
I was Forced to Become a Teacher at a Prestigious Fighting School

In 2056, technology has advanced. Humans no longer need to fear death. Every time they hurt they would regenerate quickly. A battle between magic and sword was born out of their fearlessness. Anyone can clash their weapons and magic in the arena. A fighter named Rasyid, he is very strong but doesn't want other people see his true strength for some reason. His brother, Rizki, who saw Rasyid's behavior, sent Rasyid to the most prestigious fighter school in the entire Nation, even though he used an insider to register him. Rizki hopes that Rasyid will gain an important experience if he becomes a teacher there. CMIIW at writing a words or sentences. My english still bad, but i want to improve it by write this story.

Kepo_Emp · Urban
Not enough ratings
176 Chs

Episodes 91. Restless Blonde

"What I ordered was clear. Now, get ready!" Haran commanded with a firm voice.

The teachers who were still present in the classroom stood up and took their positions, ready. "Ready to proceed!" They sat back down after answering.

As someone new here, I could only follow along without fully understanding what I was actually doing. From the moment I arrived until now, all I've done is follow the lead of the other teachers.

"Now, the students are in their classrooms waiting for us to call them. For the teachers whose classes are called, please come and pick them up to be taken to the Tyas family's Palace," Haran explained.

The dimly lit room made me increasingly uncomfortable over time. It wasn't because I was afraid of the dark. It's just that the dark atmosphere, illuminated only by the light from the digital board in front, made my eyes slightly blurry.

"Is it time to get glasses now?" I pondered silently.

"Alright, let's not keep the students waiting any longer. Let's shuffle the classes!" Haran pressed the 'Shuffle' button on the digital board.

Class names began to shuffle. On the screen, there were two sections: one for the attacking team and one for the defending team.


The shuffling system stopped. The classes that would be competing and defending were now determined.

"Oh, this is a bit surprising." I wasn't sure if this was just a coincidence. It must be the work of that person. My eyes now flatly stare at the chubby, elderly figure beside Haran.

"The shuffling is done. The match between 1st Year Physics 1 and 1st Year Magic 4 has been set! 1st Year Physics 1 will be the attacking team, while 1st Year Magic 4 will be the defending team. Now, for the teachers who teach the respective classes. Please go out and pick them up and take them to their destination!" (Haran)

His throat was so loud. I wasn't even sure if I could say all that without taking a breath.

After hearing that, I became the only one standing in the room because Ryan was on another task.

As I prepared to move, something happened.

"Stop right there!" A teacher from 2nd Year Physics 5 stood up and halted my steps.

A woman with yellow hair, though called blonde. Someone who used to be one of my older siblings' ex-girlfriends. She was also a one-sided rival with Erika. She's Fredrica Kumala.

In this dark room, she dared to stop my steps and slow down the exam process.

What is this woman thinking?!

But looking at the surrounding teachers, they seemed to be doing nothing, just watching the two of us sadly.

What is really happening?

"You, Rasyid Londerik. You haven't officially returned from your duty-free period, have you?" (Fredrica)

What does she mean?

I've already met both of their parents, and we've already signed the letter.

So why? Why is this person still being stubborn?

Wait, when I was absent, there must have been a teacher who replaced me. Could it be...

When I realized that, my eyes slowly closed, and I looked at the ceiling of the room.

"Why are you silent? Are you deaf? Fine, then I will explain it to you, CLEARLY!" Fredrica began to take a breath.

She's going to talk a lot until my ears and those who are here are over capacity.

She really is a nuisance.

"At this moment, your class, 1st Year Physics 1, is temporarily under my authority! So right now, the one who should go is me, not you who just returned from duty-free!" She shouted at me.

Her voice was loud enough to be in this quiet and dark room. Not only loud but also quite sharp. This is the first time I've felt hurt because of someone's words.

"..." As usual, it's not my skill to argue with an over mad opponent. I can't speak further.

"Fredrica... Are you still going to rant?" Haran, who noticed Fredrica's foolish behavior, tried to calm her down.

"Huh?! Of course I can, you are the one who appointed me as the replacement, right?! You are also the one who said that he (pointing towards me) can only return to his class after the official handover with me!" Fredrica insisted.

She insisted on trying to obstruct me. Does she hate me that much? Even though I'm just the younger sibling of that foolish older sibling.

I'm not surprised. She has hated me that much since we first met. There's no way her hatred for me would just disappear without one of us trying to talk to each other.

Haran, hearing the stubborn woman's nonsense, could only sigh and shake her head. She felt foolish for saying that to Fredrica.

"Well then... if you want the official handover. Then why don't you just fight right now?" Haran suggested.

"A-a FIGHT?! I would clearly lose if I fight with this monster?!" Her words pierced my heart even deeper.

Seriously, why is this happening? I feel hurt just by someone's words. Normally, I wouldn't mind. But now I'm hurt just by that?

"Monster, huh?" Haran smirked at me.

She knows how strong I am. Haran, who has fought me before, already knows that. She couldn't even win.

"What if we do it like this?!" Haran raised both her hands as if challenging the two of us. "Rasyid..." Haran called my name softly.

I looked at Haran at her call. "...What?" There was a gang before I could really answer.

"You (pointing at me)... With Fredrica... Have to have a Pocky eating contest!" Haran's previously smooth voice suddenly turned loud.

"Ha?!" The entire room was shocked by Haran's suggestion. They seemed incredulous that the former champion who is now the runner-up would say something like that.

"Why you recommend that?!" Fredrica, who had a stubborn look on her face earlier, suddenly blushed.

"Why Haran, isn't there any other option besides that?" One of the teachers in front asked.

"What else can I do?! I've thought of competitions that suit the two of them, but none of them fit!" (Haran)

"At first, I wanted to try the usual fighting match! But after remembering Rasyid's strength, I immediately canceled it! Want to compete in speed, but now there's not enough time to prepare! Then what else to compete in besides what I chose?!" Haran shouted like a child, even though she was old.

"Besides, this competition doesn't rely on Anitya's or Pageblug's power at all! So this is a fair and balanced competition!" (Haran)

"Then? How is the winner determined?" Samuel raised his hand.

"It's simple, if one of them blushes. Then the blushing one loses! The competition is done 3 times, if one of them wins 2 times then the competition will be considered over!"

Fredrica, hearing that, could only remain silent while blushing like a tomato. She was crushed by her own actions.

I, who was pierced by her words earlier, suddenly made a satisfied smile. Now luck is on my side.

"Alright! I accept it! But remember, I won't agree to do this again!" She said, taking the Pocky from Haran's table in front and facing them.

Fredrica immediately took a bite of the Pocky and offered it to me.

'Oi oi oi! Is she doing this like a pro?!' Is she already used to this situation?!

Fredrica seems to be feeding me right now. What will I choose? Take it or eat it?

'Eat it, anyway, chances like this don't come twice.' I know what am I doing.

With that, I bit the Pocky where Fredrica had bitten.

When I looked into her eyes, Fredrica restrained herself from blushing. She kept trying to shorten the Pocky stick.

Actually, according to the rules, there's no need to eat it, maybe because she's a pro. That's why she reflexively eats.

The other teachers watched us both intensely. We both looked like a long-term couple.

I'll bear this embarrassment, as long as I haven't felt anything like this before. I won't die.

"Could call Dahlia now~..."

"Someone is cheating right now!!!"

"Wow, it seems like they both enjoy it..."

"Rasyid found his opportunity really well..."

Whispers from the teachers could be heard from here. I don't mind, but Fredrica, who is right in front of me, seems to mind.

When she realized the words from them, she blushed and fainted in just one round.

Haran, who became the referee between us, looked down at the fainted Fredrica. "Fredrica faints. The winner is Rasyid!"

"Hooray!" The teachers suddenly became excited, congratulating me.


What was that just now? Why did it turn out like that? I just wanted to go back to my students.

The match didn't work as the rule says. Fredrica fell unconscious and the match couldn't be continued. So I was the winner.

I, who was already outside the room, now walked towards my classroom to teach.


Someone suddenly landed in front of me from above, right in front of me. When I looked up, he had apparently come down from the watch tower. 

"Yo asshole, it seems like our classes will be fighting each other." Ryan grinned mockingly, extending his hand towards me.

"Yeah, loser, but look! My class will win!" I clenched my fist towards his outstretched hand.

It's been a long time since I felt this. Ryan and I talked together like cousins like we used to. Calling each other assholes and losers as nicknames.

My world is slowly returning.