1 Pain

"Can pain be understood without knowing pain? No! Pain is something you must feel to understand! And, you, God, know no pain! So, I'll say this; God, I want to have these Gifts; all alchemy and Enchantment without restrictions or limitations!"

"... no." Replied a voice filled with patience.

"Why? You killed me. With a fucking dildo!!! That's the least you could do!!!" Said Arius with resentment towards this asshole of a God.

"You do know I can read your thoughts, right?" Said the God with amusement.

"FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Yelled Arius, forgetting the reason he tried to make the God give him what he wanted.

"Hahaha, you have balls, kid! I like it... fine, but I'll decide what world you go to." Said the God in laughter.

"No!!!" Arius cried in dispare. 'I could have gone with the otsutsuki bloodline and I could have chosen any world!!!' Arius yelled at himself for his stupidity.

The God just laughed his ass off at the mortal's antics.

Wiping away the tears, he said, "Your wish has been granted, as for the world... mmm? Naruto? No. Bleach? Nah. Oh, how about Tales of demons and Gods?! Yeah, that's perfect, me!" The sad excuse of a God started to mumble to himself.

"I heard that! You know what? I'll put you in a body with a red soul and no form or attribute, and the timeline where Nie Li is reborn. This makes it way more difficult for you! Hahaha!!" Explained the pitiful God.

'Must be lonely here... truly saddening.' Arius thought, and the God heard.

"... I hope you die a dog's death!" That's all the God Said, before pushing him out into the Tales of Demons and Gods World.

As he was about to vanish from there, Arius screamed, "I died a death worst than th..." and disappeared.


In the Void, Arius was... Falling? I don't know, as it was just like a roller coaster, a rough ride.

As Arius was waiting to land into his new body he started to think of how he died.


Flashback no jutsu!

Arius has just finished his work and was going home. And as usual, he went to a hotdog joint.

When he got there, there was a... show? There he was, the legendary figure, a pimp. He had hookers next to him and a blunt in his mouth. What made him bad ass was the scar going down his eye to his chin, and that he was black.

The weird thing was that one of them had a dildo in her hand. 'Is that a dildo sword?' Thought Arius. He didn't pay much attention to them and went with his business, buying that foot long hotdog.

Once he got the owner, the owner just told him, "turn around."

As he turned his head, Arius just saw a dildo coming his way.


He was hit hard in the head. But! This wouldn't stop him from getting his hotdog!

He got up, slowly. He turned to the owner, and said, "I want the [Dildo in my mouth] special."

Sadly, the hooker heard him and thought he wanted it in the mouth and was masochist.

So! She grabbed the dildo that was now covered in red liquid. The dumb hooker didn't think much and brought the dildo in a Inside Left stance. She started to get closer to him, bit by bit.

And, when Arius opened his mouth to eat his hotdog, *Gag* a dildo was in his mouth.

The pimp was on the side, just laughing his ass off.

Arius felt good. He felt some sensation inside his mouth, but horrible in his throat.

Not even 5 seconds later, Arius had died from a dildo that was covered in a God's bloody cum.

The reason wasn't the dildo that had many diseases, but the cum. As the cum had the energy from a higher being, it overloaded the body, with that in him, he died by exploding.


"I'll kill you, just you wait!!!! You piece of shit!!!!!" Yelled Arius as he remembered what happened to him.

As he finished his curses and other things, he saw a red light.

And, *Bang* his head popped out a vagina.

"Aarrrgghhh!!!" Is what came out his mouth. This scared the midwife, mother, and father.

