
Ice and Fire : AN AWAKENING

this is a story about the awakening of Jon Snow to reclaim what was his by right.

Youssef_Saleh · Movies
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4 Chs

chapter 3

holding the glistening stone in his hands and reading its description in a daze. Jon stood while thinking about the changes the system could bring while the burden of it all finally dawned on him.

"Huh it seems that even with this second chance in life i will still have to carry this burden. "said Jon while letting out a weary smile.

"I am sorry to hear that Jon but there is no one else that can carry this burden." replied Ember.

"Whatever I will deal with it when the time comes." then he continues." can you tell me what is the meaning of these letters that are written next to potential and rank."

"These are the ranks of the item or the potential of the person. they are E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS and EX ascendingly. the higher the rank the greater the value also these ranks have + and - derivatives."

"Ember redeem the stewardship skill"

Instantly after saying this Jon feels a light headache and feels that there is some new information in his brain.


name: stewardship

type: skill

rank: B-

level: 4

description: this is a skill that helps the user in the prosses of managing business, money and assets.


"Hey! not that I am complaining but why is the level of this skill so high."

"That is because you already have some experience in this skill in the memories of your previous life as the commander of the nights watch and as the king in the north no matter how short lived both are."

"thanks" said Jon depreciatively.

"You're welcome." replied Ember.

"From now on I am going to protect what is mine. I am going to protect my pack" said Jon determinantly.


2 months later

In the middle of the night Jon can be seen training god'swood. he can be seen swinging his wooden sword while sweating profusely from the intensity of the training. A lot of things have happened since he gained the system two months ago he has figured out that he can gain experience by just living his life but it doesn't I amount to much and he needs to train or a specific skill in order to increase the amount of experience gained each day.

"It has been 3 months since this war has started the king has finally won. when father comes back I can finally relax and don't have to worry about lady Stark hounding me"said Jon while leaning against the tree and sitting down too tired from his training. He had to move around carefully this best couple of months since lady catalyn have been trying to find faults with him but finally he can relax because his father is coming home.

'status' said Jon in his mind.


name: Jon snow / Aegon Targaryen

age: 8

potential: S-

level: 1(1000 needed to level up)

exp: 6000

bloodline: spirit wolf (10%) / vampire (10%)

Str: 7

Agi: 9

Con: 7

Int: 25

Mag: 23

skills: Inspect(2), stewardship (4) swordsmanship (7), wolf body (1), fire resistance (1), blacksmithing (1)


Jon looked at his progress in satisfaction because he had not leveled up all this time since according to ember that lower the attributes the easier they are to increase without leveling up. He's also happy because he gained a couple of new skills especially his bloodlines skills that he gained using the bloodstones.

During that time he had also started honing his swordplay and learn blacksmithing. It has always been part of his plan to depend on blacksmithing in order to gain money to start preparing for gaining his own Keep. He had seen a book about valerian steel and how it is made in the system and he has been preparing to buy it in order to arm his army against the White walkers, even though all of this would only be done in the future this always good to be prepared.

As such he has been this 2 months going to the blacksmith of winterfell in order to learn from him about blacksmithing. So far it has been so good he spends his day learning blacksmithing and that night he owns his swordplay in the godswood.

"It has been so long and father is finally coming home I really want to see what will happen when I level up. Ember use my experience and level up twice"


Then Jon felt a great power is coursing through his veins and he felt as if he can fight an army alone, even though he knew it was an illusion it was still a great feeling cause it made him feel powerful again.



name: Jon snow / Aegon Targaryen

age: 8

potential: S-

level: 3(5000 needed to level up)

exp: 3000

bloodline: spirit wolf (10%) / vampire (10%)

Str: 7

Agi: 9

Con: 7

Int: 25

Mag: 23

Free points: 10

skills: Inspect(2), stewardship (4) swordsmanship (7), wolf body (1), fire resistance (1), blacksmithing (1)
