

People never understand how and why they got to where they are. They would see their lives only their way and every negative change is going to be seen as a failure, as something unwanted and even as some sort of punishment they get for something wrong they did.

The point is: everything you think you did wrong is subjective, and everything that is a failure and misery is too. You may think it's bad just now, but it is just because you don't understand how life is. Every stage of your life is connected with previous and you would not get to one good point without living through another. It's like one cannot cook a chicken soup without killing a chicken, but in a more global way. It does not matter whether the certain point of your life is good or bad – because it leads to another. And they all, every stage leads us to the ultimate good, teaches us something we would never comprehend under any other circumstances, so that we understand how life is working and make the best out of it.

And if you will not understand this on your term, - someone will get it through your misery and thus something will still get better in this world. Everything is going to good.

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