

As the people of Earth was continuing about their regular life, an unknown entity was moving about closer and closer towards the universe in which Earth was in. How were they to know that their regular life was about to be turned upside down.

Meanwhile, at an ancient temple existing in a completely different plane, an intense argument ensued.

God 1: "We only have a short time left before the alien species discover planet Earth, we have to stop it now."

God 2: "What can we do? If we choose to interfere, it will cause an imbalance in the entire universe."

God 3: "If this is how Earth ends, then it is but fate, we should not interfere in this matter."

The arguments between the gods intensified as both sides argued their points. Both sides were stubborn with each side being unwilling to give in to each other and as the argument reached a peak, the high god banged the table as his energy exuded out of him and overwhelmed the other gods. Instantly, the temple reached a complete still and silence filled the air.

"Enough! You Gods are arguing like petty children quarrelling with each other." Exclaimed the high god as he stared down the other gods. He then continued on to say "For this case, we won't give up on them, but we will not settle their problems either. Humans have long become complacent at the top of the food chain and have turned lazy with no ambition to improve themselves. They have stagnated long enough and it is time for them to evolve."

"Let the system implementations commence."

While some of the gods were unsatisfied with the outcome, they found themselves unable to refute the high god and as such nodded begrudgingly.

This was the start of what humans would describe as the darkest moment in history, "The Apocalypse".

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