
Who is He?

Someone was standing alone at the sideway of Streets. The wind was blowing and slowly the Sun was leaving with the last shades.

Dressed in simple Clothes a Lady was waiting anxiously for someone. She seemed to have last pieces of Patience and mild hope that someone would come.

Suddenly a tall figure appeared from the Back.

He suddenly took cold Steps towards the Lady standing at the sideways.


A sound Resembled from behind the camera.

The director was extremely happy with the scene and immediately jumped up from the seat...

"Fantastic Shot! I can't imagine someone could Portray a character without dialogues and even without a Face. I must say Sir you are really amazing!"

Words of praise were coming out of Director's mouth just when he was about to approach the Man who appeared in the Scene But...

Just when director was reaching his hands towards him, the Man turned and left without any Actions.

Everyone around were in Shock.

The director was one of the Famous Persons in the Film Industry. No one would simply dare to offend him.

But the Man they just witnessed was not someone So Simple...

The Man was Well known to all the people around...

The Director who was indeed a famous didn't object or felt anything Bad for such Behaviour...

If it would be someone else then such person must not think about having any other projects in the Industry not even to have any existence after offending this director But...

This Man...

Who is he?

"There's Nothing that just happens in this World... "

hd99_creators' thoughts
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