

"How's the progress of My Limelight going?" Cybelle is sitting in a conference room with the director and much important staff for the show.

"As we all already know, this variety show is by far is the variety show with the highest rating for the past 5 years. And we have done many things to keep it that way". Cybelle continues to speak her mind as she watches the face of all the people in the room.

"And, as always we need to make sure that each season has a different element to keep the audience not losing their interest".

"So..." When Cybelle paused to stare at the staff's faces, they all flinched from her cold gaze. "Why is the progress for this year is a little too slow?"

"That miss..." A screenwriter was about to open her mouth but was stopped by the director.

The director is a young bone. Full of vigor but a little hot-headed. 'My limelight' former director was an experienced director who first runs this show but this year, he chooses to take a vacation and was replaced by this young woman.

The woman frowns a little but she's not rude when speaking. "I'm sorry, the progress is slower than the years before. But, I promise that the first shooting can start by Monday in two weeks.."

"... Finally.." Cybelle let out a hum before smiling. " I hope you don't waste the trust of the former director and mine for you". Cybelle taps on the desk with her finger a few times as she looks at the director's face.

"Anyway, you have already sent the show's invitation to all the guess right?"

"Yes! And we've got their answer. We only needs to give them their scripts and everything that will be left is the shooting".

"Alright... That's what I want to hear". Cybelle hummed with content as she gets up from her chair. " I guess there's nothing left for me to say, then I will leave everything to you..." Cybelle points towards the director before walking towards the exit.

A few minutes after Cybelle left the room, all the staff let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh my god!!! I thought I was gonna die!!!! I literally forgot to breathe!!!" One of the staffs wailed.

"Yea... I thought that she will shoot lasers from her eyes when she stared at us just now!!!"

When all the staff is talking about how relieved they are after Cybelle left, one of the staff is still looking at the frowning director with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

"Director!! Why didn't you let me speak for you earlier!!!??" The screenwriter finally asked the woman about what she keeps in her heart.

"You will only make it worst Kate..." The director sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose.

"But, Tiana !!! Don't you think she is looking down at you!!! She seems to make things harder for you!! Unlike the former director!!! Why can't she just be patient and wait!! It's not that we are that late!!!" Kate sigh in dissatisfaction.

"Kate!! Please stop overthinking things okay!!!" Tiana sigh again before looking at Kate with her arm crosses. " She is the producer and it's the mistake on our part too. So, you trying to make an excuse is just making things worst!!!!"

"But she is looking down on you!!!" Kate whined.

"She is not!!!! That's how she always acts Kate..." Tiana shakes her head when Kate keep badmouthing the producers. "Look... I hope you can keep your personal thought aside when we are working and be professional..."

Kate's eyes become wide when she heard Tiana says something like that to her. "You... You!! Why are you defending her!! Do you like her, Huh!!?" Kate slapped Tiana's shoulder while pouting.

"Sigh...." Tiana rolled her eyes and trying her best to ignore the cat's scratch beside her. Anyway, she can punish the cat later at home. Let's see how long it will take for the cat to apologize to her.

All the staff is no longer shocked after looking at the way both of them act. After all, this always happens between the screenwriter and the director. Everyone is used to see the screenwriter picked a fight with the director. Every time that happened, the screenwriter will come to work late the next day with a hoarse voice and back pain. Sometimes, she doesn't come to work at all for the whole day.

Yeah... It's not a secret that the director and the screenwriter are together. Everyone in the teams knows it.

When Kate realized that Tiana is ignoring her, she hums in dissatisfaction and turning away to ignore her back.

Tiana who saw the cat's little action just glance at her before supporting her head and looking at Kate's back. In her head, she is thinking of every little punishment she wants to give the cat tonight. "Bad kitty, I will make you scream tonight". She whispered in Kate's ear. Before standing up, she saw Kate's body become stiff. Tiana smiles Before leaving first.

After Tiana left, all the staff leave after wishing good luck to Kate. Some even pat her back before giving her a good job sign and telling her not to die tonight.

They all leave until the only one left inside the room is the pale looking Kate.

Cybelle who finally returned to her office let out a relieved sigh. Anyway, one of the jobs that makes her feel a lot of headaches is almost done.

[ Usagi? How's the progress of the investment we made?]

[No problem! We can increase the investment more and I also found a few projects that have a great future. Do you want to invest in them too?]

[Sure! I trust you for that!!]


"Phew... Having someone to assist me is really great!!!" Cybelle stretches her body as she walks towards her desk. "If this goes on, I can bring in more actors and actress.. maybe I can finally start a pop group?"

Cybelle is thinking of new plans for her company when a new task prompt appears.

"Open.." Cybelle said calmly as she leans on her chair. The prompt that appears this time is the yellow task.

"Task 79:Bring Olivia to dinner "

"Detail: Bring your system to eat with Olivia to a restaurant. The address is as written below.

-123 Flower Road, xoxo Nani Nani-

"Huh?". Eat with Olivia?

[Huh?] I have to go too!?

[Why are you shocked!!??] Cybelle's hand flinch like she wants to pinch someone's ears, but that person is not here.

[Don't you see that!!? I have to follow you to do the task!!? I never thought that a system has to down the field too!!!! I need to ask the main system!! This must be some kind of mistake!!!]

[I thought you said the main system never makes a mistake?] Cybelle raised one of her brows as she taps her finger on the desk.

[There's the first time in everything!!]

Cybelle can't help but rolls her eyes at Usagi's hypocrisy. [First time in everything my ass!! Who is the one to convince me every time that the main system never makes mistake!?]

There's no reply, maybe Usagi is in contact with the main system now. Cybelle just let out a soft sigh before looking back at the task prompt.

As she looks at the prompts, she reads the address and tries to recall the names of the restaurant. "This... " When Cybelle type the address in her phone, only then she realized that this is the location of a high-end restaurant at the city center.

Many important people like to eat here because of the good privacy, great service, and amazing food. Of course, the price is also too great for common people but that's not a problem for Cybelle.

But, what worries Cybelle the most is not the price or privacy problem, but she's afraid that Olivia will misunderstand her thinking that she has feelings for her. Cybelle is afraid of that.

"What's the main system is thinking?" Cybelle frown. "Ah! But they told me to bring Usagi too? Why is Usagi important in this task?"

Suddenly, a chat prompt appears on the light screen. Cybelle looks at the chat prompt for a few seconds before clicking on it.

[Question asked: why is system 69 important in the task?]

[Answer: Classified Answer!!!! You don't have the authority to read it]

"What does this mean?" Cybelle frowned again.

[Ahh? Did you unlock a question and answer feature just now?] Suddenly, Usagi's tired voice appears. [ Don't bother asking questions... That thing is mostly useless anyway...]

[Usagi!? Why do you sound tired? Also.. did you get the answer?]

[Yeah I did... Ugh... Seems like I'm indeed important to this task... Well... I can just turn into the rabbit and act as your pet then...] Usagi shrugs.

[Well.. it seems like the restaurant doesn't allow animals inside even if it's your pet. I think the task wants you in human form...]

[Damn It!!] Usagi can't help but sigh in annoyance. [Good thing I'm your assistant]

[Psh... For an assistant, where the hell are you right now? Aren't you supposed to go to work today?] Cybelle scoffed as she closes the prompt and continues to do her job.

[Hey!! I'm helping you behind the scenes okay!!] Usagi retort.

[While watching porn?]

[..... It's for inspiration]

this is the continuation after the chapter "the past"

in case someone is confused about the timeline,

1>the first chapter starts with 6 months of flashback.

2>the flashback continues until chapter the past.

3>chapter 'the past' is Seraphina's flashback.

4> the next 2 chapter after "the past" is taken before the event of the chapter 'the stones family '

5> and finally, this chapter is taken after the event of the chapter 'the past'.

Carciphones_02creators' thoughts
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