
If You Want To Get Stronger Ditch The Levels And Increase Your Ranks.

I fell down as Mr. Richard somehow managed to do something that caused the ball to backfire and hit the demon.

"Ugaaah!" Was heard behind the large ball of energy as the demon decentegrated. The ball exploded into a white mist of pure mana which was strange as it had only malevolent energy before.

Flare came rushing to check on me since I was seriously injured, I had done a seriously crazy thing without any concern for the thought of what if we survived it what state would I be in.

"Are you ok?" She asked after she had sat down on the ground next to me. 

"I'll be Ok, after all we have a healer." I said to reassure her.

No need to feel sorry about little old me. An idea suddenly popped into my mind as I began grinning evilly on the inside, I pretended to get a sudden pain on my head as I held my head with my burnt hands only for my hands to begin roasting my head.

I turned on the ground with my hands holding my head up so that she would think I was hurt but I wasn't. Her face dis-contorted into fear.

"Stop turning, it'll only make things worse." She whispered softly.

She held my head up and put it on her tender thighs, this would've been perfect. I could've enjoyed it. But my hands began burning up. They were seriously roasting.

"For the fucking love of god isn't there a fucking healer in the vicinity she should heal me before I die!" I yelled out.

She was shocked, very shocked. I think. So shocked that she immediately rushed to call the healers, not caring that my head was still on her lap as she rushed to call the healer.

"God For Fucks Sake Don't You Know My Head Is Fragile! Do you want my brain to explode because of your carelessness don't you know I am fragile." I yelled out.

Pain really makes you go crazy! Especially after you try to hold baxk something as big as a super spirit bomb from killing you and then you find out your efforts were completely useless because someone who was much more stronger than you came and did all the work your sorry ass couldn't accomplish.

And then you are seriously injured.

Wait, what is happening to my consciousness. Why is my vision fading? 

[Warning! User is losing consciousness.]

Danger! User has lost consciousness}


(2 months later)

I woke up with a jolt I looked around in shock as I wasn't anywhere I recognized. I was in a room decorated with gold that was overflowing with mana, it had some portraits of the king and the queen.

I wasn't on any kind of battlefield, this didn't even look like anywhere that had been destroyed. Why was there gold where there was supposed to be blood, destruction and a demon.

Or maybe this is heaven, I probably died. This is probably a waiting room in heaven, heaven is the only place where it would be full of gold. Wait, WTF is Flare doing in heaven.

Why is she sitting next to my bed when she is supposed to be in her own waiting room, now I am certain I can't be in heaven. Why would God hang his own portrait in a waiting room, unless he is a big narcissist?

Hmm… I think I saw those people on the portraits a lot, had I been seeing God often? I don't think so. Maybe I did, we talked about where I was supposed to be reincarnated and he sent me there but I probably agreed to forget the whole conversation.

Oh yeah. Those people are the king and queen of this continent, I saw them all the time at those meeting where they talked about stuff I would rather not remember.

"Princess Flare." I shook her to wake her up, "you can wake up now." Her sleep filled eyes looked up and then she stared at me, as if I was a ghost and then slapped herself to confirm it wasn't a dream.

"Jason, you're awake!" She cried out in joy.

"What do you mean I'm awake? I probably fainted for an hour or two but that doesn't mean I wouldn't wake up for months." I said confused.

In classic movies and animes that I have watched, this behavior occurs from the heroine when the hero has been out for hours and is just waking up from a seemingly long sleep.

"I thought you would never wake up, you were in a coma for two whole months!" She said shocked as she inspected me to see if there were any faults.

'I am doomed… My ears will die.'

"Does my sister know about it?" I asked.

The princess just nodded her head and went back to inspecting.

She just didn't get things, this was something a couple was supposed to be doing when his or her love was in coma for a long time. But it isn't her fault, I am her first friend. Her best friend. And she was endowed but mostly behaved like a tomboy, when tomboys were supposed to be smaller.

She just spent years practicing battle that she forgot to learn the basics of fantasy, and god even after 3 years using the term fantasy to describe reality was the same as using reality to describe fantasy in my own world which was kind of confusing.

Something was smelling in this room, the smell was so disgusting that I could throw up from just the mere thought of it.

"What stinks in this room?" I asked her.

"Its you." She said without a care for what it would do for my morale.

"You mean I haven't even gotten showered nor had a change of clothes for two months?" I asked just to be clear.

She nodded.

"Okay! I am going to have a bath." I declared, I tried to get up but my body wasn't responding.

I guess the maids of these household didn't know that if the guest couldn't bathe himself he needed assistance.

Even if it will erect a lot of screams. (See what I did there.)

She stood up from the chair she was sitting on and was about to leave then she paused at the door for some seconds and before turning back and removed something from her pocket.

"Your master sent a letter to you a month ago." She said. "Should I read it out loud?"

"Yes." Was my reply.

Dear Jason,

I do not have time for any of these introductory nonsense so I will just cut right to the chase.

The heroes, including you are the weakest pair of individuals I have seen in my lifetime, you spent too much times on your level instead of increasing your levels. I am sure you have checked my level sometime ago and saw it was in the 80's.

If I had focused on levels I would probably at level 200 but it still wouldn't matter, the rankings are the most important skill for an individual.

I am at the top of my game because I increased my all round martial arts instead of my levels.

I have already explained this to you and the others before so this is where the letter ends, the others are still training with me as a last resort incase you heroes die.

There is nothing more I can teach you as the rest is meant for you to find out by yourself.

 Your Master


P.s Do not read this infront of the royal family.

It took a while to digest the info that had just arrived, Flare explained to me that last week he had come to check up on me. Then the heroes challenged him to a fight and all lost.

So he explained why they should use the rankings instead of levels.

Now the hero of guns was aiming to increase his shot power and his accuracy, and his reloading time.

Flare had started martial arts and was the Martial Apprentice 4th rank.

The hero of healing was at the Beginner Mage 1st rank.

The hero of archery worked to increase the number of time it takes him to get a shot, also he increases his archery.

They brought some food for me to eat and after that I had some rest. Even after I just woke up from a coma and last was supposed to be the last thing I needed.

But this was fantasy.

The logic is crazy.


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