

What would you do if the place you lived in a place which was made of pure gold? Like, Pure 100 percent genuine gold? Moreover, if the place that you lived in was an island about thousands and thousands of square km in area which was covered in pure gold from its trees to soil to the ground? One would get dizzy from the greed and bliss they felt whenever their eyes laid on the river of gold hugging them from all sides.

Before Rius died he always belived that money was not everything in this world and that it couldn't buy happiness no matter how it was valued. But his view on the value of money changed after he lived many lives, transmigrating from one person to another. To a certain extend money was able to buy happiness. As long as something brought joy to a person, be it delicious food, or expensive clothes, fairy tale like palaces, or a starving stomach a bread, money was able to buy happiness depending on the needs of people. Rius tasted the luxury of having money more than necessary so many lifetimes at the same time he also lived through lives where he was drowning in poverty, stripped off of food to eat.

Although with time he was always able to overcome it, he learnt an important lesson that money was a necessity although it wasn't everything, it meant something in everyone's life. And that having it was better than having none of it.

This was the reason why he requested that he and his family be born rich in their next life. However he never thought that his wish for luxury in his next life was beyond what he had asked for.

If he looked left, there was gold. If he looked right there was still gold. Everything around him was shimmering with gold and pure gold!! From the ground to the sand to the stones to the trees and its swaying leaves.

"Holy shit! We are filthy rich!" He exclaimed to himself as he walked around, surveying the area.

Around four years has passed ever since he was reborn in this world. Rius was now able to walk around and run at his own will with his two legs. Although it was a bit of a regret since he enjoyed his days as being a baby who had to do nothing but eat, sleep and poop.

To Rius, it came off as amazing how one of his past self's wish was also fulfilled. In the past around the time he started to work he would sometimes wonder how wonderful it would be to relive his infant years, living a life free of stress in pure bliss. To think that his desire to become a baby came true made him snort at himself for some reasons.

All kinds of crazy embarrassing moments of his past life came crashing down onto him as he explored the island far and wide. This island was obviously isolated from the rest of the world. The expanse of the bright sky and the blue ocean surrounded it from all sides.

Thinking of the ocean.... "There are no lakes or ponds on this island, although it is surrounded by ocean." Rius thought to himself. He wondered if there were a lake, would it be made of gold? Or would it be made of normal water? Looking at the outstretched view of the ocean, he pondered over an idea for a bit.

He flew up from the ground. Pointing his fingers towards the ground below, he carefully pulled out a huge landmass required to make a small lake. When he did this he noticed the inside of the soil was also shinning with golden particles. His eyebrow twitched at the sight. Slamming down the landmass on the ground, he refined the edges of the lake using magic. Once he was done he used magic to transport water from the ocean into the artificial lake he just made. When he did this, the water rose above, floating in the air as it made its way towards the lake. Once it was filled up with enough water, Rius cut off the magic connection manipulating the ocean water to rise at his command. After this, he used the landmass to build a little place by the lakeside where one could laze, sit around and drink tea.

Having magic was such a convenience. A work that would probably take longer in the human world was completed in just a few minutes. Just as he was thinking this to himself he felt someone appear behind him.

"Goodness, Rius, what are you doing?"

A sweet voice berated him softly as two slender arms lifted him off the ground. The smell of flowers immediately flooded his nose.

"Mom." Rius exclaimed as he laid obediently in his mother's arms. "I was making a lake since our island didn't have one."

"Goodness. Last time you made some strange moving objects, an amu or whatever park, and now a lake?"

"Mom, its called an amusement park." Rius corrected her in a nimble voice.

"Whatever it is, Rius you are too young to use these kinds of advance magic. You have to be very careful when using it, hm? How many times have I told you this?" As a mother, it was natural for her to be worried about her son's safety, who was turning only four this year.

"Sorry Mom. I am and will always be careful." Rius replied immediately, knowing it would end without a lecture if he accepted he was in the wrong first. After all his mother has always been a little bit overprotective of her children.

"There. There. Rimilia. Go easy on him. He is a child." When Rasheed said this to his wife, she side eyed him with a glare.

"I hope you don't spoil him rotten in the future. Goodness, honey. Please, Learn!!"

Rasheed could only sweat in silence, as he kept his mouth shut. The bittersweet temper of pregnancy was staring to kick off its effects again.

"Okay. Okay. Rimilia I was wrong! I was wrong!"

"It's a good thing you know when not to refute back!"

"Rimilia ahh! Babe....I was wrong....."

"Hmph!" With Rius still in her arms she left the lakeside. The little toddler held onto his mother quietly. Rasheed immediately followed like an obedient dog after his wife.

"Hehehe!" Rius smiled happily. Their little baby sister was making her way to this world. All his wishes has been fulfilled so far. So he was very content with this new life of his.

"Goodness. My Rius loves gold so much. Everytime he goes out, he is smitten by every single thing. For a child like him, this place must be a paradise." Rimilia couldn't help but think to herself as she sighed in silence.

A toddler's joy was not to be underestimated.

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