
I was Forced to Become a Teacher at a Prestigious Fighting School

In 2056, technology has advanced. Humans no longer need to fear death. Every time they hurt they would regenerate quickly. A battle between magic and sword was born out of their fearlessness. Anyone can clash their weapons and magic in the arena. A fighter named Rasyid, he is very strong but doesn't want other people see his true strength for some reason. His brother, Rizki, who saw Rasyid's behavior, sent Rasyid to the most prestigious fighter school in the entire Nation, even though he used an insider to register him. Rizki hopes that Rasyid will gain an important experience if he becomes a teacher there. CMIIW at writing a words or sentences. My english still bad, but i want to improve it by write this story.

Kepo_Emp · Urban
Not enough ratings
176 Chs

Episodes 90. Prologue for Siege Battle

In the current teacher's room, the teachers are sitting in a dark room illuminated only by a digital board in front of them.

What they are doing there is to evaluate the students who will compete in the siege battle later.

Almost every area of the siege battle arena is equipped with cameras. From the sky to every corner of Tyas Palace. They will monitor the students for any cheating actions.

"What's the situation in the battle area?" Bahar, who is standing in front of the room, speaks to his partner.

"I can assure you, they're stable. All anti-scuff and magic cameras have been installed in every corner. This way, we can fully monitor them," Haran, the partner, discusses the current situation.

"What if there are kidnappers causing trouble?" Xander, sitting in the corner and in the second seat from the front, raises his hand.

"You don't need to worry because I've made sure that Princess Tyas Anjani's guard team is still active," Haran's sly smile flies towards the prince.

"But weren't they deactivated because their leader is currently left?" Fredrica raises her hand to question. "Just yesterday, during the flag retrieval exam, I didn't feel the presence of the guards at all, and I even saw Xander betting money with one of the guests," she adds.

No one is surprised to hear the words 'betting money', or rather they already know and don't care. For the teachers, such matters are the personal affairs of the individuals involved. No hands should be involved.

Haran, slightly annoyed by the indirect insult from that blonde woman, shows a smile accompanied by a '#' sign on her forehead.

"Oh, Fredrica, why do you make a fuss over such a trivial matter? Isn't that a common thing?!"

"N-no, I-I just feel that as a guard, that is unnecessary..." With just that smile, Fredrica, who had tried to indirectly insult the princess's guards, is immediately silenced.

Haran's eyes narrow at the woman, her sly smile sharpening with satisfaction. "If you have nothing more to say, then I will continue."

The teachers fall silent, and the dark room seems empty. They are all afraid of the checkmate's statement from the woman's slippery mouth.

"Okay, it seems there's nothing more to ask. So, those of you still selected as Princess Tyas's guards, go out and take your positions! Make those kidnappers scared to even show a strand of their hair in front of us!" Haran's booming voice makes the tables in the room shake.

"YES MA'AM!" Shortly after hearing her command, the 9 selected teachers leave the room and prepare to take their positions.

There are now only 15 people left in the class if you count Haran and Bahar standing in front of them.

"Just 15, huh? It's so quiet..." Bahar gazes at the empty seats left by their owners.

"Well, what can we do? It's their duty as teachers. If they make mistakes, what happened to that new teacher will happen again," Haran says.

"Even so, I'm just worried that the teachers who are serving as supervisors won't be able to give extra points to their students..." Bahar starts to whisper.

What Bahar is talking about now is how teachers always give extra points when evaluating their own classes. But if there are some teachers absent because they are guards, then it's impossible for them to do that.

"Don't worry, even if there are teachers who do that, their grades won't change..." Haran replies to Bahar's whisper.

Their voices are loud even though they are whispering. They seem to be doing this deliberately to be heard by the teachers who are doing that. As if they are subtly insulting them.

"Ahem..." Bahar and Haran return to their original positions.

Bahar's eyes again turn to the tables of the teachers. His eyes notice something sad.

"Uh, um, Samuel?" He calls the man.

"Yes, sir?"

"Are you the only one in that row?" Pointing to the row from class 1 Physics. There's only Samuel sitting there alone without anyone else.

Answering the question, Samuel stands up and says, "As you know, the teacher of class 1 Physics 1 is currently on free duty, the teachers of classes 1 Physics 2, and 3 are serving as Princess Tyas's guards, while the teacher of class 1 Physics 5 seems to be absent..."

"Absent, you say?!" Bahar shouts, his eyes wide open. "How could that be? What is that woman thinking, trying to be late at a time like this?!"


Shortly after cursing the absent teacher's name, a high-heeled shoe lands on the man's big foot.

"Ouch!" Bahar turns his head to the culprit next to him, but she just smiles casually, crossing her arms as if nothing happened. "What are you doing...?" His voice is laced with questioning towards the woman.

"I don't know, maybe it's a reflex from seeing your stupidity?" Haran replies.


"You told me early in the morning that the teacher had been welcomed back here. And as fellow teachers, she must be picking her up!" Haran reprimands the old teacher.

But that doesn't make sense, that's what Bahar thinks now. "What does Erika have to do with that teacher that she has to pick him up?"

Hearing Bahar's question, Haran tries to dismiss it. But her intention stops for a reason.

In her heart, she thinks: 'Why do I have to stand next to someone who never pays attention?!' A clear regret is written on her mind and face.

Not long after the two people in front of them argued a little, ignoring the teachers in front of them, a knock on the door is heard by them.


The door is knocked and immediately opened by the knocker.

"Sorry, we're late!" She clasps her hands together and gestures towards the remaining teachers as a sign to say sorry.

"We?" Zarbeth, who is sitting at the back and near the door, raises her right eyebrow.


I walked into the room after Erika allowed me.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry I'm late. There was an important matter I had to deal with first," I say, holding my chest with my right hand.

Even though it's only been a day, it feels like I've been away from this room for more than a year.

For me, this school is like my home. If I'm not here for a day, I might feel restless because of it.

But for weekends, I'll overlook it. Because I consider it an exception.

Finally, I feel this air again.