
When Waves Kissed the Sun

I entered the hospital with a smile. The Doctor's that knows me even greeted me so I greeted them politely for respect. Well, I almost greeted every people in here, to the guards, to the cleaners, the nurses, those people who's looking at me and the doctor's.

The Hospital is my permanent home...so, I look like a homie getting back on her home after she travelled.

Nana Mia welcomed me. I run towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Nana Mia! I went to the beach!" I said and cling on her arms.

She laughed and ruffled my hair. "Tell me more, hun."

I told everything to Nurse Mia when we're headed to my room. I never stopped talking about how happy I was but then, after we entered my room, I held my chest and almost loose my balance but Noah is fast enough to catch me and Nana Mia to support me.

"Are you okay, brat?"

I look up to Noah. His eyes are full of worry.

I smiled at him and nodded. "I'm fine... I'm just getting exited. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"You need to rest, you're tiring yourself." Noah said and pulled me up. He supported me and even carry me up to my bed.

"Do you need to change your clothes?" Nana Mia asked.

"Change her clothes, she's wearing this since morning." Noah said to Nurse Mia who nodded immediately.

"I'll go now. I'll keep my eye on you." He pinched my cheeks and ruffled my hair.

I pulled Noah for a hug. "Thank you... Take a rest too. I have my Nurses, you don't need to look for me."

"I can't... 24 7, Reina. I should look for you everytime." He said after I let go of him.

"Just this once..." I smiled. Noah didn't even have his rest day since then.

All he do is to keep an eye on me from far away and even protect me from everything or anyone. Just like before, there's a random man who entered my room and about to inject something on my IV when Noah came in and didn't even hesitated to fought with the guy despite of getting a stab from a scalpel on his stomach.

"No, Constancia." He shook his head.

I pouted.

We stared at each other.

I glared on him. "I'm your boss, do what I command." I said with a commanding voice.

He sighed. "Whatever you say."

I giggled and pushed him. "Go to somewhere you find comfort! You need to rest!"

"I'm resting when I watched you and I don't need to find any comfort place when I see you everyday." He's serious when he said that.

My eyebrows furrowed and chuckled. "H-huh?"


I frowned. I can't understand him, he's being crazy again.

He cleared his throat. "I'll go now... I'll be back this night."

He pinched my cheeks and turned around. He wave his hand so I waved back.

Nurse Mia helped me to get showered because my sunburns fucking hurt. After that, I get dressed..with the most comfortable clothes not to hurt my burns. A extra large shirt and shorts. Nana Mia put creams on my burns and after that, she leave me because she need to work.

I'm all alone again.

I rest my body on the bed. I stared on the ceiling with the widest smile remembering what happened to me.

I rolled on the bed happily giggling with enthusiasm. I couldn't get over with the happy memories I had outside this hospital.

It was all fun memories crossing on my mind when I remembered that I ditched Kaios and I have the sun bracelet to give him.

I stand up and rushed outside but then I get back after I forget about the bracelet I just think about a minute.

I get it from the dress I wear and immideatly went out. I look like an athlete running to win.

I knocked on his door and when someone didn't answer--I didn't even hesitated to open it.

Kaios is in front of the window from his room, seated on a comfortable sofa facing the city of Manila. The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky.

With a slow steps, I reached to him, I silently seated beside him. Now I feel bad about ditching him. I didn't even told him my plans! I just go somewhere without him knowing!

But why the hell he needs to know about me? or whenever I go?

"Stop moving on the seat."

I froze on my place and tilt my head towards his direction.

I stared at him until my eyes examined his face down to his covered my body.

My lips feel so dry... I licked it and the picture of him topless with a briefcase suddenly flashed through my mind and now, I look like a pervert scanning his body.

Lord, please forgive me!

"Why do you need to come here?"

My eyes went back to his face. I gulped and slapped my cheeks not way too harder to make myself back to being normal without thinking about his photo topless with a briefcase.

"Can't I?"

He chuckled as if he was insulted with what I ask him.

"After you ditched me? you're going to ask me that?" He shook his head out of disbelief.

I pouted.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry won't pay the time that I waist for waiting for your arrival."

I sulked.

"Can I explain?"

He stood up. My eyes even followed him.

"No need, just go out and don't even come to me again."

He walked away. But then, he bang himself on the table. He looks like a lizard sticking on the table.

I pressed my lips to stop myself from laughing. Myself couldn't help it anymore. I almost choke on my saliva.

"Tsk." He hissed irritatingly and stood normally by himself but he banged on the dextrose tube behind him.

I took a deep breath not to crack a laugh.

I can't help it but to stand up... I hold the dextrose for him and moved it to the side so as the table.

I went back to him and hold his arm. "I'll accompany you."

He slapped my hand on his arm that made me frown. "I can do it! I don't need you!"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. For the third time, he hit his toe on the chair.

"Fuck it!"

I shook my head in disbelief. I sighed and grab his hand--I held it lightly and squished it.

"You won't be able to move without hurting. So let me help you."

"Fine." He scoffed.

I shook my head again. He doesn't want to be hold on his arms but on his hand is it okay huh?

He lean on the headboard of his bed-- i took my slippers and climb up.

"I don't want you here."

"Just let me explain."


"Let me explain."

"Not gonna happen."

"Let me."

"No way."


"I said no," he said. "you hard headed chicken mouth."

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, whatever you say I'll explain."

"I won't listen, you're going to waist your saliva." He said and yawned.

"The time that you asked me to come over, I literally want that but then, my brother came and fetched me because he said that we're going to the beach...." I said and told him what happened to me for a day and half.

"That was the first time that I've seen the ocean. I never imagined that it was too peaceful and mind blowing to see." I chuckled and rest on his bed but my feet can't even fit but it's comfy.

"And as a girl who never have her chance to see what's outside... It was fascinating for me... I've never seen a beautiful scenery before... All I know in my life is that, Moon, the stars and the dark skies are beautiful but I the day time also, and it was perfect because i saw it with the ocean...and that time, I appreciated both. The night and day." I said.

"And that time, when my brother said he's going to bring me on the beach... I've never hesitated to come cause it's the first time that I'll be there... Everything is not existing on my mind it's only...beach...beach...water...sand...shells and everything else that can be seen on the beach." I'm smiling the whole time I'm telling him those.

"I'm sorry if I ditched you but I even think of you that time... I even hoped that I can bring you with me to see how beautiful the ocean at night..." I yawned.

When I looked at him, his eyes are already open staring blankly at me.

"I bet you missed going to the beach?" I asked.

My smiles widened even more. "Then...let me put this on you ear."

I kneeled on the bed and walked with gorilla steps. I took a place on his side and took the seashell I got.

"What the fuck is that? It smells like salty."

"It's a seashell I picked." I replied, totally ignoring his complain about the smell.

I put it on his ear.

"Can you hear it?"

"Obviously." He replied and grab the seashell on my hand and put it on his other ear.

He may look like a guy with a grumpy attitude but I can sense a little glint of happiness on his lips on how it rose while he's holding the seashell.

"We even do a island hoping and saw some sellers...so I got you one to say sorry about ditching you." I said.

"What's that? I'm not payable." I don't know if he rolled his eyes or what but I guess he did.

"Then, think of it as a gift for your arrival here even though a month had passed." This guy is really old. I don't know what's going on on his head but I want to knock on his senses.

I took a glimpse outside. Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window.

"Can you give me your hand?" I asked him nicely.


This bitch. I'm too nice but how come he's treating me like this! I really want to knock his senses.

He won't give me so I held it gently even though I wanted to pull it. I took the bracelet on my pocket and wear it on his pulse.

"I don't know if you would like it but it's a bracelet with a Sun... Mine was waves and the seller said it was a couple bracelet... because when the two meets, they became one because of the magnet." I explained to him.

"When I have my own eyes, for sure I'll see this." He said. "Thank you."

My lips parted open. My heart skipped a beat and a smile appeared on my lips.

"Y-yeah... I'll try it..." I said.

My eyebrows almost lined from focusing but it was hard to make the waves and sun collide.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't put then together. It's hard." I pouted and scratched my head frustratingly.

"Tss." He hissed and even shook his head.

I am confused as I am flustered when he held my hand. He intertwined our fingers and that's the time there's a thunder occured on my heart with rainbows forming on my belly.

"There you go... How do they look like?"

Hearing his voice made me back to reality after staring too much blankly on the surface.

I stared on our hands. My hand looks too small on his.

"I.. I can't describe it...but it was fine...it was pretty. I've never tried to put them together but seeing it, I really wanted to buy more of those." I smiled again. I get my phone and put it on silence. I took a photo and grinned silently.

"You should show me this again if I can see."

"Yeah, I will."

I leaned on the headboard properly. We didn't even let go of each other's hand. Since his hand is big for me, I found a comfort on it.

"My hand is too small." I said to break the silence.

"But it perfectly fit on mine." He respond. My eyes darted on him. "Maybe, it was built for me to hold."

I shook my head and hit his arms. "You're saying nonsense." I won't deny it but my heart fluttered.

He shrugged and chuckled.

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