
Ice Is Not The Only Cold Thing

Everyone and everything has a story to tell. Some stories are short, while others drag on for way too long. Everyone is the protagonist of their own story, but a question still remains: Is any story more important than another? Author's Note: This is my first ever written story, so it's sort of like my baby. That being said, I appreciate any and all thoughts the readers may have. I hope you can enjoy, or at least not totally cringe at, my story and leave your thoughts in the comments. Let's start the ride! Keep in mind that even though I'm confident in my English, it is not my first language.

IgnorantAmanuensis · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


'' Hello everyone, I'm Samantha Evans and I will be acting as the teacher for the '8H' class. As many of you should know already, my job is basically to teach you how to fight. Up until now, you were taught on a theoretical level and your knowledge regarding the subjects for your training should be known to all of you. For the next 3 years, you will be having practical examinations. What this means is that you have approximately 3 years to prove your worth and prowess and climb up the ranks. Currently, the lot of you are in the lowest possible position, so you have to put in great effort. But let me say this in advance: I don't expect anything from you weaklings. Any questions? ''

These words and mocking tone are unbecoming of a teacher, and many students felt annoyed. Unfortunately for them, there was nothing they could say. Miss Samantha had just recently been appointed as a teacher for the '8th Omni School' and, as a veteran fighter, she is extremely dissatisfied that she was placed in the lowest class of the lowest ranked 'Omni School'. Therefore, any attempt at openly confronting her would end in an unfavorable result. Moreover, what she said was not wrong by any means. '8H' class does indeed contain the officially recognised 'weaker' students.

'' Excuse me Samantha sensei, but aren't you being unfair right now? '', said a girl sitting at the very front seat, ignoring the stares of the rest of her classmates.

'' Would you be as kind as to enlighten me as to how exactly am I being unfair, miss Melissa Bailey? ''

The young girl stood up and started speaking as if giving a lecture.

'' In the 'Omni Schools' created by the 'Global Management Association', the students are separated based on their spiritual strength and not their practical ability. Even the 'GMA' recognizes this fact and has officially stated that the individual rankings don't necessarily depict the students' true strength. That's why there have been observed heavy fluctuations on rankings, as students with lower spiritual strength have superb control and mastery of their skills and can overthrow those at the top. Moreover, the ranks often don't represent the fighting power of a person. There are many whose powers don't rely on fighting, but on other fields, such as support and information gathering. They may be weaker against opponents of lower rank in terms of fighting, but they can be unmatched in their respective field of expertise. Therefore, I believe that diminishing someone with a low rank as 'weak', is an unfair and biased opinion. '', Melissa ended her speech in a triumphant tone.

'' Well-said, miss Melissa Bailey. Now then, please allow me to ask you some questions in return '', miss Samantha finally said. '' You're claiming that the rankings don't represent a student's real strength, is that right? ''

'' Indeed. At least, that's what I believe. ''

'' Then, are you saying that they are meaningless? ''

'' No, that's not what I'm saying, but rather that, since the school just started, they can't accurately measure an individual's strength. ''

'' Good. Then, are you saying that between two equally skilled individuals, the one who comes out on top is not the one with the strongest spiritual power? ''

'' Not exactly...'' Melissa said with great caution. Where exactly was she going with this?

'' Then, as we can't accurately measure ability right now, isn't it the best solution to base ability on something that actively plays a role in evaluating someone's strength, a.k.a. spiritual strength? ''

'' That's...''

'' Additionally, based on the above evaluating system and the fact that it is actively applied, even if the measurement is insufficient, labelling someone as 'weak' in relation to it, how is that wrong? ''

'' Well, it's...'' Melissa tried to say something, but she ultimately sat down and kept silent.

'' Also, please allow me to correct a misunderstanding you seem to have. For those whose abilities rely on a field different from fighting, the school doesn't rank them based solely on their spiritual strength, but also on the overall mastery of their respective ability and the results they produce. So, if some of them who just entered the school, thus not having produced results, don't have a remarkable control over their abilities or at least some spiritual strength, labelling them as 'weak' is not unfair. ''

''...'' Melissa had nothing left to say, so she remained silent.

'' Is there anything else you would like to say, miss Melissa? ''

'' Nothing, teacher. '', her voice barely audible.

'' Excellent! '' said miss Samantha with a satisfied smile. '' Now, since it's required for me to know the level of my students, lets head to the battleground ''.


The so-called battleground is a spacious place with a circular shape and an enormous iron door right across the entrance. In a way, it resembles the Colosseum of Rome with the exception that there aren't any seats for an audience to sit.

Obviously, it's not a simple arena for training. It's located in what is called 'A Space out of Space'. Basically, by combining the abilities of members of the 'GB', a special place is 'created' which doesn't directly interacts with the physical plane. It has a striking resemblance to whatever exists in the physical plane, an exact copy actually. However, as it doesn't exist in it, every destruction and phenomena happening in it don't affect anything else, and everything returns to its original shape relatively fast.

'' Well, everyone. I would like to believe that everyone here is a respectable human being that will abide by the rules and won't cause any problems, so all of us can get this over with quickly. In this particular examination, the purpose is to determine your fighting strength against monsters. Currently, I don't know of anyone in my class whose abilities are not battle-oriented so if I'm mistaken, feel free to correct me. '' is what miss Samantha said after everyone had gathered. Her last words contained irony, and it's not hard to imagine for whom they were meant for. '' Now, can anyone tell me in what way we classify the monsters? You, there. Would you do us the honor? ''

'' Th-the monsters are categorised based on the plane of existence their abilities affect and how is their structure in relation to those planes. '' started saying shyly a boy with blond hair and positioned away from the rest of his classmates. '' The ones without a soul are considered the most basic type of monster and are the easiest to deal with, since they don't have a free will and just act based on a simple instinct in their mind, [Kill and Destroy]. We call them [Soulless Beasts]. The ones who possess a soul, depending on the strength of the soul, can be relatively intelligent and are far harder to deal with as they can use their abilities to their utmost. Other than that, some of them are given code names based on various factors, usually their appearance and abilities, such as [Dragon]. ''

'' Perfect answer. Is there anyone who has any questions? ''

Nobody voices any questions, since all of that is common knowledge for everyone. Even though the students enter the 'Omni Schools' at the age of 15, the education officially begins at the age of 7 and the parents individually facilitate in the growth of their children. The education consists of learning language, history and other important lessons, as well as all the knowledge the 'GMA' has managed to obtain regarding powers, the planes of existence and, more importantly, the monsters.

''Well then. Since this is an examination of your individual ability, all of you will fight a [Soulless Beast] on your own. You don't have to defeat it, just to show your skill. But I will say this: Those who manage to kill it will get a higher score than the others.''

The students are disturbed and annoyed at this blatant display of authority abuse but, as expected, nobody voiced any complaints.


One by one, the students faced off against [Soulless Beasts] especially reformed by the school so as not to overly damage the students, making them excellent training partners. The number of them getting killed is relatively low. That's to be expected. Not only they have their original strength, but for the majority of the students it is the first time fighting, never mind seeing a monster in real life. The condition for passing is to hit the specifically-marked places on the skin of the monsters. The students who managed to kill the monsters were receiving words of praise from miss Samantha, while those that failed received her scorn.

The average time of the class is about 6 minutes, with the fastest time being 4:30 minutes. Now it's Melissa's turn and she has everyone's attention, considering her attitude during her confrontation with miss Samantha on the first day of school. Her opponent is a four-legged beast-like creature, slightly bellow 2 meters tall and about 4 meters long. It appears to have a relatively hard skin and 2 large horns on top of its head. Melissa unscathes the sword she has on her left side, something that surprises a few of her classmates, but not entirely, since many increase the efficiency of their powers through the use of weapons. She takes position just 10 meters in front of the monster and then takes a sword fighting stance.

'' Let me inform you that this kind of monster uses its high agility to do charging attacks. '' miss Samantha warned, sounding like an actual teacher. The reason being that facing a charging attack head on is something suicidal or something only a complete idiot would do.

'' Don't worry, everything's under control. ''

Her advice, however, seems to fall on deaf ears and she doesn't say anything else. Indeed, the creature prepares itself for a charging attack and at an overwhelming speed throws itself towards the small girl. Instead of panicking, the girl waits patiently and when the monster is about 3 to 4 meters away from her she rushes forward as well. When only a couple hundred centimeters separate them, the creature further bends its head downwards and the girl swiftly leaps over and slashes it from its head to its back in a straight horizontal line before finally landing in a perfect position. The monster staggers for a few seconds before finally falling on its side.

All of that took approximately 40 seconds and it's by far the fastest record in the class. Everyone sees Melissa in a different light, their eyes filled with envy, praise and amazement. But her eyes show something different: Irritation and disappointment. Those near her can hear her clicking her tongue.

'' Splendid work. That was an excellent display of skill. Your father must be very proud. '' said Samantha.

Mellisa's shoulders tense ever so slightly.

''Thank you...'' she said in a strained voice.

''Now then, everyone, you're dismissed.''

''Excuse me, teacher'', said the boy with blond hair who was previously asked to explain the way the monsters are classified.

''What is it Marco? ''

''There's still one student left who hasn't been examined.'' Marco said, pointing towards the door through which they got here.

Over there, sitting with crossed legs , was a hooded figure. You can't discern any facial figures, but it is most definitely a student of '8H', since it is the only class currently using the training room.

''Hey, you, over there. Come over here and join us. Maybe that way we can finally finish this examination. ''

Reluctantly, the student stood up and went to take his position. Without removing his hood, he stood against his assigned opponent and took off his black gloves. Shortly after, 5 sharp ice claws formed on the fingers of each hand. This was nothing too impressive, and the superb display of skill previously displayed made the majority of the students have expression that betray their boredom and disappointment.

The fight lasted about 6 minutes and nothing excited happened, unlike the previous one. Finally, the student managed to hit the last marked point on the monster and ended the battle without killing it.

''Well then, everyone, I guess this now concludes the test. I would like to congratulate you all for doing your best, but I believe that we all know that doing your best doesn't equate doing good. But, keep trying. I mean, who knows? Some miracle may happen '' Samantha said with her usual mocking tone and words, all the while wearing a charming smile.

While everyone was leaving, miss Samantha went to confirm something that's been bothering her about a monster. By doing that, she confirmed her suspicions. Every wound on it had the same angle, the same depth and all of the attacks had hit the marked places right in the center. This indicated either that there was great skill, but no power or no skill, but incredible luck. Or it could actually have been a masterful concealment of the true strength. Whatever though the case might be, Samantha reveals a pleased smile. This school may not be as boring as she thought it would.