

She was hurrying when she was leaving that blasted place. But as soon as she reached her high security private flat, it was like all her energy left her body. Her flat did not need any keys at all. All it needed was her hand print and it opened as if welcoming her. The lights automatically turned on at her presence. Her Prada clutch bag fell from her hands the moment she went inside. And as if she finally felt alone, her tears came flowing like a dam. Her sobs came louder as she came to her room. The first thing she saw was a picture frame of her and Damian, smiling and looking so happy. She was hugging his waist while he was holding her hands. It was a perfect photo of a perfect couple. At least, she thought they were.

She grabbed the picture frame and threw it with all the force she could muster. Her sobs turned into wails as she let her body fell onto the king-sized bed. She cried and cried. Why? What had she done wrong? Was she not enough for him? Was it wrong for her to save herself for him? How could he betray her so? And with her friend! How long had he betrayed her? When did it start? When did they see her as a fool?

Questions upon questions flooded her mind as her tears keep flowing out from her eyes. Her bed was soaked. But she was not stopping any time soon. Not like she could control it anymore. She was so hurt. The people she trusted had betrayed her in the worst case possible.

Her thoughts were then interrupted when she heard her phone ring. She first ignored it, thinking it was Damian. But it kept ringing, and it was beginning to irritate her. She grabbed her damn phone and checked. The frown on her face vanished when she saw the name on the screen.


It was her elder brother's name. She hesitated. She did not want him to know yet. She knows how he will react when he finds out. But then again, it was her brother. He knew everything about her. It will not take long before he finds out.

She tapped the green icon, answering the call.

"Yue?" That voice. That deep and familiar baritone voice was so comforting for her. Like she had found her solace, her ally. "Yue. Are you okay?" As if sensing something was wrong, he asked.

"Ge…" Like a little kid, asking for justice from her older sibling, her tears fell like a dam once more.

"Yue, what's wrong? What happened? Where are you? Are you hurt? Tell me!" Worry was evident in his tone as he barraged her with questions. "Damn it!" He cursed as she only kept crying.

"Ge, I'm okay. I'm in my flat. I'm—"

"Alex, cancel everything I have on today."

"Yes, Sir." She heard a direct response from her brother's personal assistant.

"Yue, I'll be there soon. Don't do anything rash." Those were his last words before ending the call.

It took him only ten minutes to reach her flat. He must have drove himself with his Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita. His hand print was the only one registered on her flat's security system apart from hers and Damian's so he was able to enter without asking for her permission. She made a mental note to reduce the number of people having access to only two. Her and Ren's.

She did not get up from her bed to welcome him. She was too tired to even lift her head. And so, Ren saw this scene before him. He frowned as he felt his chest tighten at the sorrowful sight of his beloved and only sister. He slowly made his way to the side of her bed. He sat on the side carefully and raised a hand to her head. She was still sobbing.

"What happened?" He asked softly. It hurt seeing her in this state. This was the first time he saw her like this ever since their parents died a long time ago. He never thought he'd see her like this again. Who was tired of living and dared to hurt his sister? He had a vague idea. Only one other person was capable of doing such atrocity.

Yue slowly raised her head to him. Her tear-stricken face made him silently curse all the devils. His mind was filled with revenge plots as she moved closer to him, asking for comfort.

She then began to tell him what had happen. After she was done, his face was contorted with immense anger. "He dared!" He cursed as he tightly clenched his fists. But he was gentle while caressing her hair. His mind was already plotting whether to kill the bastard or make his life a living hell. He was leaning towards the latter.

"Ge, the wedding…" Yue remembered. Everything except her wedding gown was ready. The only thing left to do was to hand out the invitations.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of it." Ren promised.


"I'll take care of it." He repeated in a final tone. He won't let his sister do anything anymore for that man. He will take care of it all. Damian included.

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