
The changes just keep coming

Man... What a training session.

We survived our 3 months of torture... And no I am not changing that word. That was what it was.

After that initial month we had our work cut out for us in trying to survive Popo.

We managed... But at some cost to our sanity.

We were all wondering where the heck Roshi was during the torture. He was apparently training with Kami alongside Chi chi... I couldn't imagine why... Traitor!

Thankfully Kami was a great therapist. What with him living with this living nightmare for over 400 years!

We all gathered ourselves and made it back to Goku and Chi chis house as a team to check our progress. And they all looked to me since I told them that I was able to tell and calculate the levels of our power and progress.

I went ahead and scanned everyone to see how well they had grown over the last few months of training.

Goku 607--> 785

Krillin 565--> 763

Piccolo 575 --> 760

Roshi 330 --> 420

Tien 390--> 512

Chiaotzu 302--> 412

Chi chi 352 --> 467

Yamcha 330 --> 486

I nod as I state how Piccolo, Goku, and myself had all managed to reach just past the half way point of the strength of the upcoming foe.

The others were wavering around a third to a fourth of their strength.

They all look to each other with determined looks knowing they had to push themselves harder to grow enough to fight this upcoming threat.

And with that in mind we began to meet here at the Son family home for 3 days every month to spar and train with each other.

We of course brought small portable houses. Courtesy of Bulma once we explained the situation.

She was happy we were spending so much time together as friends and she made an effort to come visit more often to check in with Chi chi to see how she was doing as well.

Man I had changed so much already. Gohan was now about 1 year old now and was about 27 power level. A powerful 1 year old.

We were all much stronger than in cannon. But we had one situation happen that was unexpected.

As we approached our third year of training together. Chi chi and Tien were sparring. When suddenly as she blocked a hard kick and wobbled hard. Harder than normal given her strength level.

Tien stopped the spar immediately and we all came over to check on her.

Gohan was being played with by Bulma and she carried him over.

We all asked her what was wrong before she looked at us with wide eyes and ran to the houses bathroom and barfed up hard.

Goku went in to check on her and we scratched our heads on what this could mean.

Goku came out with a wide happy smile and with a sheepish grin on his face.

I knew that look... I remembered that look! That means Chi chi was!

Goku confirmed my theory a moment later, "Hehe Chi chi is fine and she is resting. So no worries there Tien."

Tien visibly relaxed as he was worries that he hurt her or something during training.

Goku then continued, "Buuuuuut she is with child again... So... Surprise! We have our second child on the way!"

I chuckle while everyone claps and cheers.

Even Piccolo shows his rival some support in the way of a small smirk. I turn to him and give him the I'm watching you motion.

No way is he trying to brain wash Gokus children to his side by training them when they are young and impressionable. He grunts but gives me a non threatening smirk as well.

I'll take it. For him at his current mentality I might as well have just gotten a Goku megawatt smile.

But dang I wasn't expecting this change. But then a thought occured to me, "Wait Goku were you and Chi chi trying for a second kid?"

Goku smiles and nods before thinking, "Well maybe in a year or two. But I thought we were being careful. After all Chi chi made me always toss the condoms out before every session. She said thats how to ensure no babies are made."

We all look at him dumbfounded before looking at a very red Chi chi as she comes out after hearing the last part.

I cross my arms and give her the troll smile, "So... Tossing condoms PREVENTS children huh? Man I have been doing things wrong all this time I guess! What about you guys?"

Tien smiles and gets in on the joke, "Never mentioned that part in sex ed."

Chiaotzu shrugs.

Yamcha smirks and says, "I don't know. I didn't hear anything about that being the way to avoid children. But eh haven't been to school in about a decade or two so what do I know?"

Master Roshi just cackles wickedly.

Chi chi just gets redder and redder as we tease her. Meanwhile Goku is laughing as he did read a book on it to enhance his understanding. But he scoops Chi chi up into a hug and kisses her passionately.

She looks up at him stunned as he goes, "What ever we do? We do together. Besides I think Gohan will enjoy having a younger sibling to grow up with. I was hoping we could wait a year but we can manage with what we have now and make sure we win for both of them now."

Chi chi cries happily and hugs Goku close while she nods furiously.

We all awe at the scene. Piccolo gags and goes, "Just lay the egg. Why grow it in your body?"

I hand him the sex ed book.

He reads.

He throws it away after an hour with a horrified yell after reaching how the baby grows.

And he glares at me and yells out, "You will die first when I try to conquer earth!! Who draws that in such detail?!? I need to bleach my brain from that!!!"

I chuckle hard at that while everyone else knows he is venting and know he wasn't in the world domination mood right now.

Not after they had become good rivals and friendly sparring partners with the big green guy.

He yells out, "Who just thought about Big Green!!"

He charges up a ki blast and I fly off with him hot on my trail. I laugh all the way until we reach a wasteland for him to vent as we begin to fight. Hard.

The perfect stress relief and the perfect way to train. A pissed off Namekian.

I laugh in my head as we fight hard and long to make sure we work out all our strategies in a real time fight.

Then my ability comes back, Real life fights will help growth.

Huh... Something new to add to the plate of our training I guess.

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