
The Death(?) and the Beginning

Short Chapter to compensate the Last Chapter; Enjoy ^^

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"Fortune...kun" She said while smiling, I on the other hand look at her upside down, Lying on the ground.

She didnt even said a single word but was only smiling at me, Our head is almost touching while her own blood was covering the upper part of my helmet and the hood of my cloak. I sigh...

"Don't you want to venture out with me? Is what you said, right? If Im not that deaf." I said as I hold her head and caress it. I dont know why but that ultimate move —caressing— become my fetish.

"Uhm—! I.. want.. to.. be.. with.. you.. more. but.. Afraid.. to.. hurt.. you.. too..

So thats why she tells that story, its because her time is about to end.

While She was saying those nonesense word per word. I already ejected my 'pure' mana core outside of my body and grab it. rather, it was the seed with the size of watermelon seed.

{A/N: Metaphor- if you are thinking about seedless watermelon. Think twice if you're still normal}

"Do you still remember that 'third' night during your drunkard state?" I ask her to be sure. Afterall, even in this world, many people denied what they did during their drunkard state. The fact is. You remember what you just did. After that is but a fragment of what you done.

{A/N: For you.. True or False? For me?.. That is the 'Real' Fact}

"U—uhm!" She look away for a second, and then straight stiff towards me and meet my eye.

"I..I Lo..love.. Y..you!" So she said. So she remember huh..

"Truth is..I dont know what to reply.. And even now.."

"But.." While saying those words. I injected my 'seed' at the very center of her forehead. For a normal human, their core is said to be at the meridian, at solar plexus, but for her case. As a Unicorn, their forehead is their core, where their Horn potruded. Why? dunno. Just a hunch.

I inject that seed because of her 'mana' is about to get extinguished in any given time, like a candle without its wax.

What's more, because my 'mana' is purer than what she normally consumed adding the fact that her last was a decade ago, it takes much time to convert it all and added to her lifespan.

Lifespan, huh.. What a magical word

"..You Saying those words made me happy" I really said it..

"I thought what I wanted was familial love.." Stop it..

"Thats why, what I've been longing for.. I did it, in a form of being their 'master'." Stop this nonesense.

While I saying those words. Unice, whose still smiling closed her eyes. and with a—


She's now lying to my side. Her head is on my ribcage area, while one of her hand touches my cheek. Did.. I.. Fail..? It failed?

Is what I was thinking, but my voice(thought) didnt listen as its still saying some crap.

"You know, when the time you said that magic word.?"

"I was happy"

"But deep inside me. Is a doubt, like..."

"...How come a mere 'Tree' return the love?"

"...Im not worthy"

"Is what I was thinking back then."

"..But then, my 'core'.."

"..At the very center of my core.."

"..Without my knowledge.."

"A seed grow"

"From nothingness, but a core"

"That is the seed that came out which I gave to you"

"How come a seed grow inside the core?

"I dont know but—"

"Maybe, that is how I return your love..."

"In a form of seed that came from my very heart. My very core. So please.. Wake up.."

"We're still far away from Dark Territory"

"Our journey is only just begun... So, Please wake up"

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In a forest hundreds and thousands of miles away from Herra Tribe. It was a place that will later known to the world.

Ylyasvil. Whose now training these beautiful creatures with their long and pointed ears, an olive green hair, white and soft skin and long reached hands and feet that even a child is much larger than Ylyasvil herself. This is a race that was long since forgotten, or rather, Their race isnt still recorded and only later.

They're race is known as an 'Elf'. An Ignorant but Kindhearted elf. The race that said to be the longest lifespan of all two-legged race, the race that against violence, the piece loving race who doesnt even know how to create their own weapon, much less to fight. But they are gifted..

Which later be known as 'Magic' and they as 'Magicians'. Adding the fact that they've been trained under the guidance of Ylyasvil herself. They are bounded to be much stronger than the other race from this day onwards. But it wasnt one of them or they themselves who really etched its very name to the Annal of this World's History..

It is the.. God is what they called.

{A/N: I used 'it' for the suspense to my future plot}

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