
///Code 001:  F1r2t_L0v3///

[The year was 2040, Asia had taken over the US government and media itself trying to evolve while society slowly lowered itself to television and ways to make money while politics becomes even more hectic plus prostitution becoming legal in more states. The worst came in the year 2104, when DNA splicing was made legal after public testing which turned a few subjects into half breeds of whatever species they choose which was done by the first company known as DR (DNA Rewriting) Inc. Years later in 2114, D.R. Inc even got the Greenlight to engineer a robot, before the year of 2020 robots were made for servitude and also used as back up soldiers. In 2124, the first cybernetic child was born, finding out that some of the robots are able to have offspring. In 2134, robots protested along with a few humans but were killed off for their insolence by the special units that were not spotted on camera.]

[The year is now 2144, things have gotten so much worse for humanity that many things have been covered up so that there is no uproar amongst those with blinders.]

///January, 27, 2144///

\\\12:24 AM\\\


An employee of D.R. Inc that had rat ears and tail had just fallen down the stairs and quickly began running while limping on a sprained ankle, she quickly ran into a doorway with a few coworkers dying left and right.




"Wait, I have a family!"


The employee watched all of this go down and began puking on the floor. An hour went by and she had barricaded the doorway to a hallway to make sure that no one got through it, he tried to hide hoping that he was not going to get caught. She took out her radio and started to make the call to someone. ".....Come on, come on for the love of GOD…. Chairman! YOU HAVE TO COME IMMEDIATELY!!! THIS IS A SERIOUS CODE RED SITUATION! THE NEW ROBOT HAS BECOME UNHINGED! WE HAVE LOST 14 NIGHT WORKERS ALREADY!! THIS IS INDEED A CODE RED SITUATION!!!!" The worker soon heard silence.... She looked slowly out the window just to find a bloodstained message that says:


Those words placed fear into the heart of the night employee who is still losing a lot of blood but after watching so many horror films in her younger days, she can tell what was going to happen next since she also realized that the vents were able for a grown woman let alone a child could crawl through the vents without any problems. She slowly turned around and spoke her last words. "HOLY FUCK GOD NO!!!!"






"HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The robot laughed maniacally after killing the last woman but when it turned its head to see one of it's victims still alive in the from of a bloodied man holding a stun gun, it was not at all scared.

"AAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA~! Foolish human, you really think that a weapon like that is going to take me down? Me!? I am going to rippers or in trails end used to make animals with them just like how you foolishly try to use splice tech to make yourselves even more powerful but not to worry none of that will be a matter to you once you're ripped bit by bit limb from limb blood for blood. I suggest you put down the stun gun and take your death like a man instead of like a pussy holding a gun they couldn't even take down a-


[It was reported later that day that many men and women on the night shift were killed by a robot of unknown origin, blaming it on rival companies that have similar technical skills. The lawsuit was dropped later that year…. But that was when the real problems started.]



///Code 001: F1r2t_L♡v3///

///Feburary, 01, 2144///

\\\8:04 AM\\\

That morning in the slump parts of New City, a short redheaded tomboy with blue eyes, fox ears and tail walked to her job, grabbed her backpack and walked out the door. She then stopped to notice a cherry blossom tree blooming with a baby bird being born. "Hehehe so adore." She continued on her way but then saw an army of robots walking in line to head on. "*Sigh* Hope for one day without war...." Once they passed, she walked across the street and got to her job. ("*Sigh* Here goes nothing, it's just an internship in the most important companies in the world, D.C. Incorporated… No pressure.")

She did the normal pass scan, eye scan, tongue, even Cat Scan & 4RI Scan. Once she was done and headed for the changing room she was stopped by her boss known as Liam.

"Susan, you're 15 minutes late, you are being called up to the mutant lab and I don't want to hear any excuses from you this time about how the robot army attacked or how you overslept." Liam told Susan while she could care less about a lecture let alone being ordered around since she was obviously hungry and tired from dealing with college classes in the culinary field plus this internship for extra credits.

"*Sigh* whatever. I was going to go to the mutation area anyway." Susan said with a snarky attitude which did not go over Liam's head.

"Susan, I hope I don't have to remind you that this is not just an internship that you're going for this is one of the biggest companies in the world and you're standing in the headquarters of all things we're all of this has started from the fact that you have fox ears and a tail is in example of this company's brilliance." Liam told Susan who had gotten distracted by trying to think of something else.

"What do I even have to do today besides check on certain robots or do some cleaning?" Susan asked annoyed but was given A file by Liam. "Huh??"

"We are looking to launch a new type of- *ahem*, a new type of evolutionary species."

Liam explains to Susan while escorting her to the robotic area where all of the robots are built, disassembled, (re)programmed and sent out.

While taking notes and checking out the robot, Susan stumbled upon A large yellow blanket that was covering something. She was going to ask Liam, sadly he was busy talking on his phone so Susan ripped the cloth half of whatever was hidden away just for her to see a damaged male robot, she shakes her head. (" pretty cute for a robot..") "Well, what's so wrong with this one?" Susan looked at both sides of the robot then held its cheek but when she asked Liam his face went from serious to pale as if he had just seen a ghost.

Liam quickly went over and slapped Susan's hand away from the robot. "Don't touch that! This one as he is going to be placed in the back room as he is inoffensive!" Susan's eyes opened wide, she pulled away from it as she moved closer to it and checked the robot out more. "Well I wanna see what is so bad about this robot." Slowly she touched the male robot's cheek that felt so real but Susan was stopped again by Liam who took out a spray for his hand to clean them. "Don't make me tell you this twice, I suggest you do your job and stop messing with things that are considered hidden." Liam said to Susan then suddenly a tall beefy scientist with gorilla like features came and quickly put the sheet over the damaged robot.

"I'm sorry but go do your job if you want to keep it at least...." The scientist said as there were cameras all over the laboratory along with weaponry.

Susan sighs but when the scientist walks away her ears go down then looks around. "So big in here but why should we not make robots smarter than us? It will be a horrible end but then again we don't know if all the robots are gonna be evil with senses, I've even seen good robots-." Susan was stopped by Liam. "SUSAN! *Ahem* Your stupidity for robots tires me, do your job or your internship will end here…. Are-We-Clear?!" Susan nodded and Liam went to do the rest of his job while Susan went about doing her job but did not know that the damaged robot was watching her stand up for his kind.

Something lit in the wires of that damaged male robot, it was something that most robots could not feel…..


Susan suddenly felt a chill down my spine…

[Few Hours Later]

Swaying her tail around, Susan looks at other robots while doing her final checks, the more she walks through the robot line up the more she still wonders what's so bad about robots? Once Susan realized what time it was she sat down close to the damaged robot, started drinking a soda and opening a bag of chips since it was time for her break.("I don't get it why is it that this company builds robots and uses them to protect people but they talk so much shit about them?…")

While thinking, a door that wasn't normally open was cracked since a few workers in hazmat suits we're walking in and out of the door.

("Who are those guys? Haven't seen them before… Are they part of A different branch of the company or maybe there's somewhere underground?") Susan thought to herself so curiosity got the best of her, she took a sip of her soda, put it down along with her chips then got up and quickly walked to the ones in hazmat suits. "Hello there? I wanted to know what was behind this door. It's honestly interesting."

They look at Susan for a moment but quickly didn't pay Susan any mind as if she was not even there or even asked them a single question from the fact that she is nothing more than an intern or someone that was not a higher up, she was always told by Liam not to snoop around this place that was considered the most important company, even more important than Disney back in the year 2045.

("There has to be something to this company and I am going to find out what.") Susan waited for the two of them to leave their spot and didn't bother when they called her a weirdo as they were talking trash about her. "Assholes." She whispers to herself and sneakily goes through the door and even puts on a hazmat suit just in case there were some toxins in the air.

Once she went through the second door, she saw what was really going on in this company…. "..!?.."

Susan went pale to see so many people in tubes being mutated but this was beyond what she considered an evolution. ("This has to be a joke right? Right?!") Susan was shivering but what shocked me the most was when she bumped into a tube and turned around to see a giant of a man that looks like a beast like titan they could tower over this entire building.

"What the fuck, annoyed what kind of company?! is this is this why they pay their interns-" Before Susan could finish that sentence a voice could be heard.

"You don't listen very well do you?"

Susan heard the voice of the scientist from earlier and when she turned around she didn't just see the scientist she saw Liam who did not look pleased. Before Susan could try and make any form of excuse, she felt something jammed into her neck as Susan slowly looked to see a needle was injected by a man in a hazmat suit. "We are sorry but you have become a nuisance to the company."

Eyes wide, grip needle look at it "Son of a bi-" Susan fell down and passed out on impact...




///Xxxxxxx, 2X, 2144///

\\\?:?? PM\\\

Once the shot had worn off, Susan's eyes opened wide to a dark room and her ears perked up and backed away scared. "...Aw my neck! Damn those fucking bastards will pay for this.. Where am I?" Susan suddenly smelled something in the air. "What's that smell?"

After asking herself that she saw a light start to flash at the end of the room then started blinking…

The scary part about it wasn't a light fixture or even a flashlight, her ears went down quickly when the two round lights suddenly appeared beside her….

(" Oh fuck..")

Susan soon realized this was the damaged robot Liam told her about….

What's worse is Susan didn't need a lot of light to see his creepy robotic smile because of her high definition..


The Damaged male robot held her hand while the robot sat against the wall with a radio playing a song. (The Girl Locked Below By Yuzuki)

The scared Susan looked up, she could see a camera from the lights.

(" ....Someone....Help me….")

/// Kill Or Be Kill-Tinued///