
Chapter 4: Change of Heart? (Not Edited)

'Phew…, that was a nice shower.' After taking a nice long shower and getting that black slime off my body, I noticed that my body had changed from a slightly obese body with freckles to a chiselled toned body with a six-pack to boot.

"System is this really how I look now?" I couldn't help but ask the system that question as it was unbelievable that my body could change so fast.

[Host, due to the massive increases in Charisma stat, your overall body went through a massive change, but be warrened that due to the instant change in your body, you might experience problems controlling your body properly for a while.]

"Huh, what do you mean by, I might experience a slight problem in controlling my body?"

'I mean do you see a single thing wrong with my body, because I don't. My only concern now is to figure a way, that my parents nor my sister see my change right now.'

[Host, the problems may be small such as an increase in strength and speed but without the ability to control how much power or speed you want to control, For example, let's say you want to run a marathon but with only half your speed, but in your current condition, instead of running with half your speed your run with your full speed.]

Holy Shit, that's insane. I better make sure not to do any heavy activities today.

"System, is there a way to change my body back to how it looked before?" This question was my top priority right now.

[Host, there is a way to change your body back to the way it was before but it requires you to spend 20 DS Points on an item called Body Ilussion talisman, which will create an illusion based on how you want people to view the way you look .]

"Thank god. System can you please purchase that item please" I was relieved that there was an item that could create an illusion that my body was still the same, without physically changing anything.

[ Purchase has been successful. Please look in the inventory for the purchased item.]

"System, open the inventory and withdraw the Body Ilussion talisman." I need to use this talisman as soon as possible before anyone sees how much my body changed in a matter of a few minutes.

[Item withdrawn. Host, please find the Body Ilussion talisman in your right side pocket.]

After I heard what the system said I checked my right side pocket and find a small paper talisman with a bunch of ancient-looking weird words scribbled on it.

"So System, how do I use this thing?'

[Host all you need to do is place the talisman on your body and picture how you want your body to look like and the talisman will do the rest by itself.]

"Okay, here goes nothing" I placed the talisman on my right arm and was surprised it could stick to my arm. I closed my eyes and pictured how I looked just a few moments ago and before I know it my body started to change from a chiselled toned body to the way I looked before.

Phew, with this it's going to be easier to create an Illusion that I'm slowly losing weight, without people finding it strange that my body changed so quickly.


After creating an illusion that my body was still slightly obese with freckles, I went downstairs towards the dining room and saw that my parents and my sister were sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"Mom, Dad, I'm off to school see you guys later." I said while grabbing my school bag that was hanging on a rack.

"Wait, hold on sweetheart, have you had anything to eat yet?" Samantha asked while slicing a piece of a stack and dipping it in bbq source and taking a bite.

"Yeah, I had something to eat early this morning Mom, so don't worry about it." I replied to my mom while walking towards the front door.

"Alright sweet heart, take care and don't forget to say hi for me to Jacob, Rico and Brad, okay."Replied Samantha while smiling.

"Sure, I'll let them know," I replied with not much interest.


On my way to school, I made sure to stop by my favourite cafe named 'Sweet Cafey' and order my usual creamy milk coffee on the go, but instead of having a chat with one of the workers like I would normale do while waiting for my coffee, I instead went to one of the open seats that were available and sat down while waiting.

While waiting I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if I showed up at school with my new looks and Physiic …

"Hehehe" I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of showing everyone how I looked now, but I decide against that notion as it would lead to people asking too many questions including my parents and sister.

While I was chuckling a waiter with my order walked towards me, while having a look that said volumes about how he felt about delivering my order to me.

"Here's your order sir, hope you enjoy your coffee." Said the waiter with a twitching smile that could collapse at any moment.

"Thanks for the coffee," I replied while taking the coffee from the waiter and giving him the best smile I could muster.

The waiter who saw my smile immediately turned around a walked back towards the other waiters with hast that you could have thought that he was running away with his life in the line.

Hmm, what an interesting development this is, who would have thought that just by smiling I would make one of the waiters run for their life.


After getting my creamy milk coffee I headed towards school at my own pace while enjoying the drink.

A few moments later I could finally see the school's front gate and a few students who were in a hurry to get to school.

As I walked at my own pace towards the school gate I could hear people whispering about me under their breath.

"look it's that grotesque living being that go's to class 2B." Said a random student towards another student

"Eww, it's that pile of shit that evolved into a walking faeces." Said another random student

My mouth twitched while listening to what the students said about me.

While ignoring what they said about me, I ran into my three so-called friends and joined them on their way towards class.


On our way towards our classroom, Rico started to talk about one of the latest news that was going around school about a new transfer student who was a drop-dead gorgeous female who was a Russian foreigner to boot.

"I heard she transferred to our school to find a fiance," Rico said while having a perverted expression with some drool dripping from his mouth.

"Rico!! rub that drool off your face before someone must understand and thinks that you batting for the other team." Replied Jacob with a look of disgust while taking a few steps sideways.

"The fuck you talking about Jacob, I was thinking about what they say about Russian babes." Rico replied with slight anger and looked towards Jacob with a glare and said " And by the way, what does having a perverted expression while thinking about a babe got to do with me batting for the other team!!" Rico asked at the same time

"Dude, it's because you were looking at Brad while having that expression so people were bound to misunderstand," Jacob said while looking at Brad who was talking to will aka the Pice of cow dung.

"Will, as I said before why don't you start going to the gym, you could benefit from it, as people will stop talking shit about you behind your back." Brad said with an intense tone while looking at Will with sympathy.

Will was confused as he was pretty sure that the Relashrinship Stat, showed that Brad felt disgusted to be associated with him and hated him due to him losing his girlfriend because he hang out with him.

"Huh" I was confused hearing what Brad suggested since all the other times he suggested it was mostly for him to look at the ladies at the gym.

"Will don't 'huh' me, just listen to me this one time please, and go to the gym, hell I'll even go with you okay!" Brad kept pestering me about going to the gym and he looked like he would not take a no for an answer.

"Okay geez, stop pestering me about going to the gym, I'll go to the gym starting tomorrow, are you happy now." I Couldn't take it any longer and caved in.

"Good, I'll be at your house tomorrow morning at six sharp, got it." Brad replied with a bright smile, that showed that he was truly happy about my answer.

"yeah sure." That was the only reply I could give Brad, as I was still dazed about what transpired.

'System!!! Show me Brad's relationship stat'

[ Relationship Status opening ]

Name: Brad Stain

Relationship: Friend

Feelings: Worried

Thoughts on Host: "#%#$@#"

[ Relationship Status Closing ]

'The fug is going on here System, why can't I see Brad's thoughts on how he views me?' I asked with a bit of panic as it was discerning not knowing how others view me.

[ Host, your relationship is too low with Brad Stain, to see his current thoughts about how he views you.]

'Okay, but what caused such a huge change in him out of nowhere?'

[ Host, that is something that only he would be able to answer.]

'So you are saying that I'll have to get to know Brad better to see the thoughts on how he views me?'

[That's correct host.]

"Phew, life can't get any better than it is." I sighed while complaining about this weird turn of events.

Sorry for the late chapter, and sorry for any grammar mistakes

Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

UnderworldZcreators' thoughts
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