
Maven ya Bitch! Esbern the Baldy!

"So you really are dragonborn...I Delphine greet Lord Dragonborn." delphine made a bow towards Solomon before rising back up.

"I told you I am dragonborn didn't I?"

I owe you some answers, don't I? Go ahead. Whatever you want to know. Nothing held back."

"Your with the blades am I right?" asked Solomon already knowing the answer.

"How did you know?" asked Delphine

"Wait...she's with the blades?"Lokir was surprised as the blades were great warriors but disappeared for some reason.

"For starters who would search for the dragonborn if not the blades? Furthermore you're in hiding and sought after by the Thalmore why? becuase the blades are their enemies." sad Solomon," we'll meet up back at Riverwood later, I need to deal with other matters." Solomon and Delphine said later before he and Lokir headed for High Hrothgar.


"You're back and it seems you have brought a companion along with you. I suppose you have the horn?" asked Arngeir who was meditating close to a candle. Solomon replied by pulling the horn out of Lokir's knapsack and raising it above his head as if some trophy.

Arngeir walked up to Lokir and told him to wait outside," The power of our unrestrained voices will kill you in an instant, even the slightest of whisper. So I ask of you to wait outside this building as, unless we are willing, then the walls of High Hrothgar will prevent the power of our voice from leaking out."

(a/n: Imagine the walls being like sponge where once it absorbs water, if there's too much or if squeezed then the water that soaked the sponge will leak out)

When Lokir heard this he as sure as hell ran out of the monastery as fast as he could. Soon after the greybeards did their usual ritual you'd always see in game however this time whilst there was constant shaking of the monastery, solomon could see bright colours dancing about him as if it was a festival.

Once the ritual was complete, the greybeards handed Solomon a robe that was similar to theirs however the colour was different as the robe was black not grey. Why? he asked the arngeir and he told him that the greybeards had a ranking where the black is a beginner, then the grey being an expert and then finally white being the master. The robes also indicate the age as you get older your dark hair gets lighter until it's grey and keeps going until it's white as the snow itself. The only ever person who wore a white robe was Jurgen Windcaller, though Arngeir is coming closer to becoming a white robe.


Solomon and Lokir went back to the whiterun stables and decided to take a ride to Riften.

Along the way Solomon was looking at the amazing view of the landscape as he was travelling, he noticed the beautiful landscape of Skyrim, it was such a nostalgia and feel in a dream like trance as his eyes were looking down. Few seconds later and he raised his eyes as he was thinking about the dragon soul he absorbed.

Solomon's dragon soul has devoured the other dragon souls but rather than truly dying those dragon souls were trapped inside his own soul as if it was a container, as food inside the belly. The reason the dragonborn could learn shouts is because his soul manages to plunder the knowledge of the word. However it can only happen once as the after the first time, the dragon soul will be resistant to the plunder kinda like how the first time a body is infected by some disease but then next time if it gets infected again it will be resistant like a human body which took a vaccine.

A dragonborn has the blood and soul of a dragon, they have strength that no mortal can ever compare to a strength that rivals the gods. The more dragon souls they devour the stronger they become with each soul they devour. Solomon believes that if the dragonborn truly wanted then they could've slaughtered the entire pantheon of aedra and daedra as even though their bodies are mortal but their will is indomitable and they adapt very fast during combat.


When Solomon arrived at the riften stables he went to the guards and used the similar words like in the game to slip his way out of the tax scam that the guards did.

As Solomon and Lokir came inside city, they noticed the gloomy atmosphere as the fog shrouded the entire city with its depression. Although the city is really trying to hide it but they can't fully control it as there were lots of poor people, some were hidden in the alley ways, under the bridges and there was one in the marketplace begging but ceasing when the guards walk by. The people were not happy as the city was controlled by a corrupt government and law enforcers bribed by black briars. The main cause of this depression was non other than the hag Maven Black Briar, the most powerful and influential person in the rift, she had the thieves guild and dark brotherhood by her side so no one could offend her even the pathetic jarl who had an entire army of guards. Maven would order people around, controlling their lives; she'd order businesses she didn't like to be exterminated as she feared any competition. Riften didn't develop a lot as you can see with an increasing amount of poverty each year. Seeing the increasing poverty maven decided to find a way to rid of poor people by having them executed if they are out in the open.

Solomon wasn't scared of her though, he was a being that could crush dragons who had the capabilities of wiping out this stupid city with little difficulty and you think Solomon couldn't do the same? He would have torn apart every single person in hear without a sweat. Solomon wasn't scared of the dark brotherhood as they were very weak and useless, their poison couldn't effect him, their archers couldn't penetrate his skin, Nazir couldn't handle him, an army of assassins would be blown away. Solomon when he first played Skyrim and met Maven Black Briar he was disgusted by her unsightliness, her arrogance and over all being a grumpy old woman who wasn't even sexy, he expected her arrogance though as that's what any person in power have in common.

As Solomon were walking down the main path with their revealing golden armours, which clearly indicated they were not from around here bunch of outsiders, they were confronted by a long black haired man, Maul the right-hand of Maven Black Briar, just like in the game he was threatening Solomon from causing trouble.

"The last thing the black briars want is two goof balls intruding on their business. So you better not stick your noses where you don't belong and lay low otherwise you'll be in trouble."

"Maul - Tell Maven black briar that she can choke on malg bals fat cock. The black briars are nothing compared to me, so I think you meant to say 'the black birars shouldn't be sticking THEIR noses where they shouldn't belong'." Solomon sneered inside the dwarven helmet as he carried contempt.

Maul looked confused when he heard his name, then he was very very angry and his face turned red however he didn't say anything and calmed down before smiling and chuckling like a psycho, "You know what - I like you. I guess you better watch your back, wouldn't want to wake up with a dagger to the heart or maybe an arrow to the throat." Maul smiled before he walked away, obviously foreshadowing that Maven will dispatch the dark brotherhood to kill him.

Solomon went to the marketplace to find Brynjolf, whom Solomon thought was the best thief in Skyrim, unless he himself wanted to be one. Solomon wanted to make a deal with him, not only that but Solomon needed to find Esbern who was currently hiding behind the thieves guild. Solomon noticed that the marketplace was bigger than the one in vanilla, the city itself was bigger than the in-game one as the one in the game looked like a town but this one was big as an actual city should be having hundreds of buildings not just couple dozen. Solomon walked around for a bit and didn't manage to find Brynjolf and decided to head to the ratway.

Inside the ratway, Solomon found it slightly different as the entrance was different with many doors and paths which all lead to dead ends, he had tried everyone of them and afterwards went back close to the entrance meanwhile Lokir was confused as Solomon didn't tell him why they where here in the first place. Solomon was dazing off until he noticed to the left side of the door close to a corner was a hole, a sort of trap door, that used to have metal bars but was broken down. He decided to go jump down that hole and funny enough, he arrived at the route where the original ratway was in the game, most wouldn't find it.

Solomon found two scumbags in the way standing about, when he came here in the game he found he same duo who were hostile the moment they saw him. Solomon walked up to them and knocked them out and then used their weapons to pin them to the wall by their clothes.

He went up the stairs close to the entrance and found a brute, Gian the Fist, Solomon felt slight respect for Gian the Fist as he was a strong martial artist even tough he was a thief, he was probably once a great warrior who was reduced to a status of a thief due to corruption and poverty. The game really didn't have a good physical combat system and so the amazing fighting styles that the warriors developed where presented as child playing toys, this made Solomon kinda sad.

"You have come to the ratway at your own risk. Since you have found this place you can't escape and will have to hand over your lives." said Gian as he raised his fists like boxing with his pulgist gloves.

Solomon decided to fight him without a weapon but with his fists and decided to use a slight percentage of power so that he doesn't kill this fool. He noticed Lokir raising his bow ready to shoot him but he quickly managed to stop him.

Solomon told Gian to attack which the giant bald-spotted man happily complied, the brute jumped up and sent a roundhouse kick which was blocked with solomon's elbow, then Gian turned and punched whilst still in midair and using all the power from his body and gravity to deliver a solid punch to Solomon's gut. That did not hurt Solomon at all and instead made Gian feel like he's hit iron.

Gian didn't lose focus as positioned one hand by his hip and the other punched out forward creating a whoosh, this punch was more powerful than the previous one coupled with the fact that he was extremely close to Solomon. However that did not hurt Solomon at all and instead once again made Gian feel pain instead.

Solomon was impressed and decided to punch Gian with 10% of his power.


Gian was sent flying as he crashed against the stone wall and made a small dent, his ribs and some organs were broekn, bruised and bleeding internally as he was half-dead. Solomon walked up to him and healed the brute.

"hahahah. I guess I didn't stand a chance against the powerful you. Fine I won't kill you but why didn't you kill me when it was so easy?" chuckled Gian the Fist.

"Because I respect your fighting skills. You are strong and furthermore its not easy to come across a martial artist of your calibre. I would like to use your services in the future." smiled Solomon as he gave the brute a bag of coins that had over 300 gold coins. "So what's your story?"

The brute took the bag of coins happily and then looked at Solomon before looking back down at the coins and stuffing his hand inside the coin bag, as he plays around with the bag, he looks back at Solomon," I was once a great war hero during the great war, me and a few men sneaked from our camp and destroyed a thalmor base all by ourselves, I served great general such as the bastard Talius, I had a family and everything but once the greta war was over the scum thalmor won, they demanded that most of the war heroes that didn't have any social status were to be hand over to the thalmor. Knowing this I tried escaping with my wife and kids but we were intercepted along with my fellow war heroes. No one but me managed to escape whilst my wife and kids were taken away. I was branded as a criminal, I travelled across Skyrim found Riften, met Brynjolf and joined the thieves guild. I accidentally killed one member who pissed me off during sparring and now I'm banned from entering the ragged flagon."

Whilst listening to his story, he had no idea a mere thug like this motherfucker had such a deep story. He then asked this man if he could teach Lokir some fist fighting martial arts and the man complied.

Solomon told Lokir to take his armour off, Lokir reluctantly agreed and gave his dwarven light armour to Solomon. Now Lokir was dressed in the smooth black silk pants, black silk tunic, the black wolf gloves and solomon gave him some black boots. Solomon also decided to give Gian some clothes so he gave Gian a tank top, black baggy pants, a black belt with golden dragon head and combat boots.

Solomon told Gian to wait and then he and Lokir entered the ragged flagon through that wooden door.

Seeing newcomers in the ragged flagon, everyone was wary as everyone in there had the not so kid faces as the atmosphere became tense. In the ragged flagon were Delvin Mallory, Vex, Dirge, Vekel, Tonilia, Galathil and Brynjolf. Lokir feels slightly anxious by this atmosphere, his hairs are raised on the edge meanwhile Solomon is calm and inside his helmet is even smiling.

Vekel said," You got a lot of nerve coming down here. People tend to get hurt in the ratway." his voice was calm with no sense of disrespect, not raised.

"You know - I came here to pick up a man but at the same time I want you to train my friend over here. I would like to speak to him." said Solomon as he pointed at Brynjolf.

"Nah, You're going to say everything to everyone otherwise I'll smash your head!" protested Dirge and few more members as they were going to attack these outsiders however Brynjolf stopped them and told them there is some coin to be made.

Solomon and Brunjolf sat at a table with Lokir at the side.

"Ay...What are you doing here?" asked Brynjolf as he drank a bottle of ale.

"I'm here to pick up that old man that's hiding here. You see - he and I are from the same organisation and we need to bring him back since he is a key asset. Furthermore my friend by my side, Lokir, I want you to teach him how to stealthily collect data and information and I know yor guild is good at it so I want you to take him under your wing. But at the same time I want you to keep him a secret to all of riften. I'll pay your guild 10,000 septims?" asked Solomon as he had a gigantic coin backpack which he pretended to pull out but was actually came from his inventory.

"ohh~my. I think the guild can accept your request but how long will he stay?" asked Brynjolf, as he listened to Solomon he was nodding and kept saying 'ay'.

" for 1 year. If you keep him for a year I will reward your guild with extra." said Solomon as he smiled. They shook hands and made a deal.

Brynjolf went gatherd everyone and told them about Lokir training and keeping him a secret. He also distributed the money to everyone and then took Lokir to mercer frey, to speak to him about Lokir joining the guild.

Meanwhile Solomon was told to head through the ratway warrens door and so he did.

Solomon ran there and it only took him a minute before getting there without being exhausted.

He found Esbern's door and was heading there but a stupid couple of a witch and the butcher attacking him, those two where high on Skooma and went berserk, remember kids don't do drugs. So he decided to knock them out and leave a bag of coins with just 200 gold inside.

Solomon went up the stairs and called out to the door but there was no answer. He decided to grab the door and pull it from the stone wall it was attached to creating a poof sound which awakened the sleeping Esbern.

"What are you doing here! You with the Thalmor!? Come at me then!?!" said Esbern as he picked up his blades sword and raised his arms forward in a taunt.

"No, No! I come in peace sorry I destroyed your door but we have to escape from the ratway. I am Delphine's friend. You can trust me. Please believe me." said Solomon.

"How can I trust a man who has destroyed my door but then says he's in peace, is that not contradictory and hypocritical!? Leave now! Thalmore Spy - rather! You'll lose your life today!" said Esbern as raised his sword and charged bravely.

"Alduin! He has returned!" said Solomon." He's raising an army of dragons from their graves once again. I know a way to stop him but I need your help." said Solomon.

Esbern stopped in his tracks as his face distorted."So he has finally returned...the world-eater...Alduin has returned and now doom will strike us all. There is no hope. Unless they would have been here..." depressed Esbern as he was sad.

"You mean the dragonborn? Well you are looking at him." smiled Solomon before giving a tiny Fus towards a candle that was on a table.

"You really are dragonborn! Then there is some hope!" smiled Esbern as he was very excited,"Forgive me for my previous attitude, would you like some tea?" asked Esbern as he put his sword away.

Solomon kindly declined and then they started to talk about Delphine how both of them met her and had a bit of a laugh before Solomon told Esbern to pack up and then they headed out of the ratway entirely.

"See ya everyone. I'm going but I'll be back." said Solomon to everyone in the ragged flagon meanwhile Lokir, who was dressed in his new thieves guild suit, was going to cry as these people are intimidating.

Outside the ragged flagon he met Gian and told him to train Lokir when Lokir has time.

They exited out of the ratway through a secret trap door leading to the edge of the city near the canal but hidden by the barrels.

The duo exits the city, go to the stables and hire a carriage to Riverwood.

Sorry I didn't release lots of chapters. I was very busy revising, helping family and doing exams.

GrandpaWrath2creators' thoughts
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