
Chapter 2: This Place Is Huge

Chapter Start!

Hmm, Just where did that butler go? I swear he was around this part of the field. But then again I was hiding for about ten minutes. Hmm, I'll go check by the entrance to the mansion then.

"He better be over here." Liam walks around the entrance, eyes wondering.

His gaze is focused on the doors and endless halls around the courtyard and entrance.

"This place is huge." Liam stares at the building.

Somebody runs towards him. Long brown hair and pink eyes.

"Master Liam, are you lost?" A young pretty maid says to Liam.

Liam recognizes her appearance.

"Well, I- Wait... Phoebe!?" Liam says just realizing that the pretty maid had to be Phoebe, the main lead to "Kiss me, My Love".

"Uh. Master Liam.., I don't remember introducing my name to you but whatever you need I will help with." Phoebe says in a slightly concerned tone.

Oh, that's right they haven't met yet. How could I be so stupid? They are supposed to meet late in the night romantically. But look what I've gone and done! My small head has got me into a situation like this. But let's think, priorities first! The butler!

"I'm looking for butler View have you seen him?" Liam asks in a calm tone.

"Oh, he was just walking near your study Master," Phoebe says as she points in the direction of the study. She then blushes and grabs her pointing finger in embarrassment as it is improper to point as a maid.

Liam tilts his head.

"Well whatever, I'm going to go then. Say why don't you come to meet me in the courtyard later?" Liam says with a smile then walks off in the direction of the study.

"That's strange. I've never seen Liam smile before. He always had a cold aura. I've been here for two weeks too. I guess you can't tell how a person is just from two weeks." Phoebe leaves the entrance of the mansion and heads off to other duties.

She said the study would be around here… but I'm already lost! How can one person navigate this large place? This is a real pain. I really should've been a random farm girl. Being Liam isn't as nice as it appears. Sigh~

Liam looks at the reflection in the window next to him.

"But my looks aren't half bad, I mean those dark green eyes and that jet black hair. I could get a harem of girls with these looks." Liam smirks.

The noble girl from before stares at the spectacle for a second upon walking into such a situation. Liam feels her eyes on his back and turns over. They make eye contact.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry again!" The noble girl runs off blushing.

I swear I better stop with this. This is going to become a really bad fetish if I don't stop. That poor girl had to witness my actions twice today! If I am going to die again, it will probably be of embarrassment.

Just at that moment Butler View turns down the hall corner and notices Liam.

"Master Liam there you are, I was looking for you." Butler View says while noticing how Liam looks a bit lost.

"Master you don't seem to be okay after that fall I think we should go see a doctor." Says Butler View worriedly.

Oh no. I mean it should be fine. I don't think it should hurt to go to a doctor. But this is showing that my actions are slipping up. I have got to get into the character of the true Liam Shiver. Otherwise, I might not survive here…

In bed now, waiting for the doctor to arrive in very deep thought, is Liam.

Trying to act as Liam would normally be a real pain. That is considering my personality. I barely am ever cold to anyone. But let's see... the only ones Liam truly hated were his father and practically everything so...Argh! How am I supposed to act?

If I think about it Liam would often shrug everyone off. He was one of those guys who warm up after meeting their "true love" but unfortunately for him he gets rejected by that "true love". The rejection makes him extremely antisocial and he locks himself in his room. Then Phoebe and the perfect prince boy get to live happily ever after...

Hey, I got it now! If I can get inside Liam's head properly... I think the reasons why Liam acts the way he does may be added up suffering from others. After all, he was mistreated as a child. I might be able to pull this off! Maybe.

The doctor enters the room. Butler View enters with him.

"I am Dr. Cloud, I've come to check on your condition." Dr. Cloud announces.

"Alright just do as you need then," Liam responds.

I think I'm going to have to increase the cold attitude as I get used to it. Sigh~

"Yes, I shall." Dr. Cloud begins pulling out equipment from his bag.

He uses a strange tool to check Liam's pulse. Then the doctor places his hand on Liam's forehead and nods his head.

"It's not an issue, There are no signs of a concussion or irregular pulse." The doctor says as he puts all the equipment back into the bag.

"That is fortunate, Master Liam had been a bit confused after that fall but it seems that all is fine." butler View says to the doctor.

"Then, I shall take my leave." Dr. Cloud begins to leave.

"I shall see you out." Butler View follows the doctor and sets something down on the bedside table.

What is that? It looks like an orb. I suppose this would happen to be the power of the cursed? In the novel only those who are cursed use magical tools. I had almost forgotten that Liam's father had dealings with cursed people.

[Cursed people are cursed by the Dark Queens' touch. The neighboring country, known as the Dark empire, harbors curses and mysterious power unknown to the country Liam lives in Tivoli. The kingdom of Tivoli doesn't use curses, as they are illegal. But Liam's father Lord Shiver doesn't seem to abide by that law.]

I wonder what that orb does. I bet it's monitoring me in some way. I wonder if it can monitor my voice? I should speak my thought too much then. I don't have any memory of this happening in the novel. This is starting to go off-script...

Liam looks out of the window and into the courtyard below. He sees Phoebe nervously waiting for something.

Oh no, I forgot! I have to meet up with Phoebe! I have to undress out of these clothes I've been in and into some clean clothes!

Liam opens the large closet and begins to dress casually. Liam figures nothing could go wrong if he just says he going on a night stroll. Even if butler View tries to stop him there would be no good reason.

Gosh~ There are so many buttons on this shirt!

He finishes putting on the outfit and walks out of the door. The orb glows blue the turns back to its clear color.

Chapter End!

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