
Entering at Dark Territory

As we travelled for another 16 days, we came at the very least. For the record, We travelled using Yuri as our transportation from the get go after leaving that Inn. And because this two girls need to fill their stomachs unlike me, we stopped over every now and then, or rather, our break is much longer than our journey because of their hungerness and craves for my cooking in the name of 'Roasting'. Well, I experimented to drop my leave's liquid when only Unice is my companion and was successfull as they really love it, so in instinct, I always did it in a form of *Cough* as I said, Roasting. I'm not a good cooked you know.

When we arrived, I didn't see the 'Hero' and her party but only their 'faint smell' which according to Yuri still lingered through the air. And it looks like they went to other place for an unknown reason. When we are about to enter, I saw a line thats almost erased because of dust and dirt covering it. When I stepped foot beyond it, 3 arrows flew in my face but was parried and dodge effortlessly.

"You dare to enter our territory! Another stepped and you all will beheaded!" said by an echoing voice beyond that dark territory, like that I care though.

"Tsk! Arrogant bastard, you dare threaten my master!?" Cried out by Yuri but I stepped forward again and swept her big body to my side. With that, not just arrow but Sword slash came in front of me like a wind was being sliced apart, Yuri covered us with aaahhh—♡ voice of her if she's enjoying it, Didn't I swept her just now? oh well she really enjoys it. Blood splattered from her thick skin fur but I grab sweep her body again like saying 'stand back' which intimidate her, but her eyes was saying—— oh well this girl is a pervert in and out. Thereafter, I walk forward again, of course the attacks didn't decrease but it grew instead as added by another arrow and slashes. 15, Yuri who has a strong sense of smell couldn't smell them all, she already informed me last time about the 'enemy' infront but couldn't count how many, I don't know why.

And with that, another relentless attacks unleashed and that voice of a woman, so it waa them. I grinned and dash forward.

And thus multiple screams at the boundary of dark territory could be heard miles away...

* * *

P.O.V. of Certain Amazon

Strong! Too strong! didn't even in my dream that a monster I should hunt is to be this strong!


A creature that visit inside our dark territory from time to time, like it was her playground. That time, I didn't know she's a woman disguise as a mythical creature. A creature that was stronger than the current dragons combine, and so our chief say. That was why, I, Ellen, Daughter of Vina and Morris receive a calling, 'Defeat the Fenrir that devastate our Territory' from our chief so I start my journey. When the time I leave from the tribe, I was only 12 years old and one of the Strongest Amazon at that time.

And now, I will return, months after my defeat to the said Creature. Yes, I was defeated like a toy. Me? Strongest? What a joke.

Feeling arrogant just because you're strong enough and at the very top of your tribe? heh.. I'm just like an Ant who doesnt know how big this world is, an Arrogant prick who doesn't know what true power means. And so when I was now inside of our territory, but with my preceptioin, percieved a strong Aura. An aura of a Hero —it was a way of our Tribe to deduce how strong our enemy is— and was about to enter our territory. Strong yet Gentle, but intimidating Aura. They're afraid to face it, a group of them who recieve the calling to protect out territory on that boundary. An Amazonian Scout.

They were afraid because of those aura, though, that aura came from only one person, its other member isn't that of a big deal.

And so, I have to warn them. That was why, I was the one who went out.

I warned them using Dual Slash. I don't have any intention to kill them from the start, so I will cancel it before they'll split into two but....

Was parried...

It was parried.

It was her..

That was her Aura. Those eyes, even though she knockedback because of my attack she was ready to attack at any given time, an Eye who wasn't afraid of death. My hands was shaking, I'm not in a mood to fight, so—


I slash the ground beneath me and warned them not to advance from that line. With trembling voice, I gulp and shouted while hiding my inner feelings, but my heart didn't stop pounding even after those.

Badump Badump—

I walk away and went inside before they make a move.

Inside this territory, your strong perception was useless, you dont know how strong or weak your enemy once you've step inside. So, I was praying after I enter...

Please... Please don't come inside...



And so I returned to our tribe and reported my Devastating defeat before the Fenrir.. I was lucky she didn't kill me, maybe because? Oh well.

And the Human Hero I encountered. She was strong, If we fight one versus one head-on, I don't know what will happen.. With those exchange, if I was the one on the receiving end, I'm the one who will slice apart.

Truth is, I forgot to cancel my skill because she parried it all. She parried lile all of those were nothing..

* * *

When we entered along with prisoners in wars.


They aren't, LMAO.. These guys were an Amazon Scout whose protecting their territory from the outside, not that they Neglect their job but, weak. They're too weak from what was running through my mind. Maybe I'll overrate them too much?

I made them unconcious and tie them all at the back of Fenrir. I have a guide to their tribe so...

Weird. Truth is, even though this territory isn't as beautiful as the world outside, but adding some fog and an unknown contaminated air. Nothing more than what was special here. That boundary made it become Henious beause of its unique Aura separaring the two territory. Sure, Monsters here are strong and thats only it. Nothing special like everyone was saying. So, if Zyra really entered here from another route, I dont have to be worried. She was strong afterall.




And so we arrived at Amazon Territory without any major hitch..

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