
I Will Be Lazy!

You have to work hard, they said. You won’t achieve anything if you do nothing, they said You can’t be lazy, they said. In order to achieve your dreams—you have to crush yourself until you’re born anew, you have to trample your enemies till they can’t get back up, and you have to prove to everything and anyone that you are at the pinnacle. If you want to be a King, a Martial God, or a Tycoon, you have to work hard. Patty wants to be the most renowned and celebrated man in the universe, but he doesn’t want to put himself out there. Patty wants to create the most glorious and powerful empire in the entire history of the universe, but ruling over a land was too mentally exhausting. Patty wants to be an invincible immortal capable of destroying galaxies with a single touch, but he doesn’t want to exercise. Patty doesn't want to do anything, but he wants to achieve everything. In a world where everything’s possible due to miraculous Teqx that bestows power and skills, will he be able to achieve his dreams? ——- What to expect? This is a world where Dreams are divided into three categories: Money, Power, and Fame. In the first volume, the story focuses on Power. Patty is just getting stronger and figuring out the powers of the system. In the second volume, it now focuses on Money. It is full blown kingdom building. He will get richer. He will give out Teqx to his employees. He will also inadvertently start his own company which sparks a revolution against big companies who treat student interns as slaves. The third volume focuses on Fame, but since it's spoilers, I'll just say that Patty becomes infamous. —— Join discord if you have any questions or ideas about the novel. You can also get access to chapters early there. https://discord.gg/PUNcUGfsVU —— I will lay in my bed, all words are left unsaid; The days had passed me by, made memories hazy; I’m sleeping, it’s soothing, no way I’ll be cleaning; Cleaning’s embarrassing, it makes me go crazy; Moving is exhausting, so I’ll say it plainly; I want to be lazy… Though I desire for more, my mood’s making me sore; None can force me outside, not even a daisy; Like the plot, put in knot, my plan is tight and taut; Though i ought, should I not, I will remain lazy! This is my destiny, so I beg, please, maybe; Read: “I Will Be Lazy!”

KangarooCruz · Fantasy
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163 Chs

Only twice

Patty forgot that his cell phone was still broken from the fight with the Fiend. He'd buy one of the latest phones in the market once he sold more Kores and got more money.

For now, people can only contact him through internet messaging services. Luckily enough, Patty's television was connected to the internet and had the messaging app installed. So, using the voice-to-text option, he talked to the remote and replied to Leonard.

<Yeah, they're out of this world, alright.> Patty replied.

A messaging bubble appeared on the screen, indicating that Leonard was typing.

<No, seriously. I haven't seen this type of Kore before. don't know if anyone has aside from me. This is amazing!>

Patty thought that those Kore from the Virtual World were the same thing as the one in real life, but it seemed that there was a stark difference between the two. When looked at with the naked eye, the two Kores looked the same. Only researchers like Leonard would find the difference between the two.

<How? >

Leonard explained. <I won't bore you with the scientific details, but to make a long story short, this new type of Kore has an extra pyramid in its constitution.>

< ^ ^ ?? > Patty simply put emojis of two pyramids, saying that he didn't understand why his Kores had two pyramids instead of one.

<This pyramid is the reason why Kores can store their energy, be used to transform an Earth Aura a Fire Aura, and become electrical energy resource. It's are so valuable!>

<Usually, Kores only have one pyramid. Its faces consist of the colors Red, Yellow, and Blue. These three can work together channel natural Power, Money, Fame fabrics in universe. That is why are very powerful. However, your an extra pyramid stacked on bottom And you know what color these have?>

<They 6 have the colors Green, Purple, and Orange. These are secondary colors! This new type of Kore has fabrics that it could use, doubling its energy output, efficiency, so much more. The implications this break entire scientific community in half! implies there more than three world. means untapped universe we still don't know of! How insane is that?>

<Cool. >

<Cool? This is hot! Very hot news! There are some Teqx that in secondary colors, but those considered to have a dead end. It believed since they didn't fabric of the universe tap into, then couldn't become pinnacle beings universe. But with this…even I still don't know what would happen world.>

<This brings me to my request…>

<What? >

It took a few seconds for Leonard to reply as he got his bearings. <I know the true value of this Kore, and it is no exaggeration that you could sell Kore for ten times its original value.>

<I'm listening…> With the mention of more money, Patty stopped looking at the videos in the background and focused on his conversation with Leonard.

<However, since you are not yet established in the community, they will believe that your Kores different from normal Kores. I think it is such a shame cannot get money deserve and my colleagues be able to learn about these amazing>

<This 50 is where I come in. am a trusted member of the scientific community. have published at least papers about Kores, all which been peer-reviewed by researchers over world. With my reputation, could persuade comrades to believe your claims and get them test these Kores themselves so they can authenticate this discovery.>

<But to do that, I need complete my research on these new Kores. verify it and run a lot of tests before can conclude. Only then publish findings hopefully convince companies start implementing this Kore. believe that will revolutionize the entire world!>

< I request that you sell me these Kores at only twice its original value. With the amount of Kores that I have to use up in my experiments, this is the only price where I can afford my expenses. I know that this is unfair to you, but I hope that you take into consideration that my research will ultimately make these Kores so much more valuable in the future.>

<Cool, man. Double the price is good.>

<I know that you won't accept this—wait. Did say it's good?>

<Yeah. Trying to persuade people believe that my Kores is ten times the value of original too much work. If you could do all work in convincing people, then I'm for it.>

<...I don't know what to say…this will be the discovery of my career…and you are forgoing greed so that I can continue on dream.>

Patty wasn't forgoing his greed. He was simply too lazy to take advantage of Leonard and scam him of all his money. He was the only one who knew about the Kores, so he was the only one who'd buy his Kores.

<To be honest, I haven't told you the extent of my dream. Someday, want to able use Kores and implement them directly into humans. encountered a lot setbacks with normal Kores, but discovery your new think can make breakthrough much sooner!>

<I know that it is a taboo topic since extremely forbidden to research Kores on humans, but my dream. I hope you won't be put off by it.>

<I don't care, man. You do you.>

Leonard couldn't believe that Patty was such an amazing guy. He was generous and he wasn't put off by his dream. Usually, people would panic when they hear about human experimentation because of the breach of ethics, but Leonard wasn't doing that. He always tried to be as straight-laced as possible.

<I am thankful for everything. And to show my appreciation, I will help you and your company's mission.>

<Company? >

<The Aezure company! I know that you are a mouse in world of cats and dogs. These dogs have ruled the for far too long, you, mouse, finally found weapon to fight against them. What I'm trying say is also want be mouse. join your fight!>

Patty was so confused with what Leonard was talking about. It didn't help that Patty was watching videos in the background and searching the internet for more lazy items. He wasn't following the conversation at all.

<Aezure? > 

<Sure? I am thankful that you have allowed me to join your company in a research capacity. will not disappoint and give all the data gathered my experiments with Kores.>

<I will not waste your time any further and start my research. I transfer 50% of the money to you right now, which is 1.184 Million Chains. rest after have received Kores.>

Patty completely forgot about the misunderstanding from before and immediately got up from his bed. He couldn't believe the amount of zeroes he was seeing. Was Leonard joking?

But then, the television had another pop-up window, this time, it showed a notification from his bank saying that he was now 1.184 million Chains richer! This was from the official bank, not some scam or anything! This was real! He was a bona fide millionaire!

<Now, I must go back to my research. Please deliver the Kores laboratory. have sent you address locations. Thank for your generosity.>

After that, Leonard logged off his messaging account. However, Patty was still shell-shocked from seeing that amount of money in his bank account. He was surprised that the bank didn't question him for becoming a millionaire in a literal blink of an eye.

And that wasn't the end of his wealth. If he delivered the rest of the Kores to Leonard's laboratory, then he would get another million on top of that! His name was now Filthy Richy Rich Rich! He could buy thousands of massage chairs! He could buy maids and butlers who could cater to his every whim! He didn't have to go to school anymore and just live off this money alone!

He finally achieved his dream of being rich.

However, he couldn't just renege on his deal with Leonard. He still had the responsibility of safely delivering the Kores to his laboratory. However, Patty was too lazy to do that. Sure, if he was forced to, then he would do it himself.

That wasn't sustainable. He needed to find a gopher who could deliver these Kores for him so that he didn't have to move a single inch away from his bed and still be rich.