
I Will Have Vengeance (Modern Family x MCU)

A young man awakens in a new but familiar world with a new purpose in life. He must take action and stop those who wish to inflict harm on the innocent. Even if he fails to do so, he will seek out vengeance. ___ This story takes place mainly in the Modern Family universe, MCU, alongside many other movies and tv series. This is mainly writing practice for me, leave plenty of comments for me! Cover created by myself. —— Story cross posted on AO3 and Fan Fiction.

GAF_00_TW · TV
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101 Chs

Chapter 29: Missing Girls & The Meeting  

"We swear, man… we won't do this anymore! We'll turn ourselves in to the police!"

"Shut up, Trevor!"

"Fuck you, Steven! Do you not know who that is!"

Harvey looked at the two men with dead eyes. They were suspended in the air by their wrists, his chains strapped tightly around them. Looking around the large underground room, he saw large empty cages. Inside were small futons and dirty clothes, a bucket in each corner. 


Turning back, Harvey saw Amy walk up to him. She was dressed similarly to him, with a white hood over her head and a gray face mask covering her identity. A black leather jacket rested over her white zipped-up hoodie, and on the upper back sat two embroidered angel wings. Her black skirt and socks led down to a pair of black boots.


"The girls are asleep. I've healed them as much as I could. The rest will be up to the medics." Amy said emotionless. "I'll head to the location of the brothel and wait for you. Be quick."

Harvey nodded and turned back around to face the men. The sound of a closing door echoed in the dark room. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Harvey thinks back to how they got here. 

Amy wanted to walk around town to better understand the city and its people. She told him how she travels from city to city to uphold her duties as an angel, saving and guiding those who need help. But she was just one angel; she couldn't be everywhere and couldn't stay in one place for too long. With that in mind, Harvey guided her around his past favorite spots.

It wasn't until they walked by a man, Trevor Dunn, that they felt their skin crawl. They decided to follow the man as they saw him talk to a young woman who just got off a bus. Whatever he planned on doing with her made Amy feel troubled. So, after finding her an altered version of his vigilante outfit, they tracked Trevor down to a seemingly normal-looking home.

When they expanded their senses, they felt five souls beneath the building: four females and one lone male. While Harvey can only sense the sins within one's soul, Amy's senses can perceive much more. She told him how all their souls were plagued by fear, anxiety, and depression. Harvey nodded, saying the lone man's soul felt vile and bathed in sin. They concluded that this was a case of human trafficking. 

With that in mind, they broke in and caught Trevor by surprise. The girl he brought with him was unconscious and on the floor. Amy kicked Trevor in the head, knocking him out. The commotion brought the attention of the man down with the women. The man, Steven Ulrich, came up with a pistol. Harvey made quick work of him.

Finding himself back in the present, Harvey looked up at the two monsters. Not humans. This isn't the first time he's dealt with these types of people. Those who would kidnap women and use them however they saw fit, whether for the joy of inflicting physical pain by beating them. Or to use their bodies against their will. And finally, an act Harvey hated with his entire being. Human trafficking. Treating people like objects to use and discard.

Turning his head away from the men, Harvey looked at the cages with dead eyes. When Amy opened the door, they looked at the caged women in horror. They were treated like animals; nearby a cage was a steel fireplace poker. For a split second, Harvey saw Alex and Haley inside those cages. Their terrified and defeated looks caused his heart to break, and soon, his blood began to boil.

"I've never taken pleasure in beating you criminals and sinners in all my time as Vengeance." Harvey spoke. "I always refrained from outwardly causing excessive damage to you all, holding back. Never taking it too far."

"What I'm going to do next… I'm going to enjoy it."

Harvey took off his hoodie and face mask. Suddenly, his head erupted into flames. The skin and muscles burned away, leaving behind a naked skull, a skull that looked at the two terrified with pure and utter disdain. The two men shook in terror as he approached them slowly with the fireplace poker in his gloved hand. 

"NO! STAY BACK YOU MONSTER!" Steven yelled as he shook in the air.

"Please… Mercy!" Trevor pleaded.

"Sorry. All out of mercy."



"These types of situations... I don't think I'll ever get used to them."

"You never do..."

Harvey and Amy sat next to each other as they looked down below. The rooftop they were on provided them with a good view; police officers and ambulances lined the street. Harvey saw several of the girls they rescued be put inside ambulances; they would be sent to L.A. Med to be adequately cared for. Amy's healing abilities were impressive; all the girls were returned to a fully healed state. But her power couldn't recover their minds; they would need expert help.

Harvey saw Jay Halstead among the mix of officers. It was only natural since Halstead was the one he called for police help. Looking around, he saw the rest of the intelligence unit. Hank Voight was there as well, seemingly scanning the environment. Harvey wasn't worried he would spot them; they were hidden and out of sight. 

A few officers were loading badly injured men into the back of their cruisers. They were unresponsive and had charred eyes, all victims to his penance stare. Harvey was sure they would find and pick up Trevor and Steven at the address he left Halstead.

"Look." Amy said.

Looking in the direction she motioned to, Harvey saw a man hugging who he assumed was his daughter tightly. Tears were flowing freely from his eyes. The scene caused Harvey to smile. This job would always be challenging, but it was worth doing, regardless of what they'd find.

"We've done all we can here." Harvey said as they stood and walked over to the opposite edge of the roof.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll see you at home." Amy said as she looked up into the night sky. "I'm... gonna go clear my head."

"Okay." Harvey nodded.

Amy jumped off the building and out of his view. In a second, she flew up with giant ethereal wings behind her back. Harvey stared at her flying form until she disappeared. It was nice to have backup today. He knew it wouldn't be a common occurrence. Amy told him she would have to fly further out of the city. After all, she helps everyone on the planet. The angel isn't tied down to just one city like he was.

"Maybe I could do more if I was like her?" Harvey asked no one.

Turning around to look into the city, he saw the extensive city and neighborhood in the distance. One day, he would move around and help more people worldwide. But that day isn't today; this city and its people still needed him. Harvey would be its spirit of vengeance.

"It's still early. Let's do some more patrol work."


"...feel their pain."

Harvey said as he stared down at a middle-aged man. The man let out a silent yell as he slowly lost his mind, once he was a nonsensical mess. Harvey dropped him on the ground and dialed the police from the man's phone. Tossing the phone on the man's chest, Harvey walked away. Harvey paused midstep for a split second but then continued in his stride.

'This could prove to be interesting.' Zarathos spoke.

'Let's set the field.' Harvey told his partner.

Jumping up, Harvey grabbed onto a ladder from a fire escape. Making his way up to the roof, Harvey started running across a few rooftops. With one final jump, He dived into a roll and stopped. Standing up slowly, Harvey looked to his left. There stood a tall, dark-skinned man with an eyepatch over his left eye. He was dressed mainly in black; the long leather trench coat was worn over a black turtle neck shirt. His grey pants led to a pair of black boots.

"I was wondering when you would notice me." The man said. "Quite the busy day. You did some good work."


Harvey said nothing as the man approached him slowly. His arms were behind his back, and he had a severe expression. Harvey stood still and watched the man's movements.

"So tell me, Vengeance." The man said.

"Just what are you? An enhanced? Or perhaps just a crazy person beating criminals black and blue."

"Who are you?" Harvey asked in his muffled voice.

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D." Fury stated.

"..." Harvey eyed Fury, wondering what he was getting at.

"Tell me, Do you think you're the only person with powers in the world?" Fury asked as he stared at him. "No, you've become part of something bigger. You just don't know it yet-"

"I'm not interested." Harvey interrupted. "Get out of my city.'

Harvey had had enough; he wasn't interested in hearing someone speak nonsense. But as he took a few steps, Fury's following words froze him.

"I wouldn't recommend that, Mr. Harvey Miller. Or should I call you The Ghost Rider?"

Standing frozen in his spot, Harvey eyes widened in surprise. How?! How did this seemingly ordinary person find out his identity? He knew he wasn't an angel or demon, so how did he connect the dots? Harvey always covered his tracks whenever he became the spirit of vengeance. 

'This man is dangerous.'

Grabbing his chains, Harvey ignited them in fire. Twisting around to swing his weapon at the man, Harvey froze as cold steel touched the back of his head. A smooth female voice spoke behind him.

"That's enough." A woman spoke. "Let go of the chain."

Harvey stood still for a few seconds and listened to the woman's orders, the hellfire amp leaving his chain. Harvey lifted his arms and turned to the woman. The woman had long red hair and a frown on her face. She wore a dark body suit with various weapons attached to her belt and thighs.

"Easy, Widow. Harvey and I are just having a conversation." Fury said from where he stood.

"Sorry about that, boss." Widow said. "He looked twitchy to me."

"Harvey, listen. We're not here to figh-"

In a burst of speed, Harvey threw his arm in front of the woman's face and released a bright flash of fire, blinding her for a second. Using that opening, He dashed forward and smacked away her gun with a flaming baton. Harvey then spun to the ground and kicked her feet from under her. To his surprise, she landed on her back and performed a kick-up.

While momentarily surprised by her skill level, Harvey never paused in his attack. After all, He had a martial arts master as a teacher. He would always treat all his opponents like he was fighting his teacher.

The woman's eyes widened when he stepped in and tried to wrap an arm around her neck, but at the last second, she raised her arms to protect her throat. This didn't stop Harvey as he changed tactics; instead of a grab, he threw a powerful elbow into the woman's forearms. At her gasp, Harvey realized he must have used too much of his inhuman strength. Sending her flying back a few feet away with a wince.

Harvey was reaching for his chain again and felt the third soul watching them move. With a spin, he dodged four fast-flying arrows. They harmlessly hit the ground around him. Hearing whizzing in the air, he moved his hand and caught a fifth arrow in his grasp. Snapping the arrow, Harvey glared in the archer's direction. 


To his surprise, The arrows around him all twitched and launched a super thin but strong line around him. Completely locking his arms to his sides. Harvey cursed and realized he was effectively trapped.

'Harvey.' Zarathos questioned.

'Not yet. let's see what they want.' Harvey responded.

"Okay. That's enough, let's all calm down." Fury spoke up; he then turned to the archer. Who was making his way over. "Hawkeye, stand down."

"Roger that." Harvey heard from Fury's earpiece.

"Listen, Harvey, this was just supposed to be a conversation. Not a fight." Fury told him.

"There's two squads of people hiding beneath us." Harvey said tensely.

"Sensing capabilities?" The red-headed woman said as she stood next to Fury.

 "Not bad." Fury complimented.

"What is this!" Harvey yelled, losing his patience.

"Easy, Harvey." Fury said calmly. "Hawkeye, release him."

"Yes, sir." 

Harvey turned to look at the archer. He had brown hair and wore an armored vest over a dark purple shirt. He had on black combat pants and boots. A quiver sat over his back. Hawkeye then pressed a button on his bow, causing his restraints to let him go. Harvey then stood up and looked at the three individuals before him. Harvey took off his hood and mask, seeing no point in hiding his identity in front of them.

"...It really is a kid." Hawkeye spoke, almost in disbelief.

"What do you want?" Harvey asked.

"Son, I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."