watches me as he slowly walks down the staircase.

When he gets to the bottom of the staircase he says to me. "The master is waiting for you. Please follow me."

I follow him upstairs through a hallway to a door. He opens the door and it's a huge office. There's a man at the desk that looks at least 10 years older than me.

"Hello Matt, it's nice to finally meet you," the man at the desk says to me, still looking at his work and not at me.

"Hello father." I look at him with anger even though he can't see it somehow it makes me feel better.

He finally looks up at me and says with a very irritated tone, "I am not your father he is just my employer. I want to make this clear I'm not here to baby you I'm here to make a man out of you for your actual father. To me you are just a worthless half bread. your father wants you to go train and practice."

"Train? Your not my dad? If you aren't then who is?How am I supposed to train when I've had so much happen to me in less than 10 minutes? I've also never done magic in my life so how can I do that when I don't know how? Another thing, who were those people that took my mother? Also another thing u seem to have been expecting me who are you really?" I say going from a low irritated tone to yelling angrily at the Mystery man.

He sighs and puts his head back into his work then says, "Ask the maids and butlers to help you.As for your mother she is not someone I care about you are my main mission to watch you and see what happens nothing more, and to as who I am you will either find out or you won't I don't care"

"Th-this is absurd! I demand you tell me!" I say yelling in frustration.

The butler forces me to leave with him. I try my hardest not to leave the room without answers but the head butler just grabbed me by the throat and said "now sir there is a easy way for you to leave this room and there is a painful way now which one will u be smart about?" He says to me before I just nod and follow him out the room.

The head butler started to shows me the way to my room. The walk was quiet and awkward for me, for him however it just seemed like a normal day in the manor. As I walk in silence I study the buildings architecture how the hallways are curved not straight and it felt like we were slowly spirally down to the bottom. The hall had a lot of doors on the outer spiral of the hallway which was to my left. On my right however the doors seemed To come up every fourth door on the left. We get to the bottom of the spiral to a gold door. The butler turns to me and says, "this is your room from now on until the master says otherwise. Your training will begin in two days until then I suggest you learn the grounds they can be quite hard to move around in." He then leaves me to my new room.

I stop him before he leaves out of my site, "what happened to my mother? Will she be okay?" I say looking at him worried and confused.

He gives me a sorry kind of expression like he didn't know but didn't want to tell me that. The butler opened his mouth for a second then shut it peering off to look at something while he seemed to be in thought.

He cleared his throat before speaking to me in a low voice, "I don't think they will cause her any harm if she complies but the people that took her from what i know they are very horrible people. Even ya demons think what they do is appalling." He then leaves me to think to myself.

I turn to open the door slowly not eager to see what is behind it when I do the door creaks a little swinging open. I peer into the room. it is huge in size. It was around ish. The door was on the left side of the room. The left and right side walls were curved but the back and front were flat as a plane. The bed was almost equally as gigantic in size. The old dark wood bed with black and red etchings into the sides leaned into the wall nicely. There were light red drapes flowing down the sides of the archways that floated above the bed. The floor is a shiny black wood with a red rug in the middle of the room; the walls are a blood red with some pictures on it that I find very creepy.

After looking around the room I walk slowly to the bed . I touch the wood frame of the bed feeling to see if it is real. I then pat the bed to see how hard it soft it is. It felt very softly and so did the blankets. I grab a handful of the blankets with both hands rubbing it softly feeling the fabric a little in my finger tips. It felt like velvet very soft yet warm. I crawl into the soft bed before turning on my side looking at the door on the left wall not noticing it before when looking around the room. It was a white door. Out of exhaustion and not caring to much about the door I turn over closing my eyes. My thoughts drift away to a land of dreams.

The dream starts off with where I was last. I get up out of the crater and fly up so fast that they don't even see me until it's too late. I punch the first guy in the jaw then in the stomach and to top it off, I summon a ice scythe and cut his head off. I dash at the next guy and before he can do anything, I cut him in half. The last guy left as soon as I look at him. I slowly flap to the ground resting my feet on the ground before falling back and lay on the grass.

I wake up feeling better than I have in weeks as I say to myself "That was an awesome dream."

I then remember where I was and the mystery door that I was facing when I woke up. I get up slowly then I ruffle my hair. I slowly walk toward the Mystery door. I grab the door knob before swinging it open. It was just a bathroom. Well I shouldn't say JUST a bathroom. It had huge contour space and not to mention the oversized jacuzzi that I'm guessing is supposed to be the bath and shower. In the back there was a massive walk in closet. I turn the sink on before washing my face the minute the water hit me it was like all of my stress just went down the drain with it. I head downstairs to get breakfast after experiencing the odd bedroom and bathroom. The maids and butlers had already made me some food when I got to the kitchen. I sat down at the island with a stool. The food was eggs scrambled with cheese bacon and a little bit of potatoes in the eggs. I pick at my food a bit before eating it. It didn't taste to bad actually almost amazing I was surprised they could cook human food here or had any in the first place. all though i shouldn't set my expectations to high sense I've only had my moms food. i wonder how she is doing with the kidnappers. i need to get stronger to bring her back she isn't the brightest.

I go look around the house if you can even call this place a house. I talk to a few of the maids and butlers everyday meeting new ones everyday it's weird how I never seem to catch the same maids or butlers the next day. They were all so boring.

I had been having trouble being able to use magic at all the first few weeks. i had been getting so frustrated. the maid at the time that was trying to teach me at the time was showing me a spell to try out she said if i couldn't even get this spell then i had no magical capability at all. so i try my best to listen and do exactly as she says but no matter how hard i try. no matter what i do it just doesn't work. i get on my knees and i start pounding the ground in frustration.

the maid just says with a blank expression no feelings whatsoever "i dont think your capable of doing any kind of magic."

i hear those words come out of her mouth and all i can just think is "no. this can't be it!". i start saying it outloud little by little getting louder. "no this can't be it i refuse for this to be it!" i scream pounding my fists on the ground before gripping the grass and just pulling it out of the ground as my anger boils my blood steam starts coming off my body.

i look straight at the maid who now looked shocked and scared of me for some reason. i make a humph sound grunting gripping the grass tighter. looking dead in her eyes "you will keep teaching me even if i have to bleed my last drop of blood or breath my last breathe." all she did was just nod as i feel myself get much more angry then i should have been.

i scream at her and throw the dirt on the ground "can you just fucking speak to me like a normal person any of u? no one? no one at all? fine then be that way!" as my temper rises so does the cold chill of the air, my eyes turning from red to ice blue, and my skin going from a light tan white to a small blue ice film around my outer skin making it look like it is blue. I'm looking at the staff as i am yelling in anger turning to them to look at them they are all terrified of me.

the maid screams "master please calm down your freezing half the manner!" she's shrieking in terror.

my clear minded self bursts through the hassy anger that was infelaping me seeing behind me a huge iceberg surrounding the manner. I'm sure if i could look at my face it would be just as shocked and scared as they were. i turn to them and apologize to them for scaring them.

i run off going back inside saying "I'll be in my room cooling off if anyone needs me."

After that time flew by as the days went on. I got help with my training from the maids and butlers at the castle. In no time, I was doing magic and summoning weapons but creatures were still hard to summon. For some reason, I was able to do ice magic in hell. Apparently it's unheard of, so says half of the butlers and maids.

One day my fake father's butler comes in my room and says "You're going to school today, get up and get dressed."

I get dressed and go downstairs. There's a pentagram on the ballroom floor.

"You will be teleported to the school," the head butler says to me.

I step on the pentagram, it glows brightly and my clothes and bag begin to float. the lights beaming so bright it almost blinds me. in a blink of an eye I am teleported to this huge school that looks more like an overgrown castle to me. I get up slowly and start walking nervously toward the school pulling my hood over my horns making it seem like my horns are just apart of the hoodie.

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