
Greybeards really do have grey-beards


Solomon roared like a dragon, sending a powerful shockwave that shook all of skyrim as the few clouds above him parted and revealed the beauty of space.

"I can't believe it...you are- Dragonborn." one of the guards ran up to him and said the usual line that he'd hear for infinite amount of times.

"No shit sherlock." retorted solomon, the guard didn't say anything back as he didn't know what it ment.


A powerful shouted once again hit skyrim as it was the greybeards who were now summoning him. Listening to their mighty roar in person, it was far more powerful than shown in game as his ears were about to pop.


Solomon arrived before Bulgruuf and recounted to him what had happened at the watchtower, how he killed the dragon, the ruins, the feeling of absorbing the soul, it was a little story that made Bulgruuf feel like he was there as well.

"The greybeards think you are dragonborn, who are we to argue. They have summoned you to high hrothgar, you better get up there it is a tremendous honour, you cannot deny it." said Bulgruuf as he started talking about the seven thousand steps.

" I grant you permission to purchase property in my city dragonborn, as much as I wish to grant you a title of thane, most thanes have spent blood, sweat and tears for this city's prosperity, but if you want to become a thane quicker than I have a request of you." said Bulgruuf as he told Solomon to go to a never before known Nordic Ruin called Sal Dun.

"My father the previous jarl before me once in his younger days went to this ancient tomb, he took his father's crown, don't ask me why even I don't know, and anyway he lost it inside that tomb whilst barely making out alive. Can you fetch that crown for me? This crown is a heirloom that symbolised the nobility of the previous jarls." said Bulgruuf as his eyes pierced at Solomon's face.

"Fine. But I have to ask you - why are most things always hidden in those stupid ancient nordic ruins?" asked Solomon as he was tired of Skyrim having most of its quests about going inside an ancient nordic ruin and kiling stupid draugr.

" I don't know, maybe treasure attracts more treasure." Bulgruuf didn't really know.

"Also Dragonsreach is made of wood - doesn't that mean it would be easier for a fire dragon to burn Dragonsreach wouldn't it?"

"If it was made of ordinary wood that is - however you think they wouldn't think of that? If they didn't then dragonsreach would've been burnt long ago. Dragonsreach is made from niag wood, special wood developed by ancient mages that managed to steal a piece of the hist and experiment with it. The niag wood is fireproof, shock proof, very strong. I'm not sure fire from a dragon could burn it." smiled Bulgruuf.

"ohhh - I knew it." said Solomon as he hit his palm with the side of his fist like an anime guy.


Lokir and Solomon were standing next to the carriage outside at the stables. Solomon told Lokir to head back to Riverwood and continue training with Faendal for a week whilst he'll need to visit the greybeards at High Hrothgar.

Solomon took the carriage and went to iverstead which took one and a half days to get there. On his way there he was starting to learn new spells that he didn't have a chance on focusing on, Invisibility and Open. He spent every second practicing whilst not removing his eyes from the book, he did not waste a second. meanwhile Bjorlam the driver felt slightly uneasy but he still managed to get along with Solomon cooked him some food on the way, KFC.

Solomin arrived at Iverstead without a hassle luckily and felt like in a few days he'll learn the spells if he were to continue practicing non stop.

Even as he was walking up High Hrothgar and its seven thousand steps he was multi tasking , walking and practicing and reading. He payed no attention to the wilves and giats around him, he did not lay those that meditated on the stone tablets. As for the frost troll, he bombarded it with fireballs and killed it whilst extracting its fat for the future.

He put his tomes away in his inventory and entered High Hrothgar.

"So... a dragonborn appears at this turning of a new age."

"I am answering your summons master. I wish to learn the way of the voice." Solomon bowed his head.

"We will see if you truly have the gift. Show us, Dragonborn. Let us taste of your Voice." said Arngeir

"I don't know, you might get blown away." said Solomon, he knew that the greybeards were one of the strongest people in skyrim and masters of the tongue they trained their voices for many years, they are way stronger than anyone in skyrim.

A/n:(some powerful humans/humanoid are ulfric, ancano(without eye), kematu who reach level 50 whilst arngeir is level 150, 3 times their peak strength)

"Now, Now. Do not be afraid, your shout will not harm us." said Arngeir as he waved his hand as if saying it wasn't a problem.

"Fine." said Solomon before unleashing a heavenly roar.


The greybeards took the shout full on and luckily enough they weren't sent flying but they went skidding few meters whilst staggering on to their knees. It wasn't like in the game where the dragonborn unleashed a fus and they would stagger, this one was 100 times more powerful and 10 times more powerful than the in-game one and they took it on like champions.

"Astounding! Dragonborn it is you! Welcome to High Hrothgar. You have such a powerful voice filled with draconic might. You truly have a great talent for someone so young." said Arngeir as he was excited to teach a young talent once again, hopefully wishing to guide him to his rightful destiny.

"Thank you!" said Solomon as he got closer to Arngeir and touched his beard, it felt like cotton candy instead of a bush they surely must have used a conditioner, "You greybeard truly have fantastic...grey beards."

Arngeir was slightly weirded out by this kid as no one was so daring as to touch a greybeards beard.

Arengeir coughed to diffuse the current mood and then he started talking about the past of the dragonborns, their talent for the tongue, the fact about him and dragons suddenly appearing and also about the gods.

Solomon told them about how he was practising words of power since he was young that he found an ancient scripture containing few words of power and explaining most of their meaning,that he managed to learn some shouts without using a dragon's soul. The greybeards thought he was still talent as it takes most people few decades to even learn the first word of unrelenting force.

Then instead of teaching him the second word for unrelenting force they taught him the second word for whirlwind sprint and then they saw his true talent, they gave more praises before they went to the courtyard and taught him a new shout Ice Form, the word Liz meaning Ice. Solomon had a chance to test it out on a hologram dummy that got frozen before dematerialising.

They continued to teach him the full shout and he managed to even freeze the fireplace that was next to the staircase leading to the throat of the world.

"Alright Dragonborn. Your final task is to retrieve the horn of Jurgen windcaller, our founder, in the ancient ruins of Ustengrav. Let me mark that for you on your map." said Arengeir as Solomon retrieved jsi map from the inventory and gave it to arengeir who actually bit his thumb and marked the spot with a drop of blood.

"Also - Can you call me Solomon. I'd rather be called by the name given to me by my parents rather than my title. If you don't mind." said Solomon as the greybeards nodded their heads.

Solomon then spent entire 4 days inside learning the two spells that he really wanted to learn and he finally did.

'I'll head off to Understone Keep and take that dwarven armour set as that would be very nice. I'll use the invisibility to sneak there and then I'll use the Open spell to unlock that expert level lock and tadaa free dwarven armour. It will be nice and easy lemon squeezy.' thought Solomon in his head.

Solomon went down from the mountain and started to whirlwind sprint himself to Markarth as fast as he could which took him a couple of minutes thanks to the second word of power for whirlwind sprint, the one in game when full would give 30 meters distance but his first word 'wuld' gave him 20 meters distance covered and then the second word 'nah' increased the distance by over five times, 100 meters meaning the next one would increase by half a kilometre.

He then used invisibility spell to sneak into Markarth, he killed Weylin who pulled out his dagger but failed before he could stab Margret as Solomon killed him and then turned the invisibility back on and ran to Understone Keep before anyone could notice until after Weyline fell.

Solomon managed to sneak into Understone keep and went for the dwemer ruins Nchuand-Zel, he opened the door without the need of the key and went to the excavation site. He delved deeper until he found a gigantic frostbite spider Nimhe who was covered in human blood making it look even scarier.

Solomon used a fireball he sent out from his sword, quick casting, and then he slashed the spiders legs leaving it unable to move and sowly burning to death.

He cut its webs that plastered the door with one clean cut unlike the game where even the strongest weapon in all of existence has to bow down before the spider web, not anymore stupid web.

Solomon crouched down and casted Invisibility, he was now getting close to the falmer filled section across the bridges and staircases, he turned right and jumped down plunging into the water swimming straightforward without making the slightest of noise however some were picked up but not acted upon by the falmer. Solomon entered the armoury before using Invisibility once again to sneak past dwarven machine automatons and falmer filth. Before he ended up walking up a staircase where golden dwemer statues where at the centre and each side having tiny cells that contained treasure.

Solomon opened the cell on the top right with his open spell. Lo and behold a full dwarven armour set.

Solomon put the armour on along with the spartan looking helmet. He looked as if he was a golden spartan warrior, with the gold and purple looking very pleasing to the eye. Solomon wished he could add the Visage of Mzund, then he could unleash a powerful steamy breath like dwarven centurions do.

Solomon was used to wearing heavy armour that heavy armour felt weightless to him adding to the fact that everyday his body gets stronger, as a child he would tighten his clothes so that they were close to air proof and fill those clothes with heavy rocks and then with heavier rocks filled with ore, he would spend most of his training wearing rock filled clothes whilst practising swordsmanship, magic and cultivation.

Solomon was jumping and doing backflips looking as if he was very light however this awakened the two dwarven spheres that were guarding the treasury and attacked him whilst at the same time the falmer warriors and mages heard the noises from Solomon jumping and joined in on the fun.

Solomon managed togather them all in front of him and sent unrelenting force at them killing everyone of them including the dwarven automatons. He ripped most of the parts from the automatons and also ripped the dwarven statues of automatons so that he could smelt everything into dwarven ingots so he could improve the armour and make dwarven weapons.

He then also opened the other expert lock and looted the dwarven treasure chest where he found a dwarven sword, four dwarven metal ingots, two grand soul gems, a gold amethyst ring, a blacksmithing potion and 1000 golden coins.

[Dwarven sword]

[Damage: 42]

[Durability: 480]

[Value: 426]

[Blacksmith's potion]

[Effect: Can improve weapons and armour 75% better]

[Duration: 45 seconds]

'Nice' thought Solomon before sneaking out of the ruins of Nchuand-Zel and out of Understone Keep but he had to be even more cautious as the guards knew someone sneak in the keep so they were standing patrolling the door, Solomon tackled the guards and the door sending both flying and the guards unconscious, he then turned invisible and ran away from Markarth.

Along the way he decided to head to Ustengrav, as he whirlwind sprinted his way there. The caravans, the travellers, adventurers, soldiers all looked in shock as they saw a super fast blur pass them.


He reached Ustengrav however there were bandits guarding the entrance, Solomon used his sword and decapitated all of their sinful heads.

Solomon headed on the side and killed every draugr, necromancer and bandits inside. The traps were easy to get by as they were not only slow but they had a pattern which can help out. He one shoted all the skeletons then he proceeded to head down to the word wall, then behind the waterfall there was a treasure chest, steel sword and an awoken draugr, who he ripped apart. Inside the chest was a stamina potion, elven dagger and 50 gold coins.

[Elven Dagger]

[Damage: 23]

[Durability: 310]

[Value: 75]

He used whirlwind sprint to get past those red flashing stones that are in the game and then further killed dragur and even spiders.

He opened the door door to where the horn was but the horn was not there and instead two dragur overlords were stuck in that room. Delphine probably must've ran and stole that horn rather than face those dragur.

Solomon used unrelenting force to send them flying before sending a barrage of fireballs at each of them. One dragur overlord stood back up but Solomon readied his sword at a certain angle and then he used whirlwind sprint to propel himself towards and past the dragur as the sword forcefully cits through the dragur like hot knife and butter.

Then he turned the other dragur into an ice statue using ice form and then he smashed the statue into pieces.

He found the note, this is the reason he could never get a perfect win streak without getting a single complaint.

'Dragonborn come to riverwood at sleeping giant inn and rent an attic room. Signed a friend.'

Solomon went back to Riverwood where he headed for the sleeping giant inn, in there he did just like in game where he rented the room and few seconds later Delphine came to him and told Solomon to follower her, closing the door as she opens the back false panel of a wardrobe..

"The Greybeards seem to think you're the Dragonborn. I hope they're right."

"I am dragonborn lady." smiled Solomon.

"I hope so. But you'll forgive me if I don't assume that something's true just because the Greybeards say so. I just handed you the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. Does that make me Dragonborn, too?" said Delphine, the blades grandmaster.

"Actually it doesn't as you can't even shout, furthermore this task was to be accepted into the greybeards they knew that I was dragonborn the moment I came in. Greybeards are far more wiser than you are." said solomon as delphine still handed him the horn even though she was insulted.

"Fine, fine. But I am not your enemy I already gave you the horn, I'm trying to help you so can you please hear me out?"

"I'm sorry if I insulted you." said Solomon, "What is it that you want with me?"

"I'm part of a group that's been looking for you... well, someone like you, for a very long time. If you really are Dragonborn, that is. Before I tell you any more, I need to make sure I can trust you." said Delphine as she narrowed her eyes and lowered her brows trying to scout anything suspicious.

"Nice armour by the way." said Delphine noticing the dwarven armour that was donned by Solomon.

"I promise that you can trust me." said Solomon trying to look honest as possible. Delphine finally agreed that he was trustworthy and told him about why she's hiding and why are dragons coming back to life. "So where are we heading off to?" asked Solomon even though he knew the answer.



I know that the pace is slightly too fast but it will slow down as soon enough I'll start diverging from the original skyrim, soon enough and it'll be better. Sorry for not uploading regularly.

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