

I am Amalia, I live in Tokyo I am twenty years old now at twelve o'clock at night at this time everyone is supposed to be sleeping so I quietly got out of my room and crept out of that rusty door Our financial condition is bad but my condition can be considered good because I work part-time and make money to buy my favorite manga Alon Peace, yes, yes, you may say that I am selfish and the same, but really, I am not entitled to enjoy this short life

"Protect my dear sister, where are you going at this late night?" *My seventeen-year-old little sister said with a wicked and malicious smile appearing on her face *

'Damn that evil one revealed me'

"Let me guess I'm going to your usual selfishness to buy those trifles" *She said bored *

I got angry at what he described as trivialities, but I decided to close the eyes to this in order to escape this problem

"Hmm, please my dear sister, can I go, they are" *I said the most kind expression I could muster *

"No, I will not leave you except ..."

"Here what are you talking about "

"Unless you allow me to use the computer you have, you know that you are the only one with such things "

"What will you use it for? "

*I said with suspicion, I do not want to enter into legal cases *

"Of course, to listen to the new BTS song "

I looked at her with disdain and Brasy's mother-in-law

And I ran excitedly, even though I could notice everyone looking at me like I was a crazy girl. Well, I don't deny that.

I arrived to pick up my favorite manga and threw the money at the table near the worker without seeing him

After I sat near the store, I read all the manga and was disappointed that it ended well, okay, it's not the last anyway.

I had a little money left I was planning to eat with it, but today is my sister's birthday, I think I will be generous and give her a gift

Hmm what you like?


If I am going to show her a huge picture of one of her people, I think she will be happy with that

I took a huge picture of one of them and was surprised that its price is all I have, but no matter how beautiful life is

I handed over my money to the worker while I was crying internally while I carefully held the photo so that no fan would steal it

I kept walking until I met a strange girl

It was clear that she was a fan of the group, she was wearing a shirt with the same person in the picture that I have and she had tattoos all over her body as if she was screaming that she was a crazy fan. I was afraid of her. She was looking at me as if she was eating

She unconsciously ran away from her, pursued me and knocked me dow

"Damn, bitch, what do you want from me? "*I said with fear And angered *

"It is I want the masterpiece that is in your hands "

'I will not give her my sister's gift even if I am afraid of her '

"Go buy yourself "

"Oh but I can't afford it "*She put a knife on my neck *

I looked around and couldn't find anyone. We were in an alley. I don't know where

"Relief "*I shouted out loud *

I was frightened and tried to shut me up

A policeman came from behind her and shouted at her

"You stop it "

To her dismay, I took the knife away and her hand trembled, and the knife fell into my stomach

She cried with tears and regret in her eyes

"Although I hate you, but if you regret it, send this picture to Ronnie Sloan, she lives in Alley No****"

Ummat with her head and tears falling on my wound and stinging me more

"See you .... in ... hell ... bitch ... stupid "

And I closed my eyes while screaming like a fool

I found myself and came to him in a warm environment, and I tried to move, but there was a soft wall preventing me from moving

'where am I ?'

'Am I in Hell'

'Hell cannot be warm and comfortable this way '

I heard strange sounds from outside and felt that someone was hitting me from outside

Hmmm, it looks like I was reincarnated while I'm in my mother's stomach

But the hell is still inside, and I hit that damn that I will kill when I get out

I felt sleepy and let myself fall asleep

I am still at the beginning of writing so I hope you will alert me to my mistakes as well as English is my second language so you may find some mistakes

lalipoplalepopcreators' thoughts
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