
Breaking Rules

I woke up with aroma of pancake that soothes on my nose.

I immideatly seated and opened my eyes. Then there I saw my Nurse Mia preparing my table.

"Goodmorning, Nana Mia!" I enthusiastically greeted her.

She smiled and ruffled my hair. "Goodmorning too."

"Pancake? Is it okay?" I asked her. Well, they're all careful when it comes to the food I take because my condition is somehow nearing to worse.

Nana Mia smiled. "Yeah, I ask Doc Vargas about this and they approved. No worries, you still have your veggies." I frown that made her chuckled. I'm done eating veggies, later on, I might become one of those goat who always walked pass by our Hospital. "So, better eat veggies before you take pancakes."

"Y-yeah." I replied with a pouty lips.

Nana Mia assist me with my breakfast even though she knows that I can eat alone.

"So why assisting me Nana?" I asked her while munching a veggie. "We talked about it already. Besides, I'm already a grown up, I don't want assistance anymore." I said.

Nana Mia just smiled.

I sneered. "Last week, we already settled everything, I ate alone for a week but now you're here again." I pouted.

Nana Mia chuckled. "You know. It's hard for me not to take care of you every single hours. I became your Nurse since you're five, that really made me attached to you so, that's why it's hard for me to let you eat alone and not assisting you."


"The time that, I'm attached to you and we became closer. I said to myself that, no matter how hard everything, I'll be on your side. I'll take a good care of you because I always treat you as my kid." Nana Mia wiped something on my cheeks.

She stared at me, warmly. She's adoring me and It makes my heart flutter. "And as a mother, it's hard to leave your child alone, thinking you could have been with her but you choose not to. So here am I, still taking care of you despite of you saying that I shouldn't assist you." She smiled sweetly.

I pouted. "But, Nana. I want to be alone na. Like a...." I paused. "Independent woman! That's it! I'm growing up so, I should practice on how to do things on my own without getting some assistance." I smiled and winked. I badly wanted to be alone. When I was a kid, I always cry because they're not by my side, but when I reached the age of 14, I wanted to be alone for me to enjoy myself together with myself.

"You're an independent woman, Reina. We all know that, you've been doing things that made all of us shock when we found out what you do."

My eyes turned chinky. I tilted my head and pursed my lips. I couldn't remember what I just did, Hehe.

"Mmm, what did I just did?"

"You sweep and clean your room. Your mother almost fired a fire on us from letting you do those even though we didn't told you to do it." She chuckled.

"Eh?! Why Mommy became angry?"

"Dust can affect you. And after you did those, you're attacked with asthma. Your mother is mad at that time. Everyone is trembling and couldn't say any words but you saved us from telling your mother that we didn't told you to do those chores." She explained.

I laughed. "How stupid of me."

Nana Mia chuckled. "Yeah, how stupid of you. We almost lost our work." Both of us laughed.

"And then, the second one. You washed your plates, your parents is proud because of those. Then, you washed your clothes and you had a shortness of breath. Good thing, we recovered you."

My eyes get bigger. "I remember that one!"

"Well, your parents didn't know about it because it's a secret between us."

I giggled. "Yeah! Doc Seb had a higher blood pressure from scolding me that time."

"Well of course."

Nana Mia and I looked at the door. We saw Doctor Seb with his chart.

"Who wouldn't get a high pressure if your patient is way more naughty than a five year old kid." He said. I giggled and winked.

Doc Seb just checked me. And after I ate my breakfast, Nana Mia went out.

And now, I'm now alone again.

I walked towards my desk and grab my sketch pad. I really don't know how to draw so I just keep doodling because it can ease my boredom.

Honestly, it gives me boredom too.

I sighed and stood up.

I hold my dextrose and drag it with me. I went out from my room. I walked towards the hallway. I'm just walking back and fourth when someone poke my butt. Yeah, my butt.

I turn around and saw a little kid.

I squat and smiled at him.

"Hello." I greeted.


I giggled. "Are you lost?"

He pouted and nodded. "Y-yeah. I-i'm lost."

His eyes sparks. His tears flow down that made me look at him with awe.

"Aww baby, don't cry. I'm here. You want a hug?"

He step a little. I almost chuckled after seeing his little shoes. It's cute.

He opened his arms so I immideatly hugged him. I carry him and move my body a little.

"Baby, you good?" I asked him. He's crying on my shoulder while hugging my neck. I went to those one of waiting chair. I'm catching a breath because he's somehow heavy and I'm dragging a dextrose.

I seated and took a deep breath. Good thing, I'm not suffocated.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked him. He let go of my neck and looked at me so I supported him from his neck.

"S-sebastien." He pouted

"Mmm, I'm RC. Where did you came from?" I asked him again.

He looked at the elevator and point at it.

"Can we wait?"


"I can't go anywhere. Let's wait for someone who's going to fetch you okay?"

"Mmm, 'kay."

I pinched his cheeks and giggled. He's cute. How I wish I have a little brother toom

"Why you can't go out?" He asked and cupped my cheeks.

"I'm sick so I can't go out."

He nodded. I stared at him. He's too squishy. He look like a stuff toy. His cheeks are too soft. His lips are too pouty.

"Can I hug you?" I asked and smiled.

I giggled when the baby do a first move. He hugged me. I hugged him back and squished him a little.

"You know..." The baby cupped my cheeks. He can talk straight, maybe he's 5 years old. "If you want to feel happy despite of being sick, you should broke some rules."

"Baby, breaking rules is not good." I said to him.

"But, sometimes, breaking rules is the one who can make a person happy and free." He smiled at me. "I'm 5 years old and I'm happy because I'm free. I always play with my friends and roam around."

I smiled. "Good for you. A baby like you should play more and enjoy things."

He nodded. "I know, you should too." He smiled. "Life is short. You need to enjoy everything before you die."

"Oh my God! Sebastien!"

Both of us looked at the elevator. I saw Doc Sebastian with a woman.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Sebastien hurriedly went down and rushed towards them. Doc Seb carry him and told him some things.

They went to me so I immideatly stood up and smiled at them.

"Reina, thank you." Doc Seb smiled. "Story for the disturbance of my boy."

"No, it's okay. I'm kinda happy seeing a baby."

"See daddy? She's not mad." Sebastien whispered but his Mom and I can still hear it. "She's beautiful can I marry her, Papa?"

"Oh geez, you're still a baby." Doc Seb replied. Sebastien frowned that made her Mom and I chuckled.

They bid a goodbye to me and even handed me a chocolate. Of course, I receive it and automatically went back to my room.

I seated on my desk and open my chocolate. I ate it happily when I remembered what baby Sebastien said.

"But, sometimes, breaking rules is the one who can make a person happy and free."

"If you want to feel happy despite of being sick, you should broke some rules."

"I'm 5 years old and I'm happy because I'm free. I always play with my friends and roam around."

"Life is short. You need to enjoy everything before you die."

You know what, I realized that, that kid is somehow true. Maybe, I should break a rule for once to make myself happy.

I drank my water and stood up. I removed the dextrose needle on my hand and went to the bathroom.

I showered and brushed my teeth. After that, I get dressed. Just a simple white shirt tucked in a ripped jeans, I got my sneakers on. I wear a oversized hoodie and grab a string bag.

I grab my iPad with me and put it inside my bag. I grab my wallet, I have my wallet with me because I just want to. I still have my money. I grab a black mask and wore it.

I walked towards the door and opened it. I peeked outside and not seeing anyone. I smiled and immideatly headed out.

I walked simply. When I entered the elevator, I just stood up with confidence.

This time, I won't hesitate to do things on my own. If I get too overwhelmed, I have my inhaler with me and also my water anf portable fan.

I successfully reached the ground floor. My eyes are fully immersed after seeing a lot of people, nurses, doctors and hospital staffs.

I'm flustered after I saw Nurse Mia walking towards my way. Without ado. I immideatly walked as if I'm not escaping this hospital.

I took a glimpse on my back, she entered the elevator but I know that she's going to third floor. It's 3 pm and I know what's written on her schedule.

I have my evil smirk with me after I successfully got out from the Hospital. Finally! A polluted air...I mean, Finally! a freedom.

"Miss! Miss!"

I froze on my place after I heard someone. I'm flustered after I felt someone tapping my shoulder.

"Miss, you drop your scrunchie."

I immideatly turn around. He's the security guard. I nodded and snatched the scrunchie on him and walked like a villain doing nothing.

I don't know anything about a life here outside so I walked towards a tricycle driver.


He looked at me and smile. "Are you going to ride, Miss?"

I nodded.

"Where are you going?" He asked me again.

I avoid my eyes. I feel so stupid. I'm a citizen of the Philippines and I'm a proud Pilipina but I don't know any places.

I scratched my head out of embarrassment.

I looked at him. "Can you accompany me? I'll pay you ten thousand pesos."

His eyes grew bigger out of shock yet he's suspicious about me.

I get my wallet. I grab a 10k and handed it on him. "I don't know places in here. But, I want to see a Ferris Wheel, so can you get me there? and, I want you to become my services for this trip, so please, accept my offer."

"It's too much, madam. I'll take you to MOA. Two thousand is enough."

I shook my head. "No, take everything." I grab his hand and placed the money. "Where can I sit?"

"Inside, Madam." He accompany me inside of his tricycle. I'm too exited but I shouldn't be, I might loose a breath.

He started to drive. I immideatly put my Ipad on record and do a cute poses on my Ipad.

"Hi! I'm now outside! It's too polluted but whatsoever. I'm going to MOA!" I smiled at the screen.

I keep taking a video and photos. It's kinda hard because my iPad is big but it's okay, at least I can record for a memory.

After travelling we arrived.

"I'll accompany you, Madam. You might get lost inside."

I smiled and nodded. "Thankyou."

The driver and I walked. My eyes grew bigger after seeing the Ferris Wheel. I stopped and stayed on my place. I look up and my eyes are fixed on the Ferris Wheel. It's huge! I thought it's not huge enough because of the photos but I was wrong! It's too beautiful!

I wanted to ride but I'm composing myself not to, it's not good for me. I'll stay staring at it.

"You wanna ride that one?"

I looked at the driver. I smiled and shook my head. "I can't. But, soon, I will."

"You better not ride that one. Your mother will hit you." The driver pulled his mask down.

My eyes widened after seeing Noah, he's our family driver and my butler.

"Fuck it!" I'm about to run when he fastly grab me upon my hood and pulled me.

He placed his arm on my shoulder and ruffled my hair. "You can't get away from me."

I sighed and nodded, forfeiting. "I'm sorry. Let's go back." I removed his arm on my shoulder and walked with head down.

"Who says go back if you're already here, my lady brat?"

My head went up high. I turn around and grew my eyes big. "What did you say?"

"Come on. They're going to find you later. Just enjoy." Noah said and smiled. "I have your oxygen and dextrose, so better put this on or I'll kick you back on the hospital."

"Oh my God! Really?! Okay! Okay! Put those on me!" I hopped until I reached on him. I hold onto his shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Haist." He took a deep breath. "Don't hop. You're not a bunny." He held my hand and both of us went to those benches.

I seated and let him do what he needs to do. He pierced the dextrose on my hand and put the oxygen on me. I pouted with what I look.

"Little brat, don't pout. I'm carrying those. I should be the one who's pouting here." He said. Well, he's carrying a back pack where my little oxygen tank is in inside, there's also a metal tube on his back where the dextrose is hanging.

"You never pouted, Noah." I said to him and stood up.

Noah suddenly pouted.

I bursts into tears. "Geez! stop it! You old duck!"

"If you're not sick. I already hit you." He said. I giggled. Noah is my personal butler since I was a kid, he's always staying outside but we're pretty close. He's 32 years old.

I cling on his arm and dragged him. I stood up where I was caught by his trap and look up again. I stared at the Ferris Wheel.

"When do you stop staring at those?" He asked. "It's not even beautiful."

I faced him. I glared at him. "Shut up, it's beautiful."

"Whatever you say, brat. I hope, you won't break your neck."

"I'll break your neck if you keep talking. Don't disturb me." I said to him.

"Whatever." He replied.

"Reina Constancia, we've been standing here for an hour."

I looked at him after I heard him complain. "And?"

"There's more thing to see in here." He said. I pouted. "You can still see that wheel of yours even if we roam around here."

I frown. "K, let's go."

I had fun watching other people by the seaside while drinking a lemon juice that Noah got me.

But, that fun and happiness we're cut off after I felt someone's hugging me.

"Now you're breaking rules."

I'm fucking doomed.

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