

Zhou Ming Ling's consciousness woke up due to a sudden cry. As she opened her eyes, her sight seemed to be blurred.

"Shh. Don't cry, my child. You're okay. Mother is here." An unfamiliar voice sounded above Ming Ling's head. She couldn't figure out who this person is, but her voice soothes and warms her heart.

'Where am I?' As she thought this, the cry got louder and louder, as though it was close to her, it sounded like a baby's cry.

As she looked around her, she wanted to grab something as it seems that she has lost her strength.

However, before she could hold onto anything, her eyesight seemed to clear a bit, although still blurry, she can clearly see a hand in front of her. And as she moved her hand around, she realized that the hand in front of her, belongs to none other than her.

But what shocks her is that the hand she sees is small.


A small hand...?


She moved her hand again to confirm that what she sees is really her small hand.

'Oh. My. Gosh.

It's my hand!

It's my freaking hand!

And it's small!

What's happening?!'

Ming Ling frantically shakes her head and looks around her one more time.

'I'm in an unknown place!'

She found herself to be more dumbfounded as she sees her small body.

'Oh. My. Gosh!

I'm in the body of a baby!

That means the cry earlier was mine!

I'm back to being a new born baby?!'

"Aw. Is our little princess awake?" At the voice of another unfamiliar person, Ming Ling turned her head and saw a man, hugging the person holding her. She shifted her attention to the person holding her, she can finally see who keeps on giving her warmth earlier.

The man has the appearance of a dominating and handsome alpha male that can cause a sea of women to faint and fall for his face alone. While the woman has a gentle and elegant countenance as well as a beauty that can cause a whole nation's downfall. 'These two seem to be my parents. They look to be a match made in heaven! Both have great countenance, they harmonize and blend well together.'

"Our little princess seem to be startled awake." Her mother said as she gently smiled at her daughter while slowly rocking her back to sleep.

From a distance, Ming Ling can hear the footstep of a running person.

"Father! Mother! Is my sister awake? I want to hold her, please!" As a small boy, who seem to be 5 years old, appeared before them, he reached out his hand to his mother, expecting his little sister to be held by him.

"Okay, you can hold your sister, but be sure that you don't let go of her, Chung Hui." Their father said as he turned to pat his son's head.

"I promise, father!"

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