
Love with someone in school life

I was in the 9 standard that a girl that likes me very much but i did not see her because she was in hijaab ..she was in my academy. She likes me very much so she send me a friend request on Facebook . And so funnny that her first message was "Hi ! asad uncle " i laughed too much and i already knew that she was academy girl .. we chat a lot . And chatting with her i knew that she was very innocent . She was cartoon watching girl we said that a mummy daddy girl. She had not a. Mobile she use a mobile of her sister for just chatting with me and her Facebook id made by her uncle . Her uncle knew that her Facebook paiand email...we chatted 3 months and then her uncle open her id and he saw my chatting with her and that he abused me a lot then her uncle deleted that id ..we didn't chatt 3 months and that after 3 months she made Facebook id with her self.

Note: chapter 2 will be published soon