
Chapter 84: Massive Gains

I am confused.

Extremely so.

I haven't even processed the memories of the ninth iteration when Galahad appeared out of nowhere and told me many things. I couldn't process everything completely.

Like, for example, what is the Holy Grail?

It is the cup that Jesus drank once. It is said to give immortality to those who drink from it. In the Arthurian Legends, only Galahad and Percival could see it. The former immediately died upon holding it due to his nature as a Saint.

I shook those thoughts off. When I returned to reality, not even half a second had passed. My processing speed became extremely fast to the point my perception became like this.

I turned to look at the Black Dragon. Its overwhelming visage, suffocating aura, and nigh-infinite reserves of cursed energy.

I would have had trouble if it was from before. The Black Dragon is comparable to the Ancient Red Dragon. Only, the latter is much more flexible. It could use grand-scale magicka on the level of gods.


An image overlapped to it.

A pure white dragon.


This is what those new memories told me. Due to this body, sporadic memories popped out of nowhere. It includes Galahad's fighting style with the shield as well as the power—phantasm—it holds.

As long as I recite its true name, I will be able to mobilize it.

After composing my thoughts, I didn't have any hesitations left. Based on my perception, a second had passed in reality.

I should've spent more than thirty seconds…

Just like Satoru-san, huh?


A silhouette of a girl stood up. Her dirtied long golden hair swayed slightly. Covered in wounds, she still possessed sharpness in her eyes. She's completely different from the Aiz-san I knew.


I briefly nodded before the archangel's wings surrounded me.


A black pillar of light descended upon it. It didn't leave any activation warnings or the like. It's as if it happened out of nowhere.

Storing the shield to somewhere, I unsheathed my longsword first.

Sword of the Strange Hangings.

A holy sword once wielded by King David himself.

That is enough to know everything. Its sanctimony is only below the Longinus itself.


Just by drawing it out, the phantom of the archangel solidified more clearly. It dispelled the cursed energy from the nearby radius.

The black longsword has two strange flags hanging from its guard.

I twisted the longsword and wielded its edge against the Black Dragon.



It was a simple swing. A downward vertical strike anyone could do.




…it managed to reach its foe.

I see.


Upon this verification, I didn't hesitate to deal my strongest attack.

With this body accustomed to mysteries, I could finally execute my swordsmanship properly.




The swings I did became extremely swift. I made several dozen cuts targeting the Black Dragon in a span of two seconds.

The first strikes made their mark, but the rest of them missed when it reacted. Its cursed technique allowed it to dodge everything with ease.

Suddenly, its tail appeared out of nowhere and lashed at me.


I didn't waste the archangel's phantom. I deftly dodged it with a split second left.

Phantom Sword of Kurikara Dharani.

For the second time, my strikes became intangible. They attempted to shred the Black Dragon's neck but to no avail.

It had adapted to my attacks already.

Even so, I haven't brought out my trump cards yet.

"Gate Gate Para Gate Parasam Gate Bodhi Svaha." (Going, going, going on beyond, always going on beyond, always becoming Buddha.)

It was a downward diagonal strike.


With my advanced processing speed, I saw its cursed energy about to be utilized. It is the activation signal before a sorcerer or a cursed spirit uses their cursed technique.

However, it is more than that.

I noticed the anomaly within this signal. It became concentrated at one point.

It could only mean that its Domain Expansion is about to be utilized.


My attack reached it.

It didn't affect anything physically; only spiritually. It was enough to break the cursed technique as well as its planned Domain Expansion. Its thinking was interrupted for a second.

Twenty seconds left.

"It's time."

I pulled the sword closer to my face; its flat side facing me.

I wouldn't give it the chance to react.

"Veritas Lux." (The Truth Enlightens Me.)

At that moment, mysteries are twisted. The physical laws bent under the pressure of the sword technique.

I twisted its grip and dealt another downward strike to it.




The very first thing that occurred was space shattering. A few dozen dimensional cracks are produced with the sword alone.

The next thing was purification. The attack utterly obliterated the remaining cursed energy within its direction.




The Black Dragon turned into the One-winged Black Dragon. Its right wing fell to the ground with a huge thud.


The holy longsword turned into motes of golden light. Soon, it was dispersed by the wind.

Summoning forth the huge circular shield at my right hand, I continued to fulfill my responsibility.



At this moment, Galahad—Nobu—shone brilliantly. It is not in a metaphorical sense but literally. Holy light converged around him as the archangel stayed at his back. His sword struck the Black Dragon and cut one of its wings down.

Ironically, that attack resembled the Black Dragon's. It occurred out of nowhere, without any prior warnings. Such is the nature of the [Kuchiba Swordsmanship], the technique renowned as [Phantom Sword of Khurikara Dharani].


Aiz was about to throw Desperate in Nobu's direction when she saw him wield a shield. Strangely enough, it suited him very well.



Nobu stepped to his right before the dragon breath came at him. These were followed by a black blur—its claws—aiming at his body.


The circular shield perfectly defended against it.

"I see."

Nobu understood the nature of its cursed technique. [Skip] could reverse causality and immediately go to the effect without the cause. Only, it couldn't directly affect someone. The Black Dragon could only use it to boost its attacks until it is only a split second from reaching him.

He sidestepped before spinning his body.


Suddenly, the shield flew straight at the dragon's face. The latter flickered before easily dodging it. After a serious injury, it became vigilant against Nobu.



The swathe of black miasma and pillar of light clashed against the archangel's wings.




The archangel's phantom weakened before disappearing upon shielding Nobu from harm.


The circular shield came flying to his direction. A blur appeared on the Black Dragon as it dodged the sneaky attack. The shield swiftly came to Nobu's side after its 'failed' attack.

Seeing him without any protection, the archangel, it decided to pull no stops. Its eyes swept the injured adventurers from below along with him.

Without any prior warning—


—a hail of black pillars of light descended.

It aimed at the defenseless adventurers. The One-winged Black Dragon wanted to settle everything here and then. Nobu could deal with the Black Dragon, but his time is limited. If he was given more time, he could've defeated it. 

Unfortunately, luck weren't on their side. His time is limited. He could only do this and that decisive strike.

Meaning, if Bell Cranell loses his charged magic for five minutes, they would lose hope in defeating it.

A shield that protects.

Such is the nature of Galahad.

Without caring for himself, he protects those who needs to be protected.

It is the highest form of heartlessness towards oneself.


The [Around Round Shield] was stabbed to the ground.

"Lord Camelot."

A soft whisper was carried by the wind.



A magic circle with the shape of his shield manifested. Along with it is the pure ivory white fortress walls.


The two forces clashed.

The hundreds of light pillars against the castle walls.

Everyone are simply enamored by its sight. Underneath the shield that protected them is a boy no less than eighteen.

Five seconds later, the attack died out. Under the dragon's astonished gaze, they remained protected under the fortress walls.


Several memories came to my mind.


He is a pure knight. When it came to protecting someone, nobody came closer than him.

Galahad is the most ideal knight.



If I were to be asked, I wouldn't want a life like this. It would've suffocated me deeply if I was in his position.

I came back to reality.

"...It's over."

With my final moments, I looked back at Gekai's hero. I met his scarlet pupils filled with determination.

That charged attack would settle everything... or most things. I am not the type to leave without any guarantees.


Above the starry sky, the crescent moon revealed its true form. It is a amalgamation of blue magic circles. They are in their active state.

The things I could achieve right now is not limited to proper swordsmanship.

In this state…

I could reach the highest form of known magicka.

"I hope it could—"

Suddenly, my vision darkened.



My body felt extremely tired.

The next thing I knew, I found myself laying on… something..?

"Orion! Are you alright?!"

I moved my head and saw Artemis' face up close.

"Mn… I'm fine…"

Even my legs gave up. My face slid further in her embrace as a result.

"You're not fine at all…"

"Nobu. What are you feeling?"

My mind involuntarily recalled the sensation of having our connection broken. The falna on my back felt close and foreign at the same time. Yet, I expressed nothing but gratitude right now.

I don't want to experience it again.

"I could still speak…" My voice became muffled due to her… chest. My rational side stood over my flustered side and tried to deal with this dilemma.

"Can I sit on a chair?"

"Yes? Yes…"

Artemis' flustered voice reached my ears. I could imagine how she would look despite seeing nothing but darkness.

She let go of her embrace and carried me on my arm. My entire body is totally unresponsive except for the small balance I could retain.

With her support and my wobbly legs, I finally sat on the chair. Both my arms fell to my lap right after I did that.

"It's a long story but… I saw Scorpio and the Black Dragon turn Gekai upside-down."


The two goddesses became surprised at my revelation.

"It should be my fault… Really… I am the one who brought the problem over."

Bits of information entered my mind. After several cross-validation, there is a high chance that I caused everything.

When I came back to Gekai, I didn't encounter any problems. That means I must've perfected the world transfer spell. It is the only different that set my accidental visit and second visit.

Going in this train of thought, something must've gone wrong in the first visit that presented cursed energy to this world.

It looks like I will need to talk to Ouranos later.

"Hephaestus-sama was exiled from Gekai. Artemis… she disappeared after a huge battle…"

I began telling the memories I received in the ninth iteration. Honestly, it is full of satisfaction at first. I took revenge against Dionysus as well as Jogo.

I crushed Kenjaku's plans by stealing the Prison Realm and freeing Satoru-san with the Inverse Spear of Heaven. I also fought Kudrack and several other Greed of Ten in Suimei's otherworldly journey.

Everything went downhill after I rushed to Gekai. I was too hasty to return to Gekai. After losing Hephaestus-sama's connection, I sought for Artemis.

It isn't wrong to say I ran to my death.

Nevertheless, I understand why I did those. Personally, experiencing those things would make me go crazy.

"After that… I had the chance to return. I clashed against the Black Dragon to buy the strongest adventurers time. The end result was… this."


Silence filled the room.

I am reminded of that time I revealed everything I saw on the eighth iteration. The ninth iteration is far more shocking and devastating than that.

"...That's why you look like this."


Artemis and Hephaestus-sama pointed out.

"As expected…" I mumbled. "Just like what I could remember."

I smiled wryly as I looked at the two goddesses. Who would've expected that… I would have it too. Even now, I could hardly believe it. How did I even..?

"What is it?"

Artemis was the first one to ask.

"It's… complicated." I replied. "Hephaestus-sama, could you update my status?"


After some difficulties, we finally managed to update it. I haven't felt anything since I am tired but the feats I had accumulated in those ten years should be able to make me level up.

As for the fight with the Black Dragon…

"...It's better to see for yourself."

She gave me the paper with a resigned look.

[Level 5]

Strength: I0 Defense: I0 Dexterity: I0 Agility: I0 Magic: I0

Hacker: F → D Ubiquitous: F → D


[Orionids • Moon Hunt]

[Memoir Manifest]



[Miracle Maker]

[Child of Constellations (星座の子)]

[Proof of Combat (E)] (87% to be upgraded)

[Curse Hunter]

[Knight's Resolve]

[Pure Heart]

I fell silent upon seeing my new status. I exchanged glances with Hephaestus-sama as she let out a smile.

"You still have two developmental abilities to choose."


I should've expected this completely. I am on the verge of leveling up to four, yes, but to directly level up to five?

From what I know, only Ryuu-san did this feat. She went from level four to level six in one go. That was the result of her achievements materializing which allowed her to skip two levels.

Fighting against the fabled One-eyed Black Dragon is just as big of an achievement.

"They are two selections, each with five abilities to choose from."

I listened to Hephaestus-sama's words. In total, there are ten abilities to choose from. They are separated as two five-item choices.

Trap Maker.

Abnormal Resistance.

Healing Power.





Chain Attack.


Knight Physique.

Hearing this list, I fell into deep contemplation.

The only new thing in the first one was Luck. This should be self-explanatory already.

On the other hand, the second selection looks more colorful. Metalwork is already documented as an ability of item makers. The same goes for Chain Attack and Shielder.

Only the Mechanic and Knight Physique are different.

The former should be something similar to Mage but with technology. As for the last one… that should be something from Galahad. I recalled how strong I was in that body. I could do many things which I couldn't do before. If Knight Physique gives me just that…

After a while, I made my decision.

Next chapter