
I was reborn as a Cannon Fodder

Chu Hua realizes she has been living inside of a novel for 17 years when she discovers the secret dark side of the girl she likes. The novel was called 'Blood Garden' and resolved around a young highschool senior girl surviving in a haunted school. This senior was best friends with the minor BOSS until the start of the horror, since the minor BOSS had been affected mentally by one of the haunted school's monsters, making her lose control and become a ruthless two faced devil until her facade crumbled and died halfway through the novel going crazy. Before that, a dozen of students had died to her hand, including the character Chu Hua was playing. She was one of the MC's fans, the one who foolishly tried to reveal the villain's dark side and died horribly inside of the bathroom a few pages after the start of the novel. ''Even if i'm like this, I will not to hurt you.'' whispered the minor BOSS Hei Fan while Chu Hua rested in her arms. The 'sleeping' person fought with teeth and nails inside her heart not to tremble and let her red ears show. ''Chu Hua, I will do my best to protect you, just rest assured and hold my thigh as much as you want.'' the MC Hong Li and the villain found eachother's eyes as the first said those heartwarming words. Little Chu Hua could swear there were sparks of tension in the air as both her hands were held by both girls. 'Could I have...messed the script by accident?' --- The cover was made and drawn by me, don't steal it please.

Da_Hei_Tu · LGBT+
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

'Learning is interesting.'

An unexpected thought for a teenager, Chu Hua felt like if her classmates heard her they would look at her like at an ill person, 'too much homework damaged her head'- or something like that. It was literature after all, their Teacher was one of the most feared ones, she was actually nice despite her reputation, a little bit strict that is. At least Chu Hua was sure she was learning and Teacher made the lessons interesting.

There were just a couple of minutes left for break time. The black haired girl kept scribbling till the last second, then, as her classmates stood and started to go here and there, she walked towards the bathroom.

When she was about to pull the door open, the school ring sounded again through the walls startling Chu Hua. She looked around confused, it hadn't been 15 minutes yet, not even a whole damn minute had gone!

'Maybe it broke? Or someone pressed it to make fun of everyone.' she thought.

Chu Hua walked inside with a sigh, it was unexpectedly empty except for a lonely tall girl who was standing in front of the long bathroom's mirror. The bathroom was usually crowded the first break time, students even had to line up. Chu Hua disliked to go at the first ring since she would miss most of her free time in the line but there was no choice this once.

Her heart was thumping fastly as she watched the girl and her hands shook a bit tense.

Hei Fan seemed to be in a daze looking down at the candy in her hand and didn't pay attention to her small presence, her short hair that barely danced on the back of her head seemed a bit messy.

Chu Hua was about to walk past her, trying to avert her eyes from the figure she had been following for years with admiration and love, when the incesant ring stopped followed by many screams that made her blood feel cold.

She turned towards the door again, gulping. What could have made so many people scream like that?

A bad feeling crept from her spine as many loud sounds where heard, one after the other, people shouting, screechs, tables and chairs falling down.

The black haired girl froze as a hand stopped her arm from reaching towards the door. One could swear her soul ran away for a second before turning back in a rush when it realized the hand was from her crush Hei Fan. She spoke in low voice "Don't."

Chu Hua felt lost, for once the fear had overcome her silly love nervousness and calmed down a lot, but she wanted to know what was going on. It was a school, what could be so horrible for them not to go out? What if there was a fire?

So she insisted, trying to get out of the girl's death grip "We should see what's going on-" the other side finally showed her cold eyes while also grabbing Chu Hua by her waist and putting enough pressure to make her fall, imprisoning her to the ground.

The lips Chu Hua wished to kiss many times in the past opened slightly uttering a ''Be good.''

With only that short sentence Chu Hua's breath stopped due to many reasons and didn't dare to resist anymore. In the background, the loud noise could still be heard slowly going lower and lower until there was nothing more to hear after a couple of tortuous minutes. A dread smell entered the bathroom from the door.

Hei Fan finally freed her wrist and waist, allowing her to incorporate. Chu Hua's butt was hurting, 'our third close interaction and all I feel is pain and fear, why am I so unlucky??' she cried in her heart until a low muttering voice spoke near her.

''That butt-brain Hong Li must be helping her dog underlings already and playing hero. This first phase is too much troublesome.''

Chu Hua, ''....''

'Uh?' Chua Hua watched the girl in awe 'What happened with my sweet well spoken Hei Fan? What is this about Hong Li, dogs and phases? Huh???'

Just right then the short girl felt her head being struck by an arrow, memories of novels she had read in a past life, the world she had been living in since she could remember suddenly felt distant. Her forehead sweated lightly as the milky skin started to switch between shades of green and blue.

'This place is-'

Hi hi~

This is my first time writing GL and on top of that trying something 'sweet' and with hints of comedy. I hope y'all have mercy of this poor me.

Oh, my first language is not english so if there's any gramm error feel free to tell me as I've also been reading a little bit too much translated novels my head has forgotten a bit about normal speech ㅎ-ㅎ. So, for the sake of this sweet horror I decided to try and use the kind of writing I tend to read.

I'm not used to writing something not serious, and I mean it. I can't help but overthink about everything which tends to end with me not finishing anything I write, I worry too much about if it's good, makes sense or is boring. That's why I decided to try something light.

I will do! my best! to update! weekly!

Da_Hei_Tucreators' thoughts