
Chapter 110: Sacrament

Out of the five iterations I had in this world, they all ended as this Singularity "collapsed". It does not work in a literal sense, but the 'separated timeline' merges into the Proper Human History. However, in each time I experienced that ending, a single thing remained to be consistent.

Solomon's ring of light.

Somehow, it started to show an abnormality moments before I went back home using the grail. It wanted to do 'something' before it got shut down.

Although I haven't encountered anything in those iterations, I had a hunch that something will definitely happen in reality—and it did.

Instead of the magical power dying out, it steadily grew stronger.

{Planetary analysis completed.}

{Traces of mystery and metaphysical distortion have been detected outside of the planet.}

{Conclusion: The ring of light is located on another layer of the world.}

Hearing Miku's voice, an idea popped up in my head.

"Imaginary Number Space..?"

It works just like the Spirit Realm and the Reverse Side of the World. The Imaginary Number Space is a dimension based on imaginary numbers, which in mathematics, are something that doesn't have a definite value.

Its principles work the same way as quantum mechanics where the subatomic particles don't have a definite form. It is perfectly explained by Schrodinger's Cat. Albeit, this number space is also tied to the theory of relativity.

To put it simply, it is a dimension that is vague in nature, thus creating countless possibilities and phenomena.

I closed my eyes and began running my thought partitions.

'He resides in that place…'

'Is there a way to invade?'

'Similar in nature as the Spirit Realm… and Tenkai.'

'Quantum mechanics… Is he utilizing subatomic particles to manifest a phenomenon?'

A thousand thoughts ran over my mind. I examined the things I found through Altair's observation and the knowledge I got throughout the iterations.

'Its direct effect impacts Earth. If so, that's what we have to deal with first.'

I have a few solutions in my mind.

One such thing is the utilization of Satoru-san's Infinity. As long as the magical power remains 'near-infinite', it wouldn't be able to pass through that barrier.


'Can I process it?'

Based on the scale of Solomon's attack, it would impact the entire Earth. An infinite barrier constructed over 26,000 kilometers plus the parameters I have to process when the attack hits.

Even if I have enough power to sustain its usage, my mind might not be able to stably handle it.

If so…

'That choice remains.'

With the miracle I saved as well as that…

It would be able to work.

I exited from my hyper focused state.


"Yes. I formulated a plan to deal with it."

"You… huh?"

I could tell my King is ready to use everything in her arsenal to deal with things—that includes Rhongomyniad and Excalibur. Two Divine Constructs equivalent to the strongest Sacraments in our world… It is certainly reassuring to have her assistance.

"I am confident I would be able to block the majority of that magical energy. I presume it works similarly to your Divine Lance, my King."

I met her emerald irises that regained a touch of humanity. I was a bit unfamiliar with her current height, though. Our King gained that… part the most.

"It does." She replied. "That is what I saw. He was able to gather such a huge amount of energy and incinerate most of the humanity outside this singularity. It occurred in every possibility as well."

Solomon is not just strong—he is extremely strong. From our King's words, he was able to affect every parallel world and incinerate humanity at present. It's as if he stunted the growth of a tree. All that was left is to trim it—form the branches down to its roots—in order to cut the entire tree down. In this case, humanity is the tree, and Solomon is cutting its branches using the Singularities he had created.

As to why he couldn't directly interfere and instead placed these corrupted grails… the price to pay might be high. But this begs the question.

Why is he interfering now?

'It should be my fault. Everything is occurring because I interfered in this world.'

Seeing our King's concerned gaze, I knew everything wasn't up for naught. Restoring our King's senses feels gratifying.

Touching my earpiece, it connected to a communication channel.

"...How is it going?" I asked.

"We… are in position. I am ready to use it."

"Noted. You will be the one responsible for protecting the rest of the world… father."



Upon hanging the call, my emotions turned very complex. I don't know how to talk with him. I don't know whether I should be angry at him for his irresponsibility or pity him with the amount of self-blame that he cultivated.

By the time I connected to another call, it settled down.

"I see. My action isn't required any longer?"

"Indeed." I replied to the Pharaoh. "However, we need your assistance for another matter."

"Does it have something to do with that ring of light?"

"Yes. You will need to protect your entire domain."

Ozymandias' domain included the desert he had manifested over the entire Middle East. Although, I have a way to partially extend it outside.

"There's no need to ask. I will do it."


We went straight to the point before ending the call. This is one of the reasons why we got along in all those iterations.


Just then, Agravain was sent flying inside the throne room.

"How did you..?"


Lancelot converged magical energy from her sheathed blades before sending it out to Agravain. It generated a force strong enough to knock him back.

Seeing this, I immediately acted.

'Everything's already settled with, Lancelot.'

"Cease it, Agravain."

Both Lancelot and Agravain looked at us. The latter especially seemed confused as to why he was stopped by our King.

"I am the one who has done the wrong thing."

"My King..?"

While they were bewildered, Bedivere came to our side. He clutched his severed arm as the aftermath of holding Excalibur began to show itself. Without Avalon, the King's sheathe, his wounds started worsening.

"Wait a moment."

"Sir Galahad..?"

I touched his shoulder. A familiar thought appeared by then.

'Modify the individual's state to ten years ago?'

Bedivere's 'wounds' stemmed from his ethereal body being corroded by Excalibur's power—one which stated that only the Promised King could wield it. However, he was not affected during his hibernation state—that is, the time he stayed on the Reverse Side before being sent out by Merlin.

If we do this, it is not impossible to reverse those damages back.


A distortion swept through Bedivere as it altered him. His state was overwritten to that of ten years ago. His grievous wounds within his ethereal body were reversed until only a small portion remained.


"My apologies. My mind became preoccupied with other things. I forgot to heal you immediately."

"Ah, no! I'm already grateful for Sir Galahad for healing me!"

Bedivere responded with a nod.


My mind, which is connected to a hundred or so satellites as well as Altair, noticed the flippant disturbance. The white ring of light is about to release the nigh-infinite amount of magical energy it had gathered.

Just as I was about to act, an unexpected assistance arrived. My entire body was wrapped in the distortion caused by manipulating time. Then, my attire transformed into the same knight garment worn by Galahad.

'That's all I could do.'

A voice similar to mine resounded in my head.

'I am grateful for what you've done. I… am satisfied with things in this way.'

Galahad's stoic voice fluctuated. It contained a hint of fulfillment.

'The Sacrament… I will help you manifest it.'

Suddenly, something began changing.

[Revelations: EX]

An untouched illimitable possibilities opened up to me. Galahad's guidance is akin to light in the midst of a dark road.

[Historia Emendatus] might seem broken, but it has its limits. It isn't a problem with inanimate objects. Although, it becomes a different matter when a living thing is involved.

Out of these three years, not once had I summoned a living being. It is why I kept a miracle in order to manifest that sacrament.

Without hesitation, I stepped forward.

"Praetiritium, ostendo tu ipse. (Bygone events, show yourselves.)


A burst of blue lightning manifested in my right arm. It was the same distortion from before.

After it happened, a modern watch appeared on my wrist. It has a black strap. Its dial has a white background. Its arms slowly ticked every second.

Under the guise of an ordinary wrist watch is one of the strongest Sacrament, the one bearing Lapis Judaicus' power.

I was looking at it when I found myself in a different place. It is a pseudo-dreamscape with a blue sky looming over the horizon. The ground was filled with grass and flowers.

A dozen gravestones could be seen from a distance along with a person.

"You… It's not the promised time yet."

The man has red hair flowing along his waist. He wore a black vest with golden embroideries. It is akin to something a nobleman would wear. He emanated an aura of sharpness that drove everyone away from him.

When our gazes met, he became startled.

"It was not you… but how come..?" He muttered. "You are accepted as the sword's owner?"

"The world's end hasn't come yet." I replied. "But, I need to borrow the sword's power."

"What situation… no. You are fighting to protect..? I see…"

As if not hearing my words, the man continued on his deep thought.

"You would still need its activation chant first."

He finally looked directly at me after concluding his thoughts.

"Never forget these words… Even if it is merely a manifestation through time distortion, the sword on your hand is as real as it could be. I couldn't see anything beyond this, but I know you would use its power responsibly."

Before I could reply, he muttered:

"Crystallus gladius, coram caerulum lumen, secare adventus ad finem." (This crystal sword, with its blue glimmer, shall cut the looming end.)

His words had seemingly distorted mysteries itself. It opened up the dormant potential hidden within the Sacrament that I had summoned.

"You are qualified to hear its name."

The man spoke with utmost seriousness without a hint of arrogance in it.

"Never forget. It is known as…"


The moment I heard the Sacrament's name, my mind blanked out. It is firmly etched in my mind, yet I couldn't contain the shock I am feeling. Its name is extremely preposterous but still fits its capabilities perfectly.

'What… Is it really…?'

Before I could think further, I was sent back to reality. I am staring at the watch on my wrist.



The voices of Lancelot and my King overlapped.

"...I'm alright."

I responded to their concerns.

"It is about to descend. My divine lance had already enveloped the entire world."

Hearing that, I nodded.

"I will do my part, too."

I said as I began chanting:

"Crystallus gladius…" (This crystal sword…)

Bolts of blue lightning overran my entire right arm as the watch started to transmute into its original form.

"Coram caerulum lumen…" (...with its blue glimmer…)

It started taking the form of a longsword. It is firmly grasped by my hand. An overwhelming surge of power began originating from it. That was passed onto me, which was then handled by my dream organs.

"Secare adventus ad finem." (...shall cut the looming end.)



The light died out. What was revealed is a blade made out of blue crystals. Its cross-guard as well as the handle are purely made of ivory white metals. In its center, a red crystal sat in place.

'Lapis Judaicus…'

From the moment it was completed, a near-infinite energy was sent into me. The Lapis Judaicus channels the energy formed by the universe into my body—one that was accumulated since 13.8 billion years ago.

"Infinitus Commuto." (Infinite Conversion.)

My [Mana Furnace] flared up and reached a new height. My existence itself is heightened.

Unconditionally, I released a psychic chill that froze the corners of the room.

I held the longsword with its center facing me. It is the same thing I had done with Kurikhara Dharani.

I didn't initiate any chant or the likes.

'This world… I won't let Solomon destroy it.'

In actuality, my [Lord Camelot] could accomplish the same task of protecting the world. However, a shield's main purpose is to defend. The ergon (purpose) of its existence is to shield its wielder away from harm.

What I seek is something beyond that—the power to end the threat itself.

This longsword has the power to do just that.

After all, its name turned out to be…

"...Ein sof." (There is no end.)

The Sacrament that could end the inevitable ending has come.

Next chapter