
The 'To be hero'

The avatar a few minutes after it's short creation woke up. It got off of its side and sat up straight on the floor. He gazed up at the giant figure looking back at him. It was strange staring at yourself like that, since it wasn't really you, though it was at the same time.

"I think we should get names in order right?" The avatar spoke.

"Yes, that would be necessary." The Titan boomed though it was trying to speak normally.

"Well I was thinking I could go by Del."

"Isn't that the name of the story that I-"

"Yes!" The avatar interrupted, not wanting the titan to speak about the subject any further.

The titan brought it's giant hand up to it's chin and hummed a noise as it thought of a name. It then lowered it's hand and leaned in towards Del and spoke. "Lucifer" It said in a quieter voice this time, though it sounded more enigmatic this way.

"Eh? Lucifer? I should have seen that coming... So what's the move now?" Del said in response to the name the titan had given itself. He had no right to complain, he obviously would have said the same or at least similar.

"It appears we were not prepared in the slightest when we came here. I suppose you may leave the cave and explore. I will stay here and develop our abilities."

"That's the most makeshift sh*tty plan I've heard in a while. I'm down." Del said while standing up. "System" He then said as he looked in front of him. He luckily had the system as well.

Name: Del

Race: Human(Avatar)

Abilities: Mana Talent(Superior), Manus Talent(Superior), Anima Talent(Superior), Tongues

He was disappointed that the system scroll still looked the same. It didn't even show off stats like those web novels! It wasn't a huge issue, it was just preferable. What the real issue was the pale comparison of skills than before. This must be the cost of being a human avatar. What was worst though was that he didn't know what the talents were.

He only knew of tongues, which he could use to perceive language and let other hears his voice in their tongue through his soul. It also assisted in learning languages.

He could figure it out later. His priority right now should be to gain knowledge of this world. Right now he only knew of what would be caused, but not of what is being affected. Basically he knew the consequences, but not the victim of them.

He made his way out, not even saying bye to himself. It just felt weird, don't blame him. Just before he got to the part where the light was clearly seen, he spotted a fully dressed skeleton. "Ah! I'm a damn lucky bastard!" He said out loud as he walked quickly over. He desecrated the body quickly, taking it's clothes and putting onto his naked body. Better put to use right?

The clothes were made of linen while the boots were made of fur. It was an all brown outfit, though the shirt was a bit darker than the pants.

Finally Del made his way out if the cave. As soon as the lights hit his eyes it felt like he were looking into bright headlights. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. Finally after adjusting he could see it. In front of him laid a plains with sparse trees. It was a beautiful sight.

"This will be... something else entirely." Thinking about the world that he had been thrust into.

[A couple of hours later]

Heavy stomps and occasional curses could be heard from around Del as he tried to figure out where the hell he was going. A passerby eventually heard him. The young man approached yelling. The young man had caucasian skin with blue eyes and black hair. Little did Del or he know this would be the first fateful encounter.

"Hey! Are you alright!" The young man said loudly trying to get Del's attention as he approached.

"Ah! Finally someone! A human no less! I actually need help, I'm lost!" Del spoke loudly while flailing his hands in coordination with what he was saying like he was showing what he meant.

"But there is a path not far? Just behind me in fact. I myself was on my way to the kingdom." This sentence the young man spoke peaked Del's interest.

"Kingdom? Why are you going?" Del asked, seeing that it wouldn't be wrong considering the man was over sharing anyways.

"Yes, Decia! My village's oracle felt a presence suddenly awaken! She said it was the feeling of something like a Godling, though she can never be too sure. You must come with me to be safe!" The young man said hurriedly, now remembering that he was on an urgent mission.

Del didn't say anything for a moment, he was now looking down. The young man suddenly felt a dread in his body that made his spine shiver. The feeling of this conversation became solemn without a word. A hand gripped the sword that was in a sheath at his side. This young mans name was Connor, and he was to be a hero.

He was to be.

Del looked back up and parted his lips. The words that left his mouth had a presence that pushed against Connor.

"Oh, you better move" Del spoke, his deep voice feeling as though it had a reverb that was not there.

'Presence Unlocked'

'Presence Assimilation 0 -> 25'

The scroll of the system appeared next to Del but he ignored them.

Del took a step forward and swung a fist at Connor. Connor's sword bore a weight too heavy for him to unsheathe quickly. Connor was struck right in the jaw and promptly fell. His newfound dizziness made Del's words repeat in his head.

'You better move'

'You better move'

'You better move'

He tried to crawl away before feeling a force in his temple, making him go unconscious.

Del looked down at Connor. "Damn that hurt my hands." He said as he shook his hands. He had prepared himself mentally as he walked earlier for this. He still knows what the consequences he caused are. He bent down and took the sheathe off of Connor and strapped it around himself.

He noticed another pouch on Connor. He grabbed it and tugged it off. He looked inside and saw some bronze coins and a piece of paper. He stuffed the bag into a pocket and took out the paper. It said somethings about a Godling and the disasters of fifty years ago.

"Good thing I stopped you." As he ripped the paper up.

"So you said behind you..." He said to himself as he looked at the direction Connor came from. He then headed that direction onto the road.

A new presence has entered his world.

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