
I will protect you with my life|Kakashi x obito female

Kakashi Hatake dies in battle with Kaguya Otsutsuki and for unknown reasons returns to the past more specifically inhabits the body of 5 years he had. why does that girl look like obito?

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I will protect you with my life|English

*voices screaming*

Kakashi Sensei!!

*kakashi thoughts*

So I'll die, sorry minato sensei, rin and obito friend, sorry I'm weak, I'm a failure, father sorry I'm a failure son, always full of mistakes and failures, a prodigy?

Pathetic just a nice nickname.

With his eyes narrowed from the effort, he looked with a smile at the former students of the kakashi team, naruto uzumaki, sakura haruno and Sasuke uchiha, with a smile he noted how the goddess otsutsuki inserted chakra into the tube to disappear in one last thought. particles.

(I trust you guys, I entrust you) then all the light disappeared only infinite darkness.

NA- kakashi guys will appear again later, first I want to explain a little about this female obito now called obiika, kakashi was killed by kaguya otsutsuki and for a strange reason I return to the step more specifically reincarnated in the five year old kakashi who had just completed a rank mission c.

I will not give more spoilers, this is an obiika x kakashi but it will be slow, here obiika likes rin in a romantic way if she is a lesbian, it seems that way but the reality is only that rin was the first to be kind to obiika an outcast of the Uchiha clan, We will see how our kakashi makes him discover true love and how the shinobi world will change.

we start

Hey buddy, you heard about the guy who graduated at age five, entered the Academy for just two months, and then graduated as a genius.

He asked a civilian chunnin friend what he had on his side.



Got it, that's old news now the boy is under the command of the jounin named minato namikaze in team seven, this jounin is a student of the sannin jiraiya of the toads, they are also doing missions and that's not all I heard they recently took a c-rank mission, it was about escorts to the country of the wind and everything went well.

These two chunnin friends continued walking on the street of Konoha talking, the destination they had in mind is a bar.

What these friends did not realize was that the talk made by them was not only heard by them.

There was also a third person listening to the talk with an indescribable emotion on his face, more specifically a 6-year-old girl.

Mysterious girl- it seems that this bakashi is still the center of attention, they don't stop talking about him, why is it always him? I'm an uchiha just let him have my sharingan and everyone will know my name, that's why I'm hokoge it will be very easy.

*preparing to scream*

I obiika uchiha will be the future hokage!

*screaming at the top of your lungs*

Passers-by who passed by, some other shinobi looked up with curiosity and amusement at the strong declaration of the girl who was in the middle of the street.

passerby shinobi- Girl stop talking nonsense!

Since when does a fucking uchiha become a hokage? It will be the day I grow chicken wings and this bastard writer has twenty thousand subscribers.

To then finish saying this, he began to laugh out loud at what the shinobi thought was the coolest joke of his entire damn life.

The most cynical thing was that some passers-by, hearing these words from the shinobi, also began to laugh and just as some civilians who were arrested by the uchiha police.

The now defenseless girl identified as uchiha obiika only froze at her teasing, her face began to turn red and her eyes watery with a slight frown.

She wouldn't give them the benefit of seeing her cry she's an uchiha an elite shinobi among elites even without the sharingan the uchiha clan is powerful in their own right those shinobi and civilians know shit about uchihas just a bunch of cowards.

With a loud snort to draw attention and enduring this humiliation she raised her head proudly.

The scoffing guys noticed this change in the uchiha brat and calmed down her laughter to watch her.

The girl, seeing that she achieved the goal of attracting the attention of these bastard bastards, with a show of anger raised the middle finger of both hands moving up and down in a slow but sure rhythm.

When the guys noticed the action, they were looking at the two arms with the middle fingers raised, as if they were inside a hypnosis carried out by the little uchiha girl.

obiika- Seems like just a bunch of wrinkled pussies, looking at what they need.

After saying that, With thunderous laughter he left the scene leaving behind a frozen crowd, they only looked at each other with a blush on their cheeks at being foolishly deceived by a six-year-old girl, they left without speaking any more and the smile a moment ago it was a ghost, there was none.

All this from start to finish, was observed by a five year old boy who was hiding on one of the roofs the boy was dressed in a fashionable style, a low hooded sweatshirt inside was reached to dazzle armor of tights, black jean pants, standard shinobi sandals and topping it off with a mask that covered half of his face, the white hair made him look cool alongside the fishy eyes dead from boredom.

pv unknown boy with mask:

Hello my name is Kakashi hatake I am a gennin, I graduated from the ninja academy just one month and nine days from starting, everything was a simple process, because everything was taught by my great and strong father hatake sakumo nicknamed and known as the fang white, a strong man capable of facing the three sannin disciples of the third hokage, The nicknamed god of the shinobi a title of the strongest.

After finishing the ranking mission with my master and elite jounin guide minato namikaze, I was browsing the streets of konoha I was thinking about buying something, until I heard the excited exclamation of a silly girl who wanted to be hokage, turning her eyes i watched with embarrassment that that silly girl i know her not personally but as a former classmate the name is uchiha obiika the tail of the crane uchiha it is rumored that that clan exclusively breeds prodigies and elite shinobi and even more dangerous was the ability to awaken the bloodline called sharingan and this sharingan could awaken from one tomoe up to three tomoe, a complete sharingan or mature sharingan, the shinobi who had a complete sharingan reached the strength of an elite jounin the abyss of jounin, if you had two take your strength reached a medium chunnin or high chunnin level.

It also depended on the user this was what my father mentioned and the most efficient way to fight an uchiha with a sharingan is to not look at the eyes, focus on the feet or back of the body and be aware if you are in a genjutsu.

I watched as the crane tail exclaimed the usual statement what does it do, I didn't take it personally real, I knew it's impossible for someone pathetic and last dead to become hokage, of course I personally think there could be crane tails that are hokage, but that It would be if fate makes you the son, something silly because, well if that's the case, it doesn't matter if you're the weakest, fate will guide you to where you were destined.

But that girl has none of that, a good shinobi always thinks of impossible possibilities and is on the lookout.

Coming out of my ramblings, I watched attentively as a passer-by very surely a shinobi activated, with a mockery he replied to the girl a very cruel mockery, the other passers-by noticed and heard the shinobi's mockery also happily joined in laughing and mocking about the dream of the uchiha girl among them civilians,.

obiika the crane girl I watched as he was about to succumb to the crowd of taunts, he was prepared to intervene in case this matter gets any louder.

Now I am a gennin my duty is to defend the villagers.

I was ready to jump onstage, but stopped short as I watched the lewd signs she was making and the angry words the girl directed at the crowd, I watched as the fool with her head up and little butt up, walked away, a sight silly.

Notice the flushed crowd turning around and dispersing to their respective activities for the day.

In my mind I only remembered what happened just now, so uchiha obiika last dead huh, it seems that he has something, I remember you.

Turning around and going to the house to see his dear and amazing dad.

On the way around a corner and almost to the house he noticed the girl who was wiping her eyes.

When obiika felt someone was watching her, she quickly turned around and with growing horror she noticed that the one who saw her was her worst enemy of all life and her rival, Hatake Kakashi (Bakashi).

obiika- Bakashi!

Because you follow me?


kakashi *calm* - I'm not following you, my house is nearby *points to a house*.

obiika- Don't change the subject!

Because you?

Why is it always you?

rin what does he see you, because he can't look at me alone Look, I'm strong a strong girl, I won't lose to you and no one kakashi, I'll have my sharingan and I'll become the first female hokage.

kakashi- no me in-n-te-, he did not finish the sentence because an immense headache and flashing and fast images rushed into his mind, not for nothing was he baptized as a prodigy, in an instant he verified that if he was trapped in an illusion when not noticing anything, the pain was even more and with that he collapsed dry to the ground with some foam coming out of the mouth covered by the mask and his eyes wide open and unconscious white.

The obiika girl, noticing all this scene, the anger she had suddenly disappeared and in an instant her worried face appeared.

obiika- Kakashi!!

What's wrong?

Answer! She approached Kakashi's sprawled body and began to move it and check that he was breathing, she was relieved to find out that he was breathing, but she noticed with fear how Kakashi woke up with previously white eyes now awake and very serious looking at her with a look that looks like happiness, relief, fear many emotions passed through his eyes.

Kakashi- Obito! Is that you? Obito! I'm sorry Obito, she said this to throw herself to hug him, which he thought was Obito.

Obiika, noticing that Kakashi pounced on her and began to hug her very strongly, she was scared, she turned white and a small ghost of Obiika came out of her mouth, angry, she tried to suddenly get out of that horrible hug, but she changed her mind, Feeling something wet down his shoulder, he looked up and saw with surprise that that serious and prodigal guy was crying in his arms like a baby.

This she would never imagine in her wildest dreams.

obiika – Kakashi, calm down, I'm not obito, my name is obiika uchiha.

Kakashi turned to see and noticed that it was not deceased, because this was a girl who had exactly the same characteristics.

Kakashi: Where is Obito?

Who are you!, I don't finish saying more things because some images and pain rushed into my mind remembering the life in these five years of this kakashi who now took position of the body.

*kakashi thoughts*

It seems that I return to the past, (naruto, sakura, sasuke) I hope you are well, it seems that this world of death does not exist or well it is a female version, it is the same as the death that I know the name is obiika uchiha, I see I can change the things for a better future, it seems that my father is alive, father!

I won't let you die, minato-sensei.

I kakashi hatake will not let my precious people die, on my corpse.

obito I will not let you suffer I will not let you go with madara.

end thought.

obiika- Kakashi why are you looking at me, bastard!.

kakashi- Obi, I need you, I will not let you escape from me, I will not give you to anyone else, I will protect you with my life, he said this to the bewildered obiika.

obiika- Bakashi!

dry cleaner!!!

*blushing beyond words*

end of chapter.

I hope you support me if you like the story, let me remind you that I wrote several Reincarnation stories, the one I update the most is the one about reincarnation in a hyuga, it is on my youtube channel or fanfiction, wattapd and webnovel profile.

Thank you for reading this story, even if it's not to your liking, but I love it and that's the most important thing.

See you next time.