
Examination Pt 8

Asia POV

Me: Oh fuck....

Mira: Asia!

Me: What?

Mira: Language!

I just shrugged, not bothering to reply. Right now we had bigger things to worry about. Right in front of us was a horde of at least 50 people that I doubt would let us pass without a major delay. I don't want to deal with this! ARGH!

If I teleport us out then that'll expose myself which I don't want to do, especially among the older crowd. What to do what to do.... Ah! Got it!

I turned to Mira and Alice: Both of you, grab hold.

Mira looked confused but didn't question it. She's not someone who likes attention either. Alice was piggybacking on Mira whilst Mira placed a hand on my shoulder. I nodded to her.

Me: Whatever happens don't let go okay, you won't be able to find me then.

She nodded, still not aware of what I was planning. I smirked at her and went for it. The crowd was about 10 metres away now, gotta do this quick.

Gathering mana around the three of us like a tight fitting shell, I put into action something I've been working on for a while. Quickly changing the nature of the mana to light attribute, I subtly bent the light around us, effectively making us invisible.

From the perspective of the crowd it would seem like we just faded away. Using wind attribute I made a sphere around us like I have done previously, well 2 spheres with a microscopic gap between that is a vacuum, making a soundproof barrier. The only downside to this is that we have limited air supply. This doesn't affect me so much as I've found that I can sustain myself solely on mana, no need for food, water or air. But this isn't the same for Mira and Alice so I have to be quick.

Using my favourite and also specialty, pure mana manipulation, I clamped Mira's hand to my shoulder and Alice to Mira with dense mana and ran. My speed is as fast as a level 4 warrior so I had to be careful of how fast the other two can go, making sure to not go past their limits. I led us fast around the crowd, around the city hall and to the entrance.

Quickly running out into the street I let go of my control over my magic, pleased with the development.

Mira: Huff... huff... that... huff... that was extraordinary.

Alice: Yeah! That was so cool Asia! How did you do that?!

Me: Hahaha, it's just light magic. I spent about a month working on that application of it but I'm glad I did, it really paid off.

Mira and Alice looked at me with wide mouths. Alice didn't say anything and just stared at me, but mira was more verbal.

Mira: You can use light magic?!

I nodded, looking a little confused: Yeah... it's not that uncommon.... is it?

Mira sighed: I should've known. Ahem, let me explain. Basically... it's extraordinarily rare, just like darkness magic.

I sighed: I was trying not to make a scene, guess that backfired. Oh well, whatever. Tell me, how many people can use this magic just so I know for future reference.

Mira: Less than 0.1% of the population.

I looked at her with my jaw dropped: I really screwed up huh. And here I was trying to keep a low profile.

Alice nodded her head like a woodpecker from Mira's back before asking the question on both their minds.

Alice: Asia.

Me: Hmm?

Alice: Why were you trying to keep a low profile anyway?

Her usual childish demeanor gone, now completely serious as she gazed at me through those Hazel eyes of hers.

I shrugged: I just don't like attention. The less people know about me the better.

Alice went back to her childish demeanor smiling happily, whilst Mira continued to question me.

Mira: I understand not wanting to draw attention to yourself, but it seems a little absurd to me. Why so much secrecy?

My thoughts wandered for a moment. What should I tell them? I like these two girls and want to be friends with them, they are clearly more mature than others our age, despite Alice hiding it well, but I can't exactly tell them the truth of the matter right away.

I thought for a minute longer before answering with a bright smile: Well... the simplest answer is that I'm a freak. Or a monster, however you want to say it. Secrecy has kept me and my mother safe for all this time. The more attention I have on me the more likely it is for my secrets to be exposed. If that happens i'm afraid i'll become a target for a lot of people.

They both were stunned into silence from my answer. It makes sense, it's not everyday someone admits to something like that.

Mira: I see...

Alice had a contemplative look on her face, clearly trying to figure me out. Mira was looking at me oddly, but I wasn't going to explain any further to them. Thankfully neither of them pushed the matter and didn't say anything futher, which i'm grateful for.

Me: Anyway, let's go to the guild before it closes for the day, it is sundown after all.

The two of them nodded, but had nervous expressions.

Me: Relax, i've got this.

Mira: Are you sure you want to do this? Even if you can get us out of our contracts, I can't imagine it will be easy.

I furrowed my brows. She's right. I have an idea that might just work considering who the guild master is, but i'll be completely stuck if this doesn't work.

Me: Well, to be honest I only have an idea about how I can help you two. I'm sorry I made a promise I might not be able to keep.

Mira smiled at me: It's alright Asia. It's more than enough, really. It's not like our life will be bad if you can't, we still have a bright future either way.

Alice: Yeah! Mira's right, It's fine if you can't. You're already doing so much for us! And you could get in trouble doing this too!

I chuckled: No, I won't get in trouble. I haven't told you my rank as a noble but i'll be able to get out of any trouble I find myself in if worse comes to worst.

The two nodded and we made our way out of the noble district into the commoners district, heading to the adventurer's guild. When we got there it was pretty empty, but there were still a few people. I walked up to the receptionist and tapped a couple of times on the counter to get her attention.

Receptionist: How can I help you?

I smiled at her: I was wondering if the guild master was still around, I have something to discuss from her, and also a letter from my mother to give to her.

The receptionist eyed me for a moment, but I leaned in a whispered: My mother was part of her party when she was an adventurer, i'm sure you know who that is.

She widened her eyes for a moment in realisation and nodded vigorously, asking me to wait for a moment as she went to get the master. A minute later she was back with the faous big boobed no brain blonde that is Ellie, the guild master. She ran over to me at a blinding speed that I could barely follow, but didn't bother to dodge. I know what's coming.

Ellie: Asia! Kyah! You decided to visit me! I'm so happy!

Me: C-c-ca-can't b-breathe!

Yep, the famous suffocating hug, not that I need to breathe in the first place but It's uncomfortable!

Ellie quickly pulled back: Sorry, sorry. Anyway... why are you here? I heard you have some business with me?

I nodded: Right, first I have a letter from my mother to give to you, and also some business of my own. Oh right, this is Mira, and this here is Alice.

Mira: It's an honour to meet you guild master.

Alice only nodded, but Ellie was staring at Alice. Almost instantly, Alice disappeared from her piggback on Mira and appeared in Ellie's arms being cradled like a baby.

Ellie: You are sooooo cuuuute!!!

Me: *cough cough* Anyway, shall we go to your office?

Ellie pouted but turned serious in the next moment: You're no fun... alright then. Let's hear what you have to say.

Ellie led the three of us up to her office and I closed the door behind us. It wasn't a lie when I said I had a letter from Mum to give to her, so I handed Ellie the letter and we waited for her to read it. She smiled and laughed as she read, eventually coming to the end. Pausing, she gathered her thoughts before facing me.

Ellie: Now, what is it you wanted to talk about?

Me: Hmm... well there's no way around this really so I'll just come out and say it. You know i'll be going to the Elven Academy in a few days right?

She nodded and I continued: Well, my friends here would like to come, but unfortunately they're locked in contract with the guild. With you being the guild master, I thought that maybe you could help. Make those contracts disappear so to speak.

She looked at me with a glint in her eyes but I didn't back down as my eyes met her, conveying my resolve.

Ellie: You do know what you're asking me to do could cost me my job correct?

I nodded: Yes, I'm aware.

Ellie: And you're also aware that you could get into a lot of trouble should this be made known?

I smiled to her brightly: Of course, I'm not afraid of some trouble. You know how it goes, some paperwork gets lost, maybe something gets switched accidentally. People make mistakes after all.

We all of course knew what I was saying and Mira and Alice were quite uncofortable judging from their mana signiature. But nevertheless they didn't back away, this is something they want too, and they clearly have the resolve to go through with this.

Ellie eyed us for a while, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air. I was the only one not perterbed by it. Suddenly she laughed.

Ellie: HAHAHA. You clearly don't take after either your mother or your father do you hahaha. What a trouble maker.

I smiled wrly, there's nothing I could really say to that. Ellie went back to being serious.

Ellie: Hmm... with my position I can certainly do what you've asked me. However, what will you give me in return?

I looked her in the eye: They are my friends, just name the price.

Mira and Alice both looked at me shocked, clearly not expecting me to do something so drastic for them.

Ellie gained a predatory grin as her eyes glinted. I knew what was coming so I interrupted her before she could speak.

Me: Deal.

Ellie looked surprised: You don't even know what I was going to say!

I rolled my eyes: The moment you smiled like that I already knew what you wanted, so it's a deal. You're quite predictable you know.

Mira: U-um... what's going on here?

Me: Ah, Ellie here, the guild master, wants to dress me up in different costumes and take a bunch of photos. Am I right?

I said, looking back at her. She laughed like *Fu fu fu*, almost evilly so with that same predatory glint.

Ellie: Right on the money Asia dear.

I nodded to her and turned to Alice and Mira who looked shocked, clearly not understanding why the guild master would want that, however Alice gained a similar glint as the guild master in her eyes. Good grief.

Me: Do you two want to watch or nah?

Mira: I... I think I'll pass thanks.

Alice: I want to see!

Mira sighed and looked at Alice: I guess I'll be coming too then. It can't be helped.

Ellie: Fu Fu Fu... well then, the deal has been made. Those contracts of yours will be... dealt with, so to speak, by tomorrow. Now then, come on Asia, let's go!!!

I sighed but still followed her out the guild.

Me: Ah by the way Ellie, these won't be made public will they? I'd rather keep my privacy thanks.

Ellie smiled: No no, I'll only show them to some close friends I know, nothing more.

I nodded and smiled: Good, fine by me.

Ellie looked at me: You don't seem all that phased by this, I would've thought you would hate this?

I just shrugged: I don't like wearing the kinds of clothes you'll make me wear no, but I'm not going outside in them or anything, so it's fine. Besides, i'm quite confident in how I look if I do say so myself.

Ellie giggled at that as did Alice, Mira trailing behind. I think Ellie and Alice are going to get along famously.

Me: Where are we going by the way?

Ellie: Ah, a friend of mine runs a clothing store. We share the same tastes, so we'll be doing this there.

Me: Fine by me. Although, is it alright for you to just up and leave the guild like that? Don't you have work to finish or something?

Ellie waved it off: No no, it'll be fine. I have subordinates for that. Really, all the guild master does is attend meetings and approve stuff here or there. It's not actually a hard job. Unless of course there's an emergency requiring the guild's presence.

I nodded to her explanation as we arrived at a seemingly inconspicuous building. Going through the doors, Ellie shouted out.

Ellie: Hey Ellie! I've got a surprise for you!

Ellie? There are two ellies now? Oh god, the damage they could cause!

An older lady with few wrinkles, brown hair and eyes came out of the back room of the store.

Ellie: Oh hey Ellie, what is...

She suddenly stopped when she saw me, the same predatory grin and glint in her eyes as the blonde Ellie.

Ellie: Well well well, this certainly is a good surprise Ellie. Fu fu fu fu.

Ellie: I know Ellie, and best of all... She's going to be our model!

Ellie: Is that right Ellie. Good good. Are those two...?

Ellie: No Ellie, they're just watching.

I suddenly cut in: Do you have to keep calling eachother's name in every sentence, it's rather annoying.

Ellie: Of course we do, right Ellie?

Ellie: Of course Ellie.

They both laughed like lunatics and I just sighed. This is going to be a long day.

Next chapter